International Relation Between Indonesia, Middle East and OIC Essay Sample

The Middle East is a part that spans southwesterly Asia and Northeastern Africa. It has no clear boundaries. frequently used as equivalent word of Near East. The history of the Middle East dates back to antediluvian times. and throughout its history the Middle East has been a major Centre of universe personal businesss. The Middle East is besides the historical beginning of the three of the world’s major monotheistic faiths. which are Judaism. Christianity. and Islam. Many states of which located around the Persian Gulf have big measures of rough oil. Middle Eastern economic systems range from states being really hapless ( such as Gaza and Yemen ) to highly affluent states ( such as UAE and Saudi Arabia ) .

Overall. as of 2007. harmonizing to the CIA World Factbook. all states in the Middle East are keeping a positive rate of growing. Harmonizing to the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database of April 2008. the three largest Middle Eastern economic systems in 2007 were Turkey ( $ 663. 419. 000. 000 ) . Saudi Arabia ( $ 376. 029. 000. 000 ) and Iran ( $ 294. 089. 000. 000 ) . in footings of Nominal GDP. Turkey ( $ 887. 964. 000. 000 ) . Iran ( $ 752. 967. 000. 000 ) and Saudi Arabia ( $ 564. 561. 000. 000 ) had the largest economic systems in footings of GDP-PPP. When it comes to per capita ( PPP ) -based income. the three highest-ranking states are Qatar ( $ 80. 900 ) . Kuwait ( $ 39. 300 ) and the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) ( $ 37. 300 ) . The lowest-ranking state in the Middle East in footings of per capita income ( PPP ) is the independent Palestinian Authority of Gaza and the West Bank ( $ 1. 100 ) .

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The economic construction of Middle Eastern states are different in the sense that while some states are to a great extent dependent on export of lone oil and oil-related merchandises ( such as Saudi Arabia. the UAE and Kuwait ) . others have a extremely diverse economic base ( such as Turkey and Egypt ) . Industries of the Middle Eastern part include oil and oil-related merchandises. agribusiness. cotton. cowss. dairy. fabrics. leather merchandises. surgical instruments. defense mechanism equipment ( guns. ammo. armored combat vehicles. pigboats. combatant jets. UAVs. and missiles ) . Banking is besides an of import sector of the economic systems. particularly in the instance of UAE and Bahrain.
