Nazi Germany

& # 8211 ; Barth Essay, Research Paper

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In the nineteen-thirties, Nazi Germany tried to determine their churches into a propaganda machine by paying court to Hitler in Christian literature. They besides did non let anyone of Judaic decent to function as a Christian curate. German theologists agreed to collaborate with the Nazis as merely another measure in the churches need to accommodate itself to modern civilization. The & # 8220 ; measure & # 8221 ; was the continuance of broad observers who tried to form portion of the Bible, which reflected the writer? s ain thoughts or contemplations of his or her civilization. Broad Protestants tried to wipe out memories of earlier civilization, replacing them with modern thoughts. Karl Barth, one of the greatest Protestant theologists of the 20th century, believed that cognition of God begins merely with Jesus Christ, non with & # 8220 ; human nature & # 8221 ; or & # 8220 ; modern civilization. & # 8221 ; Barth opposed the thought of a Nazi Christian Church, which was brought away by German theologists, and his difficult base captured the image of adult male in the early 20th century.

In dissension with the German theologists, a little group called the Confessing Church formed which included Karl Barth, who helped to outline their pronunciamento called the Barmen Declaration of 1934. In it he wrote:

& # 8220 ; Jesus Christ is the one word of God. We repudiate the false instruction that the church can and must acknowledge other occurrences and powers, images and truths as godly disclosure. We repudiate the false instructions that there are countries of our life in which we belong non to Jesus Christ but to another Godhead. We repudiate the false instruction that the church can turn over the signifier of her message and regulations will or harmonizing to some dominant ideological and political convictions. & # 8221 ;

( HCT: 294 )

Barth besides wrote T

he good publicized Church Dogmatics, a 13 volume, unfinished work of church Hagiographas where he attacked all “natural divinity, ” and all human attempts to understand God.

Karl Barth disagreed with many of the beliefs of broad minds such as Harnack and Schleiermacher. Broad Protestants believed faith originates and centres around the self-individual and experiences. Barth disagreed with the human experience belief because he felt, & # 8220 ; disclosure is God? s self offering and self manifestation. & # 8221 ; He besides felt without disclosure we would non cognize God, and to cognize God we must attest. He wanted society to remain off from making a God they were comfy with, but alternatively listen to what God says in the Bible and how He reveals himself in it.

Barth besides saw otherwise the broad position of worlds and how faith should be shaped. Liberals had an optimistic point of position of worlds, where Barth had a pessimistic position. Barth said we are evildoers and we can non salvage ourselves. Furthermore, we need God to assist salvage us. Liberals besides thought the worldviews should determine our faith. Barth disagreed with this position and stated, & # 8220 ; God is the Godhead, Lord of history, and redeemer. & # 8221 ;

A concluding contrast was the impression of the Broad Protestants who felt Jesus was merely a instructor of moralss. Barth claimed Jesus Christ was the Son of God who came in as the retainer and high priest. He thought Christ called us to populate a life of hope, and we are forgiven through Christ.

Karl Barth saw the Christian faith get downing to rock towards chauvinistic positions such as Nazi Germany. He stopped adult male from upseting the Gospel to suit his ain footings. His thoughts and beliefs tried to set a arrest on conforming faith based on human comfort, which captured the image of adult male.
