Major Migrations Into The Caribbean Essay Sample

Describe the major migrations into the Caribbean that greatly impacted society and civilization. Migration is the motion of people from one topographic point to another. but in this instance. it is the motion of a group of people from another state coming into the Caribbean for better chances chiefly. because of bondage. The major migrations into the Caribbean were chiefly slavery. indentureship. encomienda and the plantation system. All these were the impacts of the historical procedures. Influences of the major migrations in the Caribbean were that of experiences with plantation bondage – ( Europe. Caribbean and Africa ) . experiences with Indentureship. Colonialism and Indigenous populations. Therefore. this essay sees to depict how these major migrations into the Caribbean impacted the society and civilization. The Pre-columbian Migration was the migration forms of autochthonal peoples into the Americas. The Mayas. Aztecs and Incas were facets of the Pre-columbian period. They entered the Americas through Alaska and a group of huntsmans and gatherers crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska. They settled in countries like Belize. Guatemala. Honduras and Mexico.

There was besides the Post-Columbian Peros which started with the Spaniards. This migratory motion during the Columbian period was westbound across the Atlantic with the purpose of happening the ‘Indies’ and acquiring its wealths by trade or conquering. The Tainos and Kalinagoes entered the Caribbean through South America. They gained entryway through Orinoco Basin between Venezuela and Trinidad. Some settled in the Lesser Antilles ( Kalinagoes ) others went to the Greater Antilles ( Tainos ) . These autochthonal people did non come empty handed. they came with their diverse civilization. Spanish greed resulted in the captivity of Tainos under the encomienda system: Lords were granted lands under repartimiento and Tainos under encomienda so they could be protected. converted and instructed. in return they we’re required to work the land and pay testimonials. It became a system of utilizing a supply of forced labor ( slaves ) for economic production ( excavation. agriculture. and ranching ) . It ensured Spanish enlargement. colony. and control of lands. The superior engineering of Europeans became the instrument to enslave and loot the simpler autochthonal societies of the part.

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Religion was introduced as an instrument of conquering and imperialism. It resulted in the race murder of the Taino groups and mass slaying of others. This had far making impact on the Caribbean part viz. . a alteration in the societal composing of the part: Whites. Amerindians and Mestizos ) and the stratification within the society harmonizing to caste and category. race murder of Amerindians from diseases. guns. blades and self-destruction and marroonage as some Native americans fled to the safety of the mountains. woods and caves in districts such as Dominica. Guyana. Jamaica. They besides brought cultural exchange where Amerindians introduced baccy smoke. usage of knoll medicative belongingss of workss and herbs. tropical merchandises such as root harvests and beans. Significant Numberss of autochthonal peoples are to be found in Guyana ( Arawak. Caribs. WaiWai. Warau ) . Belize ( Garifuna ) . Dominica ( Caribs ) and Surinam. Post Columbian due west motion continued with the coming of other European states ( English. Dutch. French ) seeking to interrupt Spain’s monopoly. Through their actions other groups migrated due wests either forcedly in the instance of the Africans or voluntarily in the instance of the Asians.
