Magnificence: Short Story and Vicente Essay Sample

Magnificence’s secret plan follows the traditional pyramid theoretical account. It began by presenting the characters and scene of the narrative. It showed how Vicente. the coach music director relates with the two kids by assisting them in their surveies. Besides. he promises the childs to purchase them pencils that would do their schoolmates envy them. The narrative now reveals his existent purpose. He was really seeking to gain the small girls trust and wanted to molest and touch her physically. Fortunately. the female parent came down stepss and caught Vincente’s act before he could harm the small miss. The adult female was really much angry and slapped Vicente’s face. She asked the small miss to take a bath and chamge her apparels. She stayed by her daughter’s kid until she fell asleep.

Vicente – coach music director
Mother – president of vicinity association
Daughter and Son

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The short narrative started with a adult male named Vicente coming to the house of the two kids to tutor them with their category works. The household perfectly trust him for they think that this adult male was ever so soft. so sort. and there was nil to fear with when his around. The female parent and Vicente met in a vicinity association meeting. where the female parent is the president. After the meeting. Vicente told the female parent that he is willing to tutor her two kids – the male child who is eight old ages old and the miss who is seven old ages old. His grounds for this were the smarting of the two kids and his vacant clip during the eventides for he was a coach music director. Vicente promised the two kids that he would be conveying two pencils for each of them. Vicente has favouritism because he plans to give the miss more by purchasing her the biggest pencil he can happen.

Two hebdomads subsequently after his first coach with the kids. he brought along with him the pencils he promised. The following eventide. he was earlier than the usual clip he goes at that place to tutor the kids. He asked the male child to acquire a glass of H2O for him. He was left entirely with the miss. The miss got scared and got off from Vicente. As she got off. the female parent came and saw what was approximately to go on. After stating the kids to travel to their room. she kept on slapping Vicente until he was brought to the door and he ran off to the shadows. The female parent took the miss a bath before the miss slept and asked her to fire the pencils Vicente gave to them.

Impressiveness in the narrative was evidently seen in the female parent of the two kids. She was so great that she caught what was approximately to go on between the Vicente and the small miss. who is really guiltless. If she did non come. possibly Vicente will take advantage of the small miss with her alone.

Pleasure rule drives one to seek pleasance and to avoid hurting. The Idaho is responsible for our basic thrusts such as nutrient. sex and aggressive urges. and demands immediate satisfaction. As for Vicente. his Idaho is evidently seen because he was about to seek pleasance with the miss of seven by holding her sit on his lap and snog him during the clip of their tutorial category. He uses the pencils to allow the miss be close to him because he knows that she is fond of it. The kids want to hold pencils for their immediate satisfaction and to envy their friends.

The ego’s chief concern so is with the individual’s safety and allows some of the id’s desire to be expressed. The mother’s superego shields her girl from the incestuous inherent aptitudes that she thinks Vicente will make.

Phallic symbols refer to the male productive powers. For this short narrative. the phallic symbol used is the pencil. Children love pencil and they are brainsick about it so Vicente used this object to seek pleasance with the miss. The two kids used these pencils as a power to envy other childs. The colourss of the pencil that Vicente gave to the kids besides have significance in the narrative. The miss received ruddy. yellow and white pencil. which is a elephantine size. Red means power/ passion and gender. xanthous means intelligence and consciousness. and white. being the biggest among the three. means artlessness and purity/cleanliness. It merely says that the small miss is really guiltless. clean and has no mark of soil with her. She does non hold dirty ideas inside her head and she does non believe things like what Vicente is making with her when he asked her to sit on his lap. and embracing and snog him. For the small miss. these things were nil because her
head was non unfastened to such things.

The female parent at the terminal of the narrative asked her girl to take a bath rapidly. She presided over the bath that the miss took. scrubbed her. and soaped her. She besides changed the miss into new apparels and she burned the apparels that she had taken off the miss. For me. this symbolizes cleanliness and pureness. to take away the pleasance that Vicente seeks with the small miss. The female parent besides asked the miss to fire the pencils Vicente gave to them so that they would ever bury the adult male and ne’er of all time be tattooed on their head.

Subject of Magnificence by Estrella D Alfon?
Strangers should ne’er be trusted.
Trust is non inherited. it is gained.
