How to Safeguard the Well Being of Children and Young People – Bullying Essay Sample

It is the purpose of the undermentioned brochure to back up practicians. kids. immature people and their households to recognize and react to strong-arming at school. Reacting to Evidence or Concerns:
5:2 Outline policies and processs to follow in response to concerns or grounds of strong-arming. Explain why these are in topographic point: As portion of the Every Child Matters agenda set out by the old Government ( Education Act 2002 and the kids Act 2004 ) . it is the responsibility of St Matthew’s Primary School to guarantee that kids and immature people are protected from possible injury. In order to make this. we need to affect kids. immature people and their families/guardians in this procedure and aid to do them recognize and react to strong-arming within or outside the school environment. Policies and processs are in topographic point at St Matthew’s to guarantee the continued safety of all of our kids and to follow rigorous guidelines if/when a state of affairs arises which needs to be dealt with exhaustively and fleetly to eliminate farther intimidation and possible injury. St Matthew’s ‘Anti-Bullying’ . ‘E-Safety/Cyber Bullying’ and ‘Behaviour’ policies identify the definition of intimidation and sketch both direct and indirect signifiers of intimidation. The three policies should be read and used in concurrence for best results. Incident Management

The undermentioned stairss will be taken when covering with incidents: – * If intimidation is suspected or reported. the incident will be dealt with instantly by the member of staff who has been approached. * A clear history of the incident will be recorded and given to the Head instructor ( Safeguarding Officer ) . * The Head instructor will interview all concerned and enter the incident. * Class instructors will be informed.

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* Parents will be kept informed. Sanctions will be used as appropriate and in audience with all parties concerned.

Students who have been bullied will be supported by: –
* Offering an chance to discourse the experience ( if appropriate ) .
* Reassuring the student that action is being taken.
* Offering uninterrupted support.
* Restoring assurance and self-pride.
* Helping the kid build resiliency.
* Empower the kid to do positive and informed picks. Students who are strong-arming will be helped by: –
* Discoursing what happened and the effects of intimidation.
* Detecting why the kid became involved in this behavior.
* Establishing the incorrect making and need to alter.

* Informing parents/guardians to assist alter the attitude of the kid. * Consider whether there are underlying issues such as the kid may necessitate to travel on the SEN Register and given the support of an Individual Education Plan. and include outside bureaus ( Specialist Teacher ) . The undermentioned disciplinary stairss will be considered to show that their behavior is unacceptable and to advance alteration * Child will be removed from immediate contact with victim ( classroom/playground ) . * Loss of privileges in the context of the incident. This may be loss of playday. taking clip or category dainties. In an stray incident this will be deemed sufficient in conformity with established School behavior Policy. * The bully must understand the incorrect and do damagess to the victim ( in context ) . * Persistent intimidation will affect the kid in supervising their ain behavior and describing daily to the Head instructor.

This will so easy be reduced to describing on a hebdomadal footing. * Extreme instances. which fail to be resolved. will necessitate the intercessions of the governors who may hold to make up one’s mind to except the kid for a ‘cooling off’ period. * As a concluding step all parties ; parents. instructors. governors. and extra support may make up one’s mind that a alteration of school environment is the lone solution for the kid. This would hopefully profit both the victim and the bully to hold ‘fresh starts’ . Within the course of study the school will raise the consciousness of the nature of strong-arming through inclusion in PHSE and Assemblies. in an effort to eliminate such behavior. There is besides a dedicated Anti-Bullying hebdomad in November each twelvemonth to back up this. 5:3 Explain how to back up a kid. immature individual and/or their household when intimidation is alleged or suspected: * Encourage both the kid and parents to speak openly about the intimidation issues. * Encourage and back up the parents to be cognizant of the marks and symptoms of strong-arming. * Ensure the parents are taking strong-arming earnestly and the importance to happen out the facts when told about an incident of intimidation.

* Make the kid and parents cognizant of the designated teacher/head teacher they can seek ongoing support from. * Help kids rehearse schemes such as shouting no. walking with assurance and running off. ( Besides refer to points 6:1-6:4 ) . * Allow the kid and parents a opportunity to vent their feelings about being bullied. * Get other parents together and discourse ways to halt the intimidation. * Arrange for the parents to run into their kid. if the intimidation is go oning on the manner to or from school. * Ask that the toughs be kept at school until everyone has had a opportunity to acquire place. * Suggest that if it would assist with the child’s assurance. inquire them if they would wish to take self-defense categories. * Check that the kid is non ask foring the intimidation by some objectionable wont. such as ptyalizing. picking his olfactory organ. etc. * Encourage parents and if appropriate the kid to maintain a written journal of all incidents. * Promote the parents to ask for other kids over to their house to assist the kid make new friends. * Keep parents and ( sing their age/stage of development ) the kid to the full informed of the advancement of any determinations. and where appropriate affect them.

How to work with kids and immature people to back up safety and well-being: 6:1 How to back up kids and immature people’s assurance and self-pride: It is of import that kids and immature people feel confident about themselves in order to accomplish in all countries of their development. A kid whom has low self-esteem/confidence is less likely to discourse issues of strong-arming with person as they may experience that they won’t be believed or even listened excessively. The manner in which we treat kids and immature people has a direct consequence on this. so it is of import that we: * Encourage and praise them.

* Let them to experience independent.
* Value each kid as an person.
* Celebrate differences and similarities.
Parents should speak with and listen to their kid everyday. inquire inquiries about their school twenty-four hours including experiences on the manner to/from school/lunch/playtime. Besides ask about their equals and friendly relationships. Teaching and support staff can pass clip at school and playday. Coordinate games/activities to promote kids to interact with equals aside from best friends. All grownups who are caring for the kid ( school staff and parents ) should put a good illustration. theoretical account effectual communicating. learn kids linguistic communication to spread possible state of affairss. Parents should accept that if they use negative behaviors in forepart of a kid. this encourages the kid to mimick these learnt behaviors. Create healthy anti-bullying wonts. Get downing every bit immature as possible Teach kids. on both ‘what to do’ and ‘what non to do’ this includes: -negative behaviors – push. annoyer and being unkind and positive behaviors – to be sort. empathise and take bends.

Coach kids on what to make if being bullied for illustration. acquire an grownup. state the bully to halt. walk off and disregard the bully ) . Make certain kids understand Bullying. Explicitly explain what it is and that it’s non ‘normal’ or to be tolerated and non good to be a bystander when seeing another kid being bullied. 6:2 Analyse the importance of back uping resiliency in kids and immature people: It has been argued that. compared with earlier coevalss. kids are less able to get by with emphasis and obstructions. partially because of their being sheltered from disputing chances ( Mental Health Foundation 1999 ) . Recent tendencies in wellness and societal attention services have tended to underscore factors that pose hazards for kids. instead than those which provide chances for growing and version ( Early and GlenMaye 2000 ) .

In the society we live in today parents are frequently more likely to be over protective towards their kids ( ‘wrap their kids up in cotton wool’ ) due the hazards to their safety which is echoed by the Media. when we hear horror narratives of kids being abducted and murdered or enduring such awful intimidation that some kids have took their ain lives. Four decennaries ago kids would be seen out playing on their ain streets. local fields/grassed countries and even Parkss. They would play out for hours with groups of friends. merely returning place for dinner or tea or to look into in with a parent that all was safe and good. However. by today’s criterions this has become an progressively rare event. with kids playing indoors much more with electrical devices and such like. When we do see kids in Parkss playing. this is frequently closely observed by parents look intoing up on their kids to guarantee that they can ever be seen.

It can be argued how wondrous reassuring it is to see parents guaranting their children’s safety. protecting them from possible inappropriate aliens etc. However. though this is all true and is surely a must in today’s society. it has besides come at a monetary value to our children’s emotional and psychological development. Childs are non developing the same degree of resiliency due to this. These kids are non able to confront new challenges entirely. they are non developing their independency at the same rate and are non larning to job solve or take attention of themselves whilst looking out for others. The undermentioned subdivision taken from World Wide Web. barnados. org. uk explains this in more item with some quotation marks: –

There is no uncertainty that the designation of possible hazard factors has led to significant betterments in many countries of children’s physical wellness. However. it has non ever led to similar betterments in many facets of children’s emotional and psychological wellbeing. On the contrary. a significant addition in psycho-social upsets of kids has taken topographic point in most developed states over the past half century. including suicide and para-suicide. self-injurious behavior. behavior and eating upsets and depression. ( Smith and Rutter 1995 ; Slap 2001 ) . Even states with such widely admired societal public assistance systems as Sweden have non escaped these tendencies ( Nordberg 1994. cited in Werner and Johnson 1999 ) . The quandary for kid attention services can be illustrated by the recent rise in the Numberss of inadvertent drownings of kids. a tendency that has been associated with the momism of kids by parents. and the corresponding failure of kids to be offered sufficient chances to larn the direction of hazard.

Over-protection may cut down morbidity. but a concealed monetary value may be paid by kids in industrialized states ‘whose lives and childhoods are being freshly circumscribed by unprecedented degrees of parental concern’ ( UNICEF 2001:21 ) . The importance of placing protective every bit good as hazard factors is recognised in the Department of Health Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families ( 2000 ) . which contains a really helpful sum-up of cardinal resiliency advancing factors and their deductions for the appraisal procedure ( paragraphs 1. 14 to 1. 18. available on line at: World Wide Web. Waless. gov. uk/subichildren/content/practiceguide/section 1-14-e. htm ) .

We therefore have a badgering state of affairs where kids are apparently being affected by an absolute addition in many serious job countries. accompanied by an evident weakening in their capacity for natural opposition. The publicity of resiliency may be an of import scheme in trying to change by reversal this tendency. through puting more accent on factors that promote wellbeing. and non merely on the designation and riddance of hazard ( Rayner and Montague 2000 ) .

A definition of Resilience

A resilient kid can defy hardship. header with uncertainness and retrieve more successfully from traumatic events or episodes. There are many hardships which kids may confront. including the decease of a parent. sibling or other close household member. divorce or the separation of parents. traveling place. maltreatment. unwellness of parent or sibling. homelessness. accidents and poorness. Three different sorts of resiliency are frequently described ( Masten et al. 1990 ) . The first type is represented by kids who do non yield to hardships. in malice of their high hazard position. for illustration low birth weight babes. The 2nd type concerns kids who develop get bying schemes in state of affairss of chronic emphasis. such as kids of drug utilizing or alcoholic parents. Third. kids who have suffered utmost injury. for illustration through catastrophes. sudden loss of a close relation or maltreatment. and who have recovered and prospered may be described as resilient ( Gibson 1998 ) . It is of import to emphasize that no kid is. or can be rendered. invulnerable to emotional or physiological emphasis. Where hardships are uninterrupted and utmost. and non moderated by factors external to the kid. resiliency will be really rare ( Cicchetti and Rogosch 1997 ; Runyan et Al. 1998 ) .

Why we need resiliency and how it can be developed

Having said all of this it becomes progressively evident that a balance needs to be struck so that kids. even though protected from today’s societies hazards of maltreatment and injury are besides enabled to develop resiliency. Primary schools are in a really good place to non merely promote this within kids and offer disputing experiences to develop this. but could besides utilize this cognition to back up and assist parents to understand more deeply that resiliency in their kids is merely every bit of import for a well-developed and all-around immature person/adult as safety and protection are.

In order to develop resiliency in kids we need to promote their independency e. g. go to the lavatory and rinse their custodies themselves. dispute kids more e. g. set practical and disputing job work outing activities for kids to transport out in groups. promote healthy competition e. g. school athleticss day/sports academies/writing competitions. with wagess and certificates/medals for winner-3rd smuggler up. As these kids mature they will be better adapted to confronting letdown at a occupation interview for illustration or better equipped to populate an independent life whilst at university. 6:3 Explain the importance of working with kids and immature people to guarantee they have schemes to protect themselves and do their ain determinations about safety: All kids have a right to be safe and feel protected. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out the rights of all kids to be treated every bit and reasonably. It is the duty of the grownups around kids to guarantee their protection.

However. as kids grow. develop and maturate they become more independent and want to make things for themselves. It is hence of import that we help kids develop the accomplishments and tools to develop schemes to protect themselves and do their ain determinations in order to maintain themselves safe from possible injury i. e. intimidation. Bullying bar accomplishments can protect childs from most intimidation. increase their assurance. and assist them to develop positive equal relationships. Here are some schemes that both parents/carers and learning staff can learn kids to help them to do their ain determinations about their safety: – Walking with Awareness. Calm. Respect. and Assurance

Children/young people are less likely to be picked on if they walk and sit with consciousness. composure. regard. and assurance. Projecting a positive. self-asserting attitude means maintaining one’s head up. back consecutive. walking briskly. looking about. holding a peaceable face and organic structure. and traveling off from other kids who might play excessively roughly/cause problem. Show your kid the difference between being inactive. aggressive. and self-asserting in organic structure linguistic communication. tone of voice and pick of words. Have your kid walk across the floor. training her or him to be successful. by stating for illustration ; “That’s great! ” “Now take bigger steps” . “Look around you” “Straighten your dorsum. ” etc. Leaving in a Powerful. Positive Manner

The best self-defense maneuver is called “target denial. ” which means “don’t be at that place. ” Act out a scenario where possibly your kid is walking in the school corridor ( or any other topographic point where they may be bullied ) . You can feign to be a bully standing by the wall stating average things. Ask your kid what these average things might be because what is considered contemptuous or disconcerting is different for different people. times. and topographic points. Coach your kid to swerve around the bully in order to travel out of range. Remind your kid to go forth with consciousness. composure and assurance. peeking back to see where the tough is. Let your kid pattern stating something impersonal in a normal tone of voice like “See you subsequently! ” or “Have a nice twenty-four hours! ” while calmly and confidently traveling off. Indicate out that stepping out of line or altering seats is frequently the safest pick.

Puting a Boundary
If a bully is following or endangering your kid in a state of affairs where they can non merely go forth. your kid demands to be able to put a clear boundary. Feign to jab your kid in the dorsum ( do this really gently ; the thought is non to be hurtful ) . Coach your kid to turn. stand up tall. set their custodies up in forepart of the organic structure like a fencing. handle out and unfastened. and say “Stop! ” . Coach your kid to hold a composure but clear voice and polite house words- non whiney and non aggressive. Show how to make it and praise your kid for seeking -even though they may non acquire it right to get down with. Gain that this might be really difficult and triping for your kid ( and possibly for you excessively ) . Children need support to larn these accomplishments. The thought is that the kid takes charge of their infinite by traveling off and. if need be. puting boundaries every bit shortly as a job is approximately to get down – so that your kid doesn’t delay until the intimidation is already go oning. Using Your Voice

If the kid does acquire into a state of affairs where person is seeking to force or hit them. you could pattern by keeping your kid gently and moving as if you are traveling to make the action. but gently. Coach your kid to draw off and shout NO! Truly aloud. Coach them to state “STOP! I don’t like that! ” Coach the kid to look the bully in the eyes and speak in a steadfast voice with both custodies up and in forepart like a fencing. Teach the kid to go forth and travel to an grownup for aid. Protecting Your Feelingss from Name-Calling

Schools. young person groups/clubs. and households should make harassment-free zones merely as workplaces should. However. you can learn kids how to protect themselves from abuses. State the kid that stating something average back makes the job bigger. non better. One manner to take the power out of aching words by is stating them out loud and conceive ofing throwing them off. Making this physically and out loud at place will assist a kid to make this in their imaginativeness at school. Help the kid pattern throwing the average things that other people are stating into a bin. Have the kid so state something positive out loud to themselves to take in. For illustration. if person says. “I don’t like you” . you can throw those words off and say. “I like myself. ” If person says. “You are stupid” you can throw those words off and say. “I’m clever. ” If person says. “I don’t want to play with you” so you can throw those words off and say. “I will happen another friend. ”

Talking Up for Inclusion
Bing left out is a major signifier of strong-arming. Exclusion should be clearly against the regulations at school. A kid can pattern prevailing in inquiring to fall in a game. Feign to be a bully who wants to except.

Have the kid walk up and state. “Please can I play. ” Coach the kid to sound and look positive and friendly. non fretful or aggressive. Ask the kid the grounds that other kids give for excepting them from drama. Use those grounds so the kid can pattern persisting. For illustration. if the ground is. “You’re non good plenty. ” your kid can pattern stating “I’ll acquire better if I pattern! ” If the ground is. “There are excessively many already. ” your kid might pattern stating. “There’s ever room for one more. ” If the ground is. “You cheated last clip. ” your kid might pattern stating. “I did non understand the regulations. Let’s make sure we agree on the regulations this clip. ” Being Persistent in Getting Help

Childs who are being bullied demand to be able to state instructors. parents. and other grownups in charge what is go oning in the minute clearly and calmly and persistently even if these grownups are really distrait or ill-mannered – and even if inquiring for aid has non worked before. Learning how to hold polite house words. organic structure linguistic communication and tone of voice even under force per unit area and to non give up when inquiring for aid is a life-long accomplishment. We have found that pattern is helpful for both kids and grownups in larning how to prevail and acquire aid when you need it. Here is one you can make with a kid. Feign to be a instructor or person else who the kid might anticipate aid and support from. State the kid who you are feigning to be and where you might be at school. Have the child start stating in a clear unagitated voice. “Excuse me X is strong-arming me. ” You feign to be busy and merely disregard the kid! Coach them to maintain traveling and state: “Excuse me ; I truly necessitate your aid. ” Act annoyed and impatient and say. “Yes. What is it now? ” and maintain being busy.

Coach the kid to state something specific like. “The misss over there are naming me names and non allowing me play with them. I have told them I don’t like being called names and that I want to play but they won’t listen” . Or “Those male childs maintain coming up and forcing me. I have tried to remain off from them but they keep coming up to me and won’t go forth me entirely. ” At school. instructors want kids to seek to work out their jobs foremost. However. grownup intercession is needed if this does non work. You say: “That’s nice! ” as if you heard but did non really listen. This is really common for busy grownups. Coach your kid to touch your arm and maintain traveling “Please. listen to me this is important” . Now you get annoyed and state “Can’t you see I’m busy! ? ” Tell the kid that sometimes grownups acquire angry and don’t understand but non to give up in inquiring for aid and to state the particular job once more: “Some misss are being atrocious to me” You understate and state: “What’s the large trade? Just remain off from them. ”

Coach the kid to be relentless and state once more. “this is doing me experience truly unhappy and I don’t want to come to school any longer. Please. I truly necessitate you to listen. ” Now change your demeanour so that the kid can see you are listening and understanding and say “Oh! I am regretful I shouted at you and I am glad you are stating me. State me more and we will calculate out what to make. ” Remind the kid that. if the grownup still does non listen. it is non their mistake. but to maintain inquiring until person does something to repair the job. State the kid to delight ever state you whenever they have a job with anyone anywhere anytime. Ultimately. it is the duty of grownups to make safe environments for the kids in their lives and to be good role-models for our kids by moving as their advocators in powerful respectful ways. Using Physical Self-Defense as a Last Resort

Children need to cognize when they have the right to ache person to halt that individual from aching them. We should learn our kids that combat is a last resort – when you are about to be harmed and you can non go forth or acquire aid. Learning physical self-defence helps most kids become more confident. even if they ne’er have to utilize these accomplishments in a real-life state of affairs. Merely being more confident helps kids to avoid being chosen as a victim most of the clip. There are different self-defense techniques for strong-arming than for more unsafe state of affairss — allow the kid pattern a self-defense move like kicking person in the shins. squeezing someone’s leg or upper arm. or hitting person in the thorax. You can pattern in the air or by keeping a sofa shock absorber. See directing your kid to a Karate or Ju-Jitsu category. these are lessons which teach self-denial along with self-defense and will enable a kid to turn in assurance. 6:4 Explain ways for kids and immature people to do positive and informed picks that support their well being and safety: Equally good as promoting a child’s consciousness of wellness and safety issues. we should besides back up their development by assisting them to hold a positive self-image.

Children need to hold plentifulness of chances and encouragement as they grow up in order to develop their independency and larn about their likes and disfavors. Children should besides be cognizant that they have a right to be safe and cognize what to make if they do non experience safe. If a instruction helper is transporting out a planned activity with kids which involves speaking about the organic structure. it is of import to retrieve that kids will hold learnt different linguistic communication organize their parents and households to depict organic structure parts. for illustration. male childs frequently refer to their ‘penis’ as ‘willy’ or ‘widgy’ . However. the linguistic communication that misss frequently learn when mentioning to their ‘vagina’ can be more unusual or vague. for illustration. ‘tuppence’ or even ‘flower’ .

If a kid chooses to confide in you as a instruction helper and state you something has happened to them. they may necessitate clip or extra aid to utilize the right linguistic communication or to pull a image of what has happened. As portion of our course of study at St Matthew’s Primary School we inform our kids of administrations that exist to protect them. such as ‘Kidscape’ and the ‘NSPCC’ . This is carried out more exhaustively during our Anti-bullying hebdomad in November each twelvemonth. although the topic of intimidation is something which is covered on a regular basis and besides within PHSE. Help kids critically evaluate media force.

Children may larn aggressive behaviors by watching telecasting and films that glorify force and by playing violent picture games that reward violent behavior. We can assist kids do positive and informed picks about their manner of drama when in the resort area for illustration by assisting kids understand that media portraitures of force are unrealistic and inappropriate. We can step in when we see kids copying media force in their drama and societal interactions. We can offer options by promoting big group activities and athleticss within the children’s playdaies.

Provide chances for kids to larn and pattern the qualities and accomplishments that can protect them from strong-arming. Childs who are confident are less likely to digest intimidation and more likely to hold the bravery and inner-strength to react efficaciously. Childs who are self-asserting cognize how to respond to a bully in effectual. non-aggressive ways. and they are less likely to be targeted by toughs in the first topographic point. Children who know how to do and maintain friends can trust on them for protection from strong-arming. Children who know how to work out jobs constructively avoid reacting sharply to conflict. These types of kids will hold an overall sense of wellbeing. Develop strong connexions with the kids in your attention.

Childs are less likely to go toughs if they know it will displease an grownup whom they respect and trust. Similarly. kids are more likely to confide in an grownup with whom they have a lovingness and swearing relationship. Children whom have these relationships with the stopping point grownups around them. including parents/carers. other household members and teaching staff at school are more likely to do positive picks in order to maintain themselves safe. At St Matthew’s Primary School we strongly believe that by in-building into our kids to experience closely connected and responsible for one another so intimidation is less likely to originate. We encourage all our kids and the grownups around them to appreciate diverseness among their equals and to include. instead than except. kids because of their differences. Alternatively we celebrate our differences.

In decision: From reading the above brochure we at St Matthew’s Primary School hope it has given you a better and more thorough mentality around the really existent and really sensitive issues environing intimidation. We believe that if we have positive relationships with our kids and their households it will non merely assist prevent but besides eradicate incidents of strong-arming. We are committed to the felicity of all our kids and will work efficaciously to pull off any issues of strong-arming rapidly. sensitively and efficaciously. Thank you for taking the clip to read this brochure. we hope it has been utile and will assist you as a child/young individual. parent or practitioner both now and in the hereafter. should the issue of strong-arming of all time originate for you. a friend. loved one or client.

Reference List:

Burnham. L and Baker. B ( 2010 ) Supporting: Teaching & A ; Learning in Schools ( Primary ) Heinemann ( Pearson ) . Electronic Beginnings:
World Wide Web. torfaen. gov. uk/schoolsafeguarding
World Wide Web. barnados. org. United Kingdom
World Wide Web. resilnet. uiuc. edu
World Wide Web. rake. org. United Kingdom
World Wide Web. bernardvanleer. org
