Film Review Eat Pray Love Essay Sample

It’s true to state that film is instead gratifying piece of art and a batch of people presents can’t conceive of their lives without such leisure activity as watching different genres of movies. As for me. I besides belong to that people. who are called “film freaks” and it’s rather natural for me to watch many movies and to show my ain nonsubjective point of position on this or that movie. To talk about the movie “Eat. pray. love” . we have late watched. is instead hard. because it belongs to such group of movies that are based on the secret plan of the book and before discoursing such movies it is really of import to read the original text. As we all know books are much deeper in their significance and sense they possess. That’s why we need take position on this movie in insoluble integrity of original and changeable secret plan. That’s why my sentiment can’t wholly nonsubjective because I am non certain if all distinctive features of the subject depicted in the book are transferred into the movie. But in general feeling of the movie is instead positive. It has left really pleasant feelings of satisfaction and felicity. It means that the chief thought and purpose of the movie was fulfilled on the screen. Undoubtedly particular attending attracts the chief heroine. as. in my sentiment. many people who watched this movie. hold recognized themselves in her.

I think that there were state of affairss in every person’s life when you feel like being lost in your ain life and you hesitate about every measure you make. such a feeling as changeless vacillation and uncertainness are more and more familiar to you. when everything seems perfect but still you feel that something is losing. and merely some of us decide to alter everything. to happen yourself and desirable balance in our life and to go wholly happy. Such a resolute measure has made Elizabeth Gilbert. who made the hard pick to go forth behind all the furnishings of modern American success ( matrimony. house in the state. calling ) and happen. alternatively. what she genuinely wanted from life. Frankly speech production. I think everyone who faces such fortunes should be a spot covetous of her being so confident and resolute to do such extremist alteration in her life in order to go truly happy and satisfied with her life. And finally she took hazard and she won. she met her love and her existent felicity.

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