Living In The 21 St Century Essay Sample

Populating in the twenty-first century offers certain formal gowns frocks advantages. such as a higher criterion of life. but it besides has some disadvantages. such as a contaminated environment. To get down with. most people now have more money for less difficult work. They earn higher wages than earlier and bask better societal security. such as societal public assistance for discharged workers and disablement insurance. Second. because of the progress in medical engineering which leads to break medical attention and intervention. people’s life anticipation is longer. Furthermore. most people now can afford to purchase nutrients of high nutrition and bask their leisure clip. Third. modern comfortss such as wireless. Television. cyberspace. assorted vehicles and labor-saving machines in the place. all greatly facilitate human communicating. transit and housekeeping every bit good.

However. life in the twenty-first century besides has its disadvantages. The most serious one is the progressively contaminated environment ; air is filled with smog and H2O is contaminated by chemicals from mills. Another chief disadvantage is the personalization of human relationships which largely result from people’s ever-increasing contact with machines and Numberss.

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Still one more disadvantage is the weakening of religious values. An undeniable fact is that a big figure of people are entirely interested in mercenary civilization. while pretermiting religious civilisation. Limited by infinite. we have to jump the illustrations.

In decision. although the 21st formal beach marrying frocks gowns century has so given us a batch of advantages. it may non hold made us wiser. because it has besides made our Earth dirtier. our people less humane. and our religious life poorer. We should go on to bask the benefits of technological promotion. nevertheless. we must do a conjunct attempt to continue our natural environment for future coevalss. Furthermore. we should take the clip now to do our lives more meaningful do more interesting. the computerized universe ; we should do usage of advantages to make a better tomorrow.
