Jim Crow Essay Research Paper Jim Crow

Jim Crow Essay, Research Paper

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Jim Crow Laws


Jim Crow Torahs are about power. Power of one race over another. These Torahs truly highlight the defects and failing of human nature. One group of people asseverating power over another for the pride and amour propre of a system of political relations that had been defeated at the cost of 1000s of American lives during the civil war.

The term & # 8220 ; Jim Crow & # 8221 ; has its beginnings of involvement besides. The reading was intended to roast the African American by white American & # 8217 ; s in the place of power.

The Jim Crow Torahs were initiated after the civil war during the deconstruction of the new South and they help to make a racial caste system in the American South.

These Torahs were protected by the fundamental law and were a signifier of constitutional racism. When the Supreme Court ruled on Plessy v. Ferguson the Federal Government legalized racism but under the pretense of a philosophy referred to as & # 8220 ; separate but equal & # 8221 ; .

The Jim Crow Torahs were in topographic point until the Supreme Court of 1954 threw them out with it & # 8217 ; s governing on Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka. This tribunal had a different sentiment of equality.

Soon after the Reconstruction, African Americans and Whites Americans ate in the same eating houses, frequently rode together in the same railroad autos, used the same public installations, but did non frequently interact as peers. The development of big black communities in urban countries and the important black labour force in mills presented a new challenge to white Southerners. They could non command these new communities in the same informal ways they had been able to command rural black Americans, which were more straight dependent on white landholders and merchandisers ( sharecropping system ) than their urban opposite numbers. In the metropolis, inkinesss and Whites were in more direct competition than they had been in the countryside. There was more danger of societal commixture. The metropolis, hence, required different, and more stiffly institutionalised, systems of control, henceforth Jim Crow Torahs. The Jim Crow Torahs were a response to the new world that required the white domination to travel to where it would hold a more stiff legal and institutional footing to retain control over the black population.

Why rubric these Torahs Jim Crow? The definition tells why ;

Jim Crow or jim crow ( j m+ kro+ ) Slang. noun

The systematic pattern of know aparting against and stamp downing Black people.


1. Upholding or practising favoritism against and suppression of Black people: Jim Crow Torahs ; a Jim Crow town.

2. Reserved or set aside for a racial or cultural group that is to be discriminated against: & # 8220 ; I told them I wouldn & # 8217 ; Ts take a Jim Crow occupation & # 8221 ; ( Ralph Bunche ) .

[ From disused Jim Crow, derogatory name for a Black individual, finally from the rubric of a 19th-century folk singer vocal, from crow. ]

– Jim+-Crow+ism ( j m+kro+iz+em ) noun ( 1 ) .

Jim Crow was the name for an ante-bellum folk singer show character. The folk singer show was one of the first autochthonal signifiers of the American amusement tradition.

The tradition began in February 1843 when a group of four white work forces from Virginia, billed as the & # 8220 ; Virginia Minstrels & # 8221 ; , applied black cork to their faces and performed a song-and-dance act in a little hall in New York City. This public presentation was such a success that the group was invited to tour to other metropoliss and impersonators sprang up instantly. These companies were replacements to single performing artists who imitated Negro vocalizing and dance. One of the earliest and most successful single performing artists was Thomas Dartmouth & # 8220 ; Daddy & # 8221 ; Rice.

Rice, detecting an aged Negro crooning and dance in Louisville, Kentucky to a vocal that ended with the same chorus, divine Rice, a white histrion. & # 8220 ; The phase musical Jim Crow, a blackface song-and-dance act, wins 20 encores at the City Theater on Jefferson Street in Louisville, Ky. Minstrel show innovator Thomas Dartmouth & # 8220 ; Daddy & # 8221 ; Rice, 24, has seen an aged, deformed slave named Jim Crow execute a small leap while working in a livery stable near the theatre, and he reproduces the adult male & # 8217 ; s hop and vocal: & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; Wheelabout, bend about,

Do jes so ;

An & # 8217 ; every clip I wheel about

I jump Jim Crow & # 8221 ; ( 2 )

& # 8220 ; The Virginia Minstrels give the first all-out folk singer show at New York & # 8217 ; s Bowery Amphitheater and are the first of the Negro Minstrel troupes that will rule U.S. musical amusement for most of the century. Directed by Daniel Decatur Emmet, 28, the folk singers are garishly costumed black-faced performing artists who sit in a hemicycle of chairs, exchange gags based on the popular white imaginativeness of southern black folklore, and sing vocals that include Emmet & # 8217 ; s & # 8220 ; Old Dan Tucker. & # 8221 ; The folk singer show will be the one signifier of American amusement with any direct relation to American life & # 8221 ; ( 3 ) .

Rice & # 8217 ; s imitation of the Negro & # 8217 ; s vocal and dance modus operandi took him from Louisville to Philadelphia and eventually to New York City in 1832.

Some of the Jim Crow Torahs from different provinces are listed at a lower place ; as you can see they were non from merely the deep South, racism had migrated to the western portion of our state along with the African American.

& # 183 ; Nurses No individual or corporation shall necessitate any white female nurse to nurse in wards or suites in infirmaries, either public or private, in which Negro work forces are placed. Alabama

& # 183 ; Buses All rider Stationss in this province operated by any motor transit company shall hold separate waiting suites or infinite and separate ticket Windowss for the white and coloured races. Alabama

& # 183 ; Railroads The music director of each rider train is authorized and required to delegate each rider to the auto or the division of the auto, when it is divided by a divider, designated for the race to which such rider belongs. Alabama

& # 183 ; Restaurants It shall be improper to carry on a eating house or other topographic point for the helping of nutrient in the metropolis, at which white and coloured people are served in the same room, unless such white and coloured individuals are effectually separated by a solid divider widening from the floor upward to a distance of seven pess or higher, and unless a separate entryway from the street is provided for each compartment. Alabama

& # 183 ; Pool and Billiard Rooms It shall be improper for a Negro and white individual to play together or in company with each other at any game of pool or billiards. Alabama

& # 183 ; Toilet Facilities, Male Every employer of white or Negro males shall supply for such white or Negro males moderately accessible and separate lavatory installations. Alabama

& # 183 ; Intermarriage The matrimony of a individual of Caucasic blood with a Negro, Mongolian, Malay, or Hindu shall be void and null. Arizona

& # 183 ; Intermarriage All marriages between a white individual and a Negro, or between a white individual and a individual of Negro descent to the 4th coevals inclusive, are hereby everlastingly prohibited. Florida

& # 183 ; Cohabitation Any Negro adult male and white adult female, or any white adult male and Negro adult female, who are non married to each other, who shall habitually populate in and busy in the dark the same room shall each be punished by imprisonment non transcending 12 ( 12 ) months, or by all right non transcending five hundred ( $ 500.00 ) dollars. Florida

& # 183 ; Education The schools for white kids and the schools for Negro kids shall be conducted individually. Florida

& # 183 ; Juvenile Delinquents There shall be separate edifices, non nearer than one 4th stat mi to each other, one for white male childs and one for Negro male childs. White male childs and Negro boys shall non, in any mode, be associated together or worked together. Florida

& # 183 ; Mental Hospitals The Board of Control shall see that proper and distinguishable flats are arranged for said patients, so that in no instance shall Negroes and white individuals be together. Georgia

& # 183 ; Exogamy It shall be improper for a white individual to get married anyone except a white individual. Any matrimony in misdemeanor of this subdivision shall be null. Georgia

& # 183 ; Barbers No colored barber shall function as a Barber [ to ] white adult females or misss. Georgia

& # 183 ; Burial The officer in charge shall non bury, or let to be buried, any coloured individuals upon land set apart or used for the entombment of white individuals. Georgia

& # 183 ; Restaurants All individuals licensed to carry on a eating house, shall function either white people entirely or colored people entirely and shall non sell to the two races within the same room or function the two races anyplace under the same licence. Georgia

& # 183 ; Amateur Baseball It shall be improper for any recreational white baseball squad to play baseball on any vacant batch or baseball diamond within two blocks of a resort area devoted to the Negro race, and it shall be improper for any amateur colored baseball squad to play baseball in any vacant batch or baseball diamond within two blocks of any resort area devoted to the white race. Georgia

& # 183 ; Parks It shall be improper for coloured people to patronize any park owned or maintained by the metropolis for the benefit, usage and enjoyment of white individuals & # 8230 ; and improper for any white individual to patronize any park owned or maintained by the metropolis for the usage and benefit of coloured individuals. Georgia

& # 183 ; Wine and Beer All individuals licensed to carry on the concern of selling beer or vino & # 8230 ; shall function either white people entirely or colored people entirely and shall non sell to the two races within the same room at any clip. Georgia

& # 183 ; Reform Schools The kids of white and coloured races committed to the houses of reform shall be kept wholly separate from each other. Kentucky

& # 183 ; Circus Tickets All circuses, shows, and tent exhibitions, to which the attending of & # 8230 ; more than one race is invited or expected to go to shall supply for the convenience of its frequenters non less than two ticket offices with single ticket Sellerss, and non less than two entrywaies to the said public presentation, with single ticket takers and receiving systems, and in the instance of exterior or collapsible shelter public presentations, the said ticket offices shall non be less than 25 ( 25 ) pess apart. Louisiana

& # 183 ; Housing Any individual & # 8230 ; who shall lease any portion of any such edifice to a Negro individual or a Negro household when such edifice is already in whole or in portion in tenancy by a white individual or white household, or frailty versa when the edifice is in tenancy by a Negro individual or Negro household, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and on strong belief thereof shall be punished by a mulct of non less than 25 ( $ 25.00 ) nor more than one hundred ( $ 100.00 ) dollars or be imprisoned non less than 10, or more than 60 yearss, or both such mulct and imprisonment in the discretion of the tribunal. Louisiana

& # 183 ; The Blind The board of legal guardians shall & # 8230 ; keep a separate edifice & # 8230 ; on separate land for the admittance, attention, direction, and support of all unsighted individuals of the coloured or black race. Louisiana

& # 183 ; Intermarriage All marriages between a white individual and a Negro, or between a white individual and a individual of Negro descent, to the 3rd coevals, inclusive, or between a white individual and a member of the Malay race ; or between the Negro and a member of the Malay race ; or between a individual of Negro descent, to the 3rd coevals, inclusive, and a member of the Malay race, are everlastingly prohibited, and shall be null. Old line state

& # 183 ; Railroads All railway companies and corporations, and all individuals running or runing autos or managers by steam on any railway line or path in the State of Maryland, for the transit of riders, are herewith required to supply separate autos or managers for the travel and transit of the white and coloured riders. Maryland

& # 183 ; Education Separate schools shall be maintained for the kids of the white and coloured races. Mississippi

& gt ;

& # 183 ; Promotion of Equality Any individual & # 8230 ; who shall be guilty of printing, publication or circulating printed, typewritten or written affair pressing or showing for public credence or general information, statements or suggestions in favour of societal equality or of exogamy between Whites and Negroes, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and capable to ticket or non transcending five hundred ( 500.00 ) dollars or imprisonment non transcending six ( 6 ) months or both. Mississippi

& # 183 ; Intermarriage The matrimony of a white individual with a Negro or mulatto or individual who shall hold one-eighth or more of Negro blood, shall be improper and null. Mississippi

& # 183 ; Hospital Entrances There shall be maintained by the regulating governments of every infirmary maintained by the province for intervention of white and coloured patients separate entrywaies for white and coloured patients and visitants, and such entrywaies shall be used by the race merely for which they are prepared. Mississippi

& # 183 ; Prisons The warden shall see that the white inmates shall hold separate flats for both feeding and kiping from the Negro inmates. Mississippi

& # 183 ; Education Separate free schools shall be established for the instruction of kids of African descent ; and it shall be improper for any coloured kid to go to any white school, or any white kid to go to a coloured school. Missouri

& # 183 ; Intermarriage All marriages between & # 8230 ; white individuals and Negroes or white individuals and Mongolians & # 8230 ; are prohibited and declared perfectly null & # 8230 ; No individual holding one-eighth portion or more of Negro blood shall be permitted to get married any white individual, nor shall any white individual be permitted to get married any Negro or individual holding one-eighth portion or more of Negro blood. Missouri

& # 183 ; Education Separate suites [ shall ] be provided for the instruction of students of African descent, and [ when ] said suites are so provided, such students may non be admitted to the classrooms occupied and used by students of Caucasic or other descent. New Mexico

& # 183 ; Textbooks Books shall non be interchangeable between the white and coloured schools, but shall go on to be used by the race foremost utilizing them. North Carolina

& # 183 ; Libraries The province bibliothec is directed to suit up and keep a separate topographic point for the usage of the coloured people who may come to the library for the intent of reading books or periodicals. North Carolina

& # 183 ; Militia The white and coloured reserves shall be individually enrolled, and shall ne’er be compelled to function in the same organisation. No organisation of coloured military personnels shall be permitted where white military personnels are available, and while white permitted to be organized, coloured military personnels shall be under the bid of white officers. North Carolina

& # 183 ; Transportation The & # 8230 ; Utilities Commission & # 8230 ; is empowered and directed to necessitate the constitution of separate waiting suites at all Stationss for the white and coloured races. North Carolina

& # 183 ; Teaching Any teacher who shall learn in any school, college or establishment where members of the white and coloured race are received and enrolled as students for direction shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and upon strong belief thereof, shall be fined in any amount non less than ten dollars ( $ 10.00 ) nor more than 50 dollars ( $ 50.00 ) for each discourtesy. Oklahoma

& # 183 ; Fishing, Boating, and Bathing The [ Conservation ] Commission shall hold the right to do segregation of the white and coloured races as to the exercising of rights of fishing, boating and bathing. Oklahoma

& # 183 ; Mining The baths and cabinets for the Negroes shall be separate from the white race, but may be in the same edifice. Oklahoma

& # 183 ; Telephone Booths The Corporation Commission is herewith vested with power and authorization to necessitate telephone companies & # 8230 ; to keep separate booths for white and coloured frequenters when there is a demand for such separate booths. That the Corporation Commission shall find the necessity for said separate booths merely upon ailment of the people in the town and locality to be served after due hearing as now provided by jurisprudence in other ailments filed with the Corporation Commission. Oklahoma

& # 183 ; Lunch Counters No individuals, houses, or corporations, who or which furnish repasts to riders at station eating houses or station feeding houses, in times limited by common bearers of said riders, shall supply said repasts to white and coloured riders in the same room, or at the same tabular array, or at the same counter. South Carolina

& # 183 ; Child Detention It shall be improper for any parent, comparative, or other white individual in this State, holding the control or detention of any white kid, by right of care, natural or acquired, or otherwise, to dispose of, give or give up such white kid for good into the detention, control, care, or support, of a Negro. South Carolina

& # 183 ; Libraries Any white individual of such county may utilize the county free library under the regulations and ordinances prescribed by the commissioners tribunal and may be entitled to all the privileges thereof. Said tribunal shall do proper proviso for the Negroes of said county to be served through a separate subdivision or subdivisions of the county free library, which shall be administered by [ a ] keeper of the Negro race under the supervising of the county librarian. Texas

& # 183 ; Education [ The County Board of Education ] shall supply schools of two sorts ; those for white kids and those for coloured kids. Texas

& # 183 ; Theaters Every individual & # 8230 ; runing & # 8230 ; any public hall, theater, opera house, gesture image show or any topographic point of public amusement or public gathering which is attended by both white and coloured individuals, shall divide the white race and the coloured race and shall put apart and denominate & # 8230 ; certain seats therein to be occupied by white individuals and a part thereof, or certain seats in this, to be occupied by coloured individuals. Virginia

& # 183 ; Railroads The music directors or directors on all such railwaies shall hold power, and are herewith required, to delegate to each white or coloured rider his or her several auto, manager or compartment. If the rider fails to unwrap his race, the music director and directors, moving in good religion, shall be the exclusive Judgess of his race. Virginia

& # 183 ; Intermarriage All matrimonies of white individuals with Negroes, Mulattos, Mongolians, or Malaya afterlife contracted in the State of Wyoming are and shall be illegal and null. Wyoming ( 4 ) .

The Supreme Court & # 8217 ; s governing on Plessy v. Ferguson was the birth of the separate but equal philosophy used to advance legal racism during the epoch of deconstruction.

Homer Plessy was an African American cobbler from New Orleans, Louisiana. On June 7, 1892, he was arrested for sitting in a & # 8220 ; whites merely & # 8221 ; railway auto of the East Louisiana Railroad. Plessy was merely one-eighths black and seven-eighths white, and under Louisiana jurisprudence, he was considered a black adult male and that required him to sit in the & # 8220 ; Colored & # 8221 ; auto. Mr.Plessy went to tribunal and argued, in Homer Adolph Plessy v. The State of Louisiana, that the Separate Car Act violated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The justice was John Howard Ferguson, a attorney from Massachusetts who had antecedently declared the Separate Car Act & # 8220 ; unconstitutional on trains that traveled through several provinces & # 8221 ; ( 5 ) . ( This makes you wonder, sing the corruptness of the tribunal system during this period of our history what his motivations were and where they came from. )

In Plessy & # 8217 ; s instance, nevertheless, he decided that the province could take to modulate railway companies that operated merely within Louisiana. He found Plessy guilty of declining to go forth the white auto ( 6 ) . Plessy so appealed to the Supreme Court of Louisiana, which upheld Ferguson & # 8217 ; s determination. Four old ages after his apprehension, in 1896, the Supreme Court of the United States heard Plessy & # 8217 ; s instance and found him guilty one time once more. Talking for an eight-person bulk, Justice Henry Brown wrote:

& # 8220 ; That [ the Separate Car Act ] does non conflict with the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished bondage & # 8230 ; is excessively clear for statement & # 8230 ; A legislative act which implies simply a legal differentiation between the white and coloured races-a differentiation which is founded in the colour of the two races, and which must ever be so long as white work forces are distinguished from the other race by color-has no inclination to destruct the legal equality of the two races & # 8230 ; The object of the Fourteenth Amendment was doubtless to implement the absolute equality of the two races before the jurisprudence, but in the nature of things it could non hold been intended to get rid of differentiations based upon colour, or to implement societal, as distinguished from political equality, or a commingling of the two races upon footings unsatisfactory to either. & # 8221 ; ( 7 ) .

The lone dissident, Justice John Harlan, showed unbelievable foresight when he wrote

& # 8220 ; Our Fundamental law is colour-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates categories among citizens. In regard of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the jurisprudence & # 8230 ; In my sentiment, the judgement this twenty-four hours rendered will, in clip, turn out to be rather every bit baneful as the determination made by this court in the Dred Scott instance & # 8230 ; The present determination, it may good be apprehended, will non merely stimulate aggressions, more or less barbarous and irritating, upon the admitted rights of coloured citizens, but will promote the belief that it is possible, by agencies of province passage & # 8217 ; s, to get the better of the beneficent intents which the people of the United States had in position when they adopted the recent amendments of the Constitution. & # 8221 ; ( 8 ) .

Justice Harlan predicted the hereafter. The Plessy determination set the case in point that & # 8220 ; separate & # 8221 ; installations for inkinesss and Whites were constitutional every bit long as they were & # 8220 ; equal. & # 8221 ; The & # 8220 ; separate but equal & # 8221 ; philosophy was rapidly extended to cover many countries of public life, such as eating houses, theatres, public toilets, and public schools. These Torahs ever caused the separation, but there was ne’er equality. & # 8221 ; The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that & # 8220 ; separate but equal & # 8221 ; adjustments were constitutional. In fact, offprint was about ne’er equal, but the Plessy philosophy provided constitutional protection for segregation for the following 50 old ages & # 8221 ; ( 9 ) .

The determination in Plessy v. Ferguson remained the implemented criterion in the South until the sixtiess, when, influenced by the Civil Rights motion, the federal goverment and the tribunals dispensed opinions that struck down the legal walls of racial segregation and ended Jim Crow.

Get downing in 1915, triumphs in the Supreme Court began to bit off at the Jim Crow Laws. The first major blow against the Jim Crow system of racial segregation was struck in 1954 by the Supreme Court & # 8217 ; s determination in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, ( 10 ) Kansas, which declared segregation in the public schools unconstitutional.

This was one of the beginnings of what is known as the & # 8220 ; Civil Rights Movement & # 8221 ; and the beginning of the terminal of Jim Crow Laws.

Time Magazine chronicles an early event of the newfound spirit of the civil rights motion ;

& # 8220 ; The classless revolution in the South sometimes moves like a spring inundation, oozing over and around the barriers, running in front of the sulky channels dredged by the jurisprudence. One afternoon last two weeks, such a spring spate bubbled up in the fabric metropolis of Greensboro, N.C. ( dad. 125,000 ) when four immature college pupils & # 8211 ; freshers from the Negro Agricultural and Technical College & # 8211 ; walked into the F.W. Woolworth shop on South Elm Street and softly sat down at the tiffin counter. The white frequenters eyed them warily, and the white waitress ignored their studiously polite petitions for service. The pupils continued to sit until shutting clip. Following forenoon they reappeared reinforced by 25 fellow pupils. By last hebdomad their alone sit-down had spread through 14 metropoliss in five Southern provinces in a far-ranging attach on the Jim Crow usage that Negroes may be served while standing at downtown tiffin counters but non if they sit down & # 8220 ; ( 11 ) .
