Civilized vs. Savage Essay Sample

“The universe is made up of two classes—the huntsmans and the huntees. Luckily you and I are the huntsmans ( Connell 10. ) ” In Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game” you see that it is enriched with such great life value which is why I love this short narrative. Now the inquiry is. was this short narrative to entertain us and bury our problems of the universe or does it typify a true significance of life? Literary fiction can be interpreted in so many ways depending on the person’s past experience. merely as song wordss can be interpreted depending on our life experience. The manner I interpreted the lesson of the narrative was you can non judge person until you have been in their places. This short narrative besides plays the life function of civilisation versus savagery.

What surprises me is that this short narrative was published on January 19. 1924. That was six old ages subsequently after World War I ended. Is this why Richard Connell ties in civilisation versus savagery in the narrative? World War I started because of clangs between the Great Powers. In “The Most Dangerous Game. ” General Zaroff and Rainsford are both powerful game huntsmans. They end up disagreeing because each adult male has a different definition of game. For illustration. “I have Electricity. We try to be civilized here. ” “Civilized and you shoot down work forces? ( Connell 18 ) ” The dry thing about Rainsford stating that is he becomes a barbarian himself ; merely like General Zaroff. Rainsford at first is the huntsman. and so becomes the hunted and eventually the huntsman once more ‘killing’ off general Zaroff. “I am still a animal at bay ( Connell 28 ) ” This peculiar quotation mark machinations me as it has such a obscure significance to me. Does Rainsford intend he might be an carnal interior but Civilization plays a large function in this because both parties are stranded on one Island far from the metropolis and society. Normally when there is non much human contact. the individual tends to go ‘savage’ like. From what I learned from this is that civilisation is the cardinal to peace. stableness and felicity.

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“Perhaps the Jaguar does? ” “Bah! They’ve no understanding “Even so I think they understand one thing—fear. The fright of hurting and the fright of decease ( Connell 10 ) ” As I explained in my first paragraph. I interpreted the narrative as you can non judge person until you have been in their places. Be empathic and non sympathetic. Sympathy is experiencing sorry for the individual without cognizing how they feel and empathic is understanding the state of affairs they are traveling through. The quotation mark I put supra is a great illustration because Rainsford didn’t feel sorry for the animate beings he hunted. He merely assumed what he knew because he’s merely been seeing it from his position but one time he was the one being hunted down by General Zaroff. he knew the huntee’s position. I’m still a small disconcerted about if Rainsford’ would follow General Zaroff’s footfalls in runing worlds.

Work Cited

Connell. Richard. “The Most Dangerous Game. ” Perrine’s Story and Structure: An Introduction to Fiction. 13th erectile dysfunction. Ed. Thomas Arp and Greg Johnson. Boston: Cengage. 2012. 9-27. Print.
