Difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web Essay Sample

Categorized under Technology | Difference between Internet and World Wide Web The Internet is the term used to place the monolithic interconnectedness of computing machine webs around the universe. It refers to the physical connexion of the waies between two or more computing machines. The World Wide Web is the general name for accessing the Internet via HTTP. therefore WWW. anything. com. It is merely one of the connexion protocols that are available in the cyberspace and non the lone 1. When you refer to the cyberspace. you are mentioning to the hardware connexions. It is made up of the computing machines. overseas telegrams. routers. switches. repeaters. and many more that make up the full web. It is the physical bed on which multiple protocols are in usage to ease informations all around the universe. Some of the protocols that are running on the cyberspace might non be every bit popular as the WWW but for certain most of us have used these protocols one manner or another.

Email applications do non do usage of the WWW to convey informations over the cyberspace since they have their ain protocol known as SMTP. POP. and IMAP. IP Phones that are used to do calls over the cyberspace have their ain VoIP protocols and have no demand for the WWW. The World Wide Web is merely another application that runs on top of the cyberspace. Waiters house web sites which you can see with the usage of your browser utilizing the HTTP protocol. You can so shop through the site via Hyperlinks that take you from one page to another and even to pages on another site. It is a really common error for most people to handle the cyberspace and WWW as if they were interchangeable. although it can be argued that the WWW is the most popular method of utilizing the cyberspace. Whenever you are utilizing an cyberspace browser. it is likely that you are accessing the WWW. You can look into if you are by look intoing on the reference saloon and see if hypertext transfer protocol or hypertext transfer protocol is listed foremost. If you see FTP or any other acronym in at that place. you are non on the World Wide Web. Summary:

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1. The Internet is corporate name of all the devices that consist the planetary web 2. The World Wide Web is a common name for HTTP which is one of the protocols running on the Internet 3. There are other services that are running on the Internet aside from the WWW 4. The Internet and the World Wide Web are non synonymous although most users treat them as such.
