Digital Native vs. Digital Immigrants Essay Sample

Today’s kids process the universe in a new manner. They are surrounded by engineering. For illustration. a household sits for dinner. In the past the household members would pass on with one another. In today’s digital age. the household members are more likely communicate with the outside universe through their personal devices than with one another. Furthermore. a kid has a universe inside his computing machine and iPhone. He can show himself and look into the universe under his ain footings. The universe is altering and the engineering immigrates need to accommodate. The most relevant message I could spot from the articles and the picture was to alter the manner we view our students. Teaching without the usage of engineering is going uneffective with the new coevals.

“I HEAR and I FORGET. I SEE and I REMEMBER. I DO and I UNDERSTAND” ( Jukes & A ; Dosaj. 2006 ) . The digital indigens expect to have new information visually and fast. The best method for them to larn appears to be through personal interaction. My coevals seems to be on the fringe of both universes. I can utilize the computing machine as a native. but possibly non at the same grade. I can still retrieve and associate to a universe with less engineering. Most of the engineering is English based. The students have more desire and demand to larn and understand English. As an EFL instructor. I benefit from their involvement. However. it is of import to accommodate the larning stuff to the pupil’s universe. The menagerie is passe and Television shows such as Sponge Bob and Loony Tones are more pertinent. Furthermore. the students seem to necessitate more mutable visuals and custodies on activities. If I want the students to larn a new linguistic communication. I need to give them ample chances to utilize the linguistic communication in a familiar environment.

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I see myself as a digital immigrant who adopted the imposts of digital indigens. I can utilize a computing machine really good. I prefer to learn utilizing a computing machine. However. my universe is non as engineering elaborated as I’m certain my students’ will be. I believe that learning through a computing machine will hold its challenges. but I can manage them as they come. I’m non certain that learning will be effectual if every student has his ain computing machine. However. presenting stuff on the cyberspace and so holding them pattern at place could be beneficiary to the instructor and the students.

After reading the articles I want to cognize how to implement a new instruction method in an environment that won’t suit it. Some schools don’t have Smart Boards or a computing machine room. Some students may non hold a computing machine at place. After sing the picture I would wish to see pictures that demonstrate the other side. How do digital indigens view the computing machine universe?
