European Exploration And Settlement Essay Research Paper

European Exploration And Settlement Essay, Research Paper

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I. Europeans Look to New Worlds For Many Reasons.

A. Renaissance- resurgence of classical art, literature, and acquisition.

1. Take topographic point in Europe in 15th and 16th centuries.

2. Sparked imaginativenesss and made people eager to research.

B. Protestant Reformation

1. Challenged Catholics who in bend persecuted Protestants.

2. Protestants longed for a topographic point where they could idolize as they wanted.

C. European Nations Begin to Form Stable Governments and Resolve Power Struggles.

D. Trying to Find a Quicker Route to Asia and Start Up a Rich Trade.

E. New Developments in Travel.

1. Caravel- more manoeuvrable and quicker ship, moved with and against air current.

2. Navigation- charting of a class at sea.

3. Instruments- Astrolabe, the quarter-circle, and the cross- staff.

II. Spain Leads The Manner

A. Spain was the taking state in the Age of Discovery due to its hunt for wealth.

1. Wanted to happen a quicker path to Asia.

2. Tired os paying the jobbers big net incomes.

3. Desired gold, silk, gems, and spices.

B. Columbus Stumbles On a New World

1. Christopher Columbus set out to turn out universe was unit of ammunition.

2. Queen Isabella agreed to set up an expedition for Columbus.

3. His ships were the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria which set canvas August 3,


4. When they eventually reached land they thought they landed on India and indigens were

called Indians.

5. In world, they landed in the Bahamas on an Island Columbus named San

Salvador- October 12, 1492.

C. Seekers of Gold and Glory

1. Amerigo Vespucci- found land that was non Asia but a great continent. A few

old ages subsequently a map-maker named the new continent & # 8220 ; America & # 8221 ; in award of Amerigo Vespucci.

2. Balb

oa- Spanish adventurer crossed Isthmus of Panama in 1513- first European to

see Pacific Ocean.

3. Explorers more interested in geting gold and power than in happening new


4. Conquistadors- these were the vanquishers who overcame whole civilisations of

native people.

5. Most celebrated was Cort? s who, in 1519, took over the Aztec imperium and its swayer

Montezuma in Mexico.

6. Pizarro who, in 1535, destroyed the Inca imperium in the bosom of Peru.

7. Coronado 1540-1542 discovered the Grand Canyon on an expedition to the


8. De Soto explored southern U.S.- first European to make the Mississippi River.

9. Most conquistadors were ruthless.

a. Treated indigens cruelly by enslaving and killing them.

B. Gold, Ag, and sugar made Spanish wealthy and opened up huge country.

III. England, France, and the Netherlands Stake Claims

A. Spain & # 8217 ; s power made the remainder of Europe nervous particularly Protestant England since

Spain was Catholic.

B. The Search for the Northwest Passage.

1. Europeans wanted speedy trade path to Asia.

2. Hoped to happen Northwest Passage- northern H2O manner linking Atlantic and

Pacific oceans.

3. Found Northwest Passage in 1906 in the frozen Waterss of Canada.

C. A Series of Discoveries

1. John Cabot 1497 sailed to New Found-land and Nova Scotia, found tonss of fish

but England was excessively busy with other personal businesss to take notice.

2. Verazano 1524 explored eastern coastline of North America from North

Carolina to New Found-land.

3. Cartier 1535 explored Gulf of St. Lawrence and St. Lawrence River and

marked France & # 8217 ; s laterality on Canada.

4. Henry Hudson found Hudson River and planted seeds of New Nether land ( New

York. )

5. Explorers blaze waies, colonists move in.
