Negative Effects of Illegal Logging Essay Sample

Thesis Statement: The illegal logging in the Philippines. which is perpetrated by condemnable organisations consequences to force and human rights misdemeanors.
Negative Effectss of Illegal Logging
Illegal Logging has a wide-range of negative environmental. societal and economic impacts. Immediate impacts include loss of biodiversity. eroding. subsequent H2O pollution. forest fires. flash implosion therapy and landslides ( Lawson and Macfaul 9 ) .

The Philippines has ever been a portion of the logging industry. During the 50’s to the 70’s. the Philippines became the top exporter of logs. But because of the logging industry. three-quarterss of the archipelago was covered with woods in the 1950s. This figure shrank by half in 1972. and by 1988 merely a one-fourth remained. go forthing a bantam fraction of virgin forest. Because of its negative impact on our environment. the logging industry being controlled by Executive Order 23 easy became smaller and smaller.

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One of the chief grounds why logging is being controlled because forest devastation in bend contributes to twenty per centum of planetary C dioxide emanations in which it would rush up the procedure of clime alteration. Illegal Logging and associated trade in illicitly sourced wood merchandises are of import causes of deforestation and forest debasement in many developing states. but the devastation of our environment is non the lone issue here. Violence related to logging is besides a large issue that needs to be tackled about ( Lawson and Macfaul 1 ) .

During the 1990s. units of company guards. which in some countries amount to little private ground forcess who are hired by logging companies. have intimidated. randomly detained. tortured. and in some instances killed occupants who are environing the land they are traveling to log. They use aggression to fend off folks who are shacking in that country that they need. This is because they can non prosecute the logging activities unless the said land is a “No Man’s Land” or no 1 is shacking in that country. Sister Mary John Dumaog. a Catholic nun. said that the members of Manpatilan’s Civilian Home Defense Force ( CHDF ) terrorized Banwaon communities. slaying at least 20 six civilians. six of them by hanging. Harmonizing to autochthonal peoples’ organisations. throughout this period the ground forces and paramilitary groups on a regular basis abducted and killed occupants. burned their houses and harvests. and pillaged or destroyed their farm animal and ownerships ( The Philippines: Human Rights 19 ) . It’s non merely the occupants who are being abused. authorities workers and functionaries are threatened on a regular footing. In several countries. local authorities governments and members of the military involved in illegal logging have. in their official capacities. harassed and punished functionaries and private persons opposed to illegal logging.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region X office in Cagayan de Oro on a regular basis received anon. menaces over the phone and in the mail. Those who turned down payoffs to acquire illegal draws through found themselves confronting decease menaces. During 1979 to 1994. at least 60 one wood guards and conservationists were murdered in the class of their work ( The Philippines: Human Rights 8 ) .

Because of the pursuit of logging even though it is being held off. many human rights misdemeanors and force related to logging are being committed throughout the twelvemonth. President Aquino issued Executive Order 23 in February 2011 holding all authorised logging operations in natural woods countrywide and virtually halting timber extraction of about 300 million board pess a twelvemonth. If Illegal logging were to be easy brought to a complete terminal within the following 10 old ages. between two to twenty two billion metric tons of C dioxide emanations might be avoided ( Lawson and Macfaul 6 ) . The execution by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources of Executive Order 23 has drastically reduced the illegal logging hot spots to 31 from a high of 197. The DENR besides has trade with armed groups employed by illegal lumbermans ( Villanueva 14 ) .

Between 50 to ninety per centum of logging activities in tropical states are largely done by condemnable organisations ( Steiner ) . The intensified run against illegal lumbermans was before ordered by DENR regional executive manager Maximo Dichoso aiming Bongabon and other hot spots such as the towns of Carranglan. Gabaldon. Gen Tinio. Laur and Pantabangan. Many civilians and DENR functionaries have been already hurt by the operations conducted by the DENR against Illegal Loggers. including the onslaughts on a DENR Forester ( Galvez 16 ) . Harmonizing to line taken from Executive Order 23 “The Task Force is herewith mandated to take the lead in the anti-illegal logging run and guarantee the execution of this Executive Order under the supervising of the DENR. It shall besides help the DENR in the enforcement of other environmental laws“ . The anti-illegal logging undertaking force ( AILTF ) has approved the reclassification of the run against illegal lumbermans in Mindanao as “active military operations” and dissolved bing civilian and retired military contingents of the undertaking force. including the remotion of retired general Renato Miranda as caput of the AILTF Kalikasan ( Andrade 1 ) .

Elementss of Style
1. Make non take cutoffs at the cost of lucidity: President Aquino issued “EO” 23 ( EO for Executive Order ) 2. Put the period after the parenthetical commendation
Example: WRONG…retired General Renato Miranda as caput of the AILTF Kalikasan. ( Andrade 1 ) RIGHT… . retired General Renato Miranda as caput of the AILTF Kalikasan ( Andrade 1 ) . 3. In a series of three or more footings with a individual concurrence. utilize a comma after each term except the last. Example: WRONG…who are hired by logging companies. have intimidated. randomly detained. tortured and in some instances killed occupants who are environing the land they are traveling to log. RIGHT… who are hired by logging companies. have intimidated. randomly detained. tortured. and in some instances killed occupants who are environing the land they are traveling to log. 4. Put a comma before and or but presenting an independent clause. Example: … causes of deforestation and forest debasement in many developing states. but the devastation of our environment is non the lone issue here.
