Girl Scouts of America Essay Sample

Executive Summary

“Girl Scouts of America is the world’s largest organisation dedicated to assisting all misss everyplace build character and addition accomplishments for success in the existent universe. In an accepting and nurturing environment. and in partnership with committed grownup voluntaries. misss develop strong values. leading accomplishments. societal scruples. and strong belief about their ain potency and dignity that will function them all their lives” by these universes the miss lookouts of America described themselves on their web site but as the societal life is altering quickly in the united provinces their mission is acquiring harder to maintain the same ranks or to increase the figure of members. A swot analysis will be present through this instance seeking to happen the strength and the failing and the chances available for the miss lookouts of America in order to travel frontward.

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Founded in 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah Georgia the miss lookouts of America. her dream was to make and organisation that would convey misss out of their place environments to function in their communities. The many activities of GSA focused on immature misss developing into married womans and female parents. Membership has grown from 18 members in Savannah. Georgia. to 20. 000 in 1929 and reached the 3. 9 million in 1969 and about four million members now throughout the United States. including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. and in more than 80 states through USA Girl Scouts Overseas.

The purpose of the Girl Scouts is that misss will develop to their full potency by:

Fostering girls’ feelings of self-acceptance and alone self-worth by ;

Promoting girls’ perceptual experience of themselves as competent. responsible. and unfastened to new experiences and challenges.

Offering misss chances to larn new accomplishments.

Promoting girls’ personal growing.

Leting misss to utilize and pattern endowments and abilities.

Associating to others with increasing understanding. accomplishment. and respect by ;

Helping misss develop sensitiveness to others and regard for their demands. feelings. and rights.

Promoting an apprehension of single. cultural. spiritual. and racial differences.

Fostering the ability to construct friendly relationships and working relationships.

Developing a meaningful set of values to steer their actions and to supply for sound decision-making by assisting misss develop meaningful values and moralss that will steer their actions. Fostering an ability to do determinations that are consistent with girls’ values and that reflect regard for the rights and demands of others.

Empowering misss to move upon their values and strong beliefs.

Lending to the betterment of society through the usage of their abilities and leading accomplishments. while working in cooperation with others by ;

There are five age degrees in Girl Scouting:

Daisy ages 5-6. Brownie ages 6-8. junior ages 8-11. Cadette ages 11-14. senior ages 14-17

In add-on to its reconnoitering plan activities. it is good known for raising financess by selling Girl Scout cookies

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is used to analyse a state of affairs and assisting to make schemes. “SWOT is an acronym for the internal strengths and failings of a house and the environmental chances and menaces confronting that firm” . SWOT stands for Strengths. Weaknesses. Opportunities. and Threats.

Cardinal Strengths:


Since the Girl Scouts of America has a long history since 1912 so one of its cardinal strength is its history as a trusting organisation. Parents will non hold many jobs holding their girls fall ining the GSA organisation

Managerial Support

The miss lookouts of America seems to hold a really good managerial supports since so many successful stairss were taken seeking to maintain the organisation on the path. as new rank regulations are invented like misss can go lookouts without fall ining a troop. Like seeking to make misss with different incomes. different locations and pregnant adolescents. Target a new age group like daisy group for misss 5 old ages old or in kindergarten.

Marketing expertness:

To many selling stairss were taken by the GSA selling expertness. seems that it was utile for the organisation like the 30 unsweet Television message and telecasting public service run. gift of caring plan was introduced excessively. to let miss lookout cooky clients to purchase a gift box of cooking that the lookouts so present to nursing place.


It’s non clear but it could be one of the strength elements for the GSA since they tried to pull the people in the metropoliss every bit good as suburb misss. So they must hold some activities and offices in excessively many different locations.

Outreach Plans

Outreach plans to different ages and different income misss.

National Presence

The lookouts have a national or universe repute and it’s one of its cardinal strength.

Cardinal Failings:


One of the failings that might confront the GSA is the deficiency of funding support.


Some times the location is one of the failing for this organisation. because every bit much as they expand their organisation still there is some countries are non covered yet.

Change in the environment: the rapid alteration in the societal life and miss involvements will be one of the failing. since miss has so many different involvement than few old ages ago and excessively many different options available for them to make or to pass their clip making.

Popularity declining

The popularity of such sort of organisations decreased because people have different involvements.

Cardinal Opportunities:


Try to spread out the organisation to pull misss with different interest’s different locations.

Strategic confederation

Try to ally with net income or non net income organisation so they can spread out their attempts and pull more misss.

Cardinal Menaces:

Menace of New Entrants

Some new organisations might pull some members that might fall in the GSA. since some people in general will be attracted to the new organisation.

Environmental alteration

The major menace for the GSA organisation. the rapid alteration in the societal life. the broken households. the unfocussed misss or parents. .

Menace of Substitutes

The cyberspace industry as an illustration likes chew the fating. it’s a really rapid turning industry and they are coming with new thoughts which might be preferred over the GSA rank.

Summary and recommendations

The grind analysis present the strength and the failings of the GSA organisation it besides introduced the chances and the menaces for this non net income organisation. The analysis presents a batch of strength which is due to good direction attempts. Some successful managerial stairss were taken which kept the figure of members in a good state of affairs but the manner the societal and environmental life is altering in this decennary showed that more attempt demand to be done to maintain this organisation and same involvement organisation in the path.

As a selling program they should maintain their strength issues and seek to work on their failing issues. here are some of the recommendation that might assist


Expand the organisation by allied with some different organisation with similar involvements if non demand so they can confront the lessening in the members and the support jobs.

Run some advertizements through the Television and cyberspace and the chatting plans which I believe it’s pulling 85 to 90 % of the adolescents.

Ask for authorities support like financess.

Target the misss through their parents by explicating to the parents the purpose of this organisation.

Offer plans through schools and metropoliss that will pull the misss.
