Life on a Manor Essay Sample

A manor is a self-sufficing country of land owned by one called a Godhead. On this land. many slave-like people ( who weren’t considered slaves because they were non bought or sold ) known as helot dwell in little huts. Merchants lived on the manor every bit good and worked in stores as things like a blacksmith. a baker or a craftsmen. The manor consisted of the places of the helot and the merchandisers. a church. the lord’s palace where he and his retainers lived and the farming area the helot worked on. This manner of life became known as feudal system. an exchange between the people and the Godhead that dealt with protection from encroachers for trueness to the Godhead.

Feudalism came approximately when the period known as The Dark Ages began. Life was a battle in Europe at this clip. The Byzantine Empire suffered from legion invasions and warfare from the Northern Vikings. Charlemagne brings the terminal of this feud. He encourages the people to change over to Christianity which is portion of the ground why the church was such an of import portion of everyone’s lives. He besides sets up schools and libraries were bookmans copied down ancient texts.

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Serfs worked twenty-four hours and dark agriculture. Whether it was harvests for the church. for themselves. or for the Godhead himself. the helot were ne’er non working. The helot were the lowest category of people in the societal pyramid inside a manor. The helot had to give a per centum of their harvests to the church. This was known as a tithe. Using the three Fieldss system. a system where two Fieldss were seeded and one was fallow to let dirt to recover foods and turn more & A ; better nutrient. Approximately 15 to thirty households lived on a manor protected by the Godhead.

The Roman Catholic Church was the centre of everyone’s life on a manor. It was run by the Pope. A priest was the caput of their ain parish. After a day-to-day mass. they would care for the sick and the hapless. cod tithes from the helot. and would learn at the schools. Nuns and monastics lived in monasteries and convents where they learned and copied manuscripts and lived. The church made it clear to the people that the end of mundane life was to acquire into heaven. Peoples payed a batch of money and spent a batch of clip at church. The church maintained order and was without a uncertainty the most powerful portion of mediaeval life on a manor.

The Godhead. his household. and his retainers lived in the palace on the manor. The palace was built with tall. thick walls and largely on a hill. Some even had H2O fosses. There weren’t many Windowss on a palace. They were little and made with no glass. Palaces were meant to supply protection against encroachers. They seemed to be helpful for a long clip until the innovation of the cannon. which was strong plenty the demolish a castle’s walls. which brought about the terminal of castle edifice.

The Knights occupation in the Middle Ages was to utilize arms. horsemanship and excel at medieval warfare. Knights acted. made determinations. and even fought harmonizing to the Code of Chivalry. A knight would be brave. brave. sort. and ne’er cowardly. For illustration. a knight would ne’er contend another if his dorsum was turned. A knight was non supposed to be underhand.

Music and art played an of import function in the medieval spiritual life Monks sang without music vocals called Monastery chants. The vocals were sung in Latin. Some churches had instruments such as variety meats and bells. The “hurdy gurdy” was besides found in churches. Two people played this stringed instrument. One individual turned the grouch while the other played the keys.

Sanitation and hygiene on the manor were atrocious. There were no such things as sewerage systems. for either the worlds or the farm animate beings. The people seldom bathed. The manor was frequently really crowded with people. Diseases spread rapidly and were really effectual like the Black Plague. Peoples believed that unwellnesss were caused by bad liquors penalizing people for their wickednesss.

Life on a manor in the in-between ages was unlike any other clip period in history. Social categories varied. the church was the centre of everyone’s lives. and everyone wanted to be protected from encroachers. The diminution of manorialism came when towns started to develop after invasions stopped. Populating on a manor brought the fable of knights and the start of the Catholic church to today’s society. Christianity may non be as popular today if it weren’t for the people of the in-between ages focus oning their lives around it.
