Olympic Games Essay Sample

Wrestle is one of the oldest signifiers of combat with mentions to it every bit early as the Iliad. in which Homer recounts the Trojan War in the 13th or 12th century BC. [ 3 ] The beginnings of wrestle can be traced back 15. 000 old ages through cave drawings in France. Babylonian and Egyptian relief’s show grapplers utilizing most of the holds known to the contemporary athletics. In ancient Greece. wrestling occupied a outstanding topographic point in fable and literature ; wrestling competition. brutal in many facets. was the figure one athletics of the Olympic Games. The ancient Romans borrowed to a great extent from Grecian wrestle. but eliminated much of its ferociousness. During the Middle Ages ( 5th century to 15th century ) wrestle remained popular and enjoyed the backing of many royal households. including those of France. Japan and England. Early Americans brought a strong wrestle tradition with them when they came from England.

The colonists besides found wrestling to be popular among Native Americans. Amateur wrestling flourished throughout the early old ages of the state and served as a popular activity at state carnivals. vacation jubilations. and in military exercisings. The 1st organized national wrestle tourney was held in New York City in 1888. while the 1st wrestling competition in the modern Olympic Games was held in 1904 in Saint Louis. Missouri. FILA was founded in 1912. in Antwerp. Belgium. The 1st NCAA Wrestling Championships were besides held in 1912. in Ames. Iowa. USA Wrestling. located in Colorado Springs. Colorado. became the national government organic structure of recreational wrestle in 1983. It conducts competitions for all age degrees.

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