Packet Traceri Essay Sample

1. Setup the PacketTracer 5. 3. 3
2. Use it to pull and imitate the undermentioned webs.
3. There are 3 sub-parts a. B and c. For each portion. if all Personal computers can ping each other. so your constellation is right. Note that the web mask is 255. 255. 255. 0.

PC1 can ping PC2 and vice-versa. Give any IP references.

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What overseas telegram is used to link PC1 and PC2? _____________________________________________ Explain why such a overseas telegram is used? ______________________________________________________ Explain why you choose these IP references for the nodes. __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PC1 can ping PC2 and vice-versa. Give any IP reference

Are the overseas telegrams used in 1b the same as the one used in 1a? __________________________________ Explain your reply. ________________________________________________________________

Must the assigned IP references of the two nodes be in the same subnet for them to pass on? ___________________________ Explain your reply. ________________________________________________________________

PC1. PC2. PC11 and PC22 can ping each other.
Use web mask = 255. 255. 255. 0
You must configure the fa0/0 to IP reference: _______________________ You must configure the fa0/1 to IP reference: _______________________

There are two ways to configure the router.
i. Window-based
two. Command Line Interface ( CLI ) based

I. Window based Stairss
To configure the IP Address & A ; routing on the router:
a ) Double-click the router. A pop-up window will come up
B ) Select the in-between sub-menu ( config )
degree Celsius ) To configure IP reference. choose the interfaces
vitamin D ) To configure routing. select routing

two. Command Line based Stairss
To configure the IP Address on the router:
( Note: The Bold character is what you need to type )
a ) Click the CLI
B ) Press RETURN to acquire started ( in bid line manner ) .

Router & gt ; enable
Router # configure terminus
Enter constellation bids. one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router ( config ) # interface fa0/0
Router ( config-if ) # ip reference 1. 2. 3. 4 255. 255. 255. 0
Router ( config-if ) # no shut

% LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0. changed province to up Router ( config-if ) # interface fa0/1
Router ( config-if ) # ip reference 4. 3. 2. 1 255. 255. 255. 0
Router ( config-if ) # no shut

% LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1. changed province to up Router ( config-if ) # issue

The bid format for IP reference constellation:
Choose the interface.
Router ( config-if ) # ip reference & lt ; IP_address & gt ; & lt ; Network_mask & gt ;

Part 2: Apparatus Wireless Connection Using Packet Tracer

Choose a Personal computer. power down the Personal computer.

Change the NIC to a Wireless NIC.
Power on the Personal computer.
Connect it to an Access Point.

Configure the IP Address on PC0 and PC1. both Personal computer should be able to ping each other.

Configure a web topology as below and all Personal computers must be able to ping each other.

Part 3: Understanding Routing Using Packet Tracer 5. 3

The web mask is 255. 255. 255. 0
Stairss to configure the IP Address & A ; routing on the router: i. Double-click the router. A pop-up window will come up
two. Choose the in-between sub-menu ( config )
three. To configure IP reference. choose the interfaces
four. To configure routing. select routing

Use package tracer to pull and imitate the undermentioned web below

Fill in the space to supply your ain addressing

No| Name| Value| |
1| Network Mask ( for the whole web ) | 255. 255. 255. 0| | 2| Network 1 Address| | |
3| Network 2 Address| | |
4| Network 3 Address| | |

Inactive Routing

a ) Give your ain IP addressing for the above web.
B ) Configure inactive routing on Router1 and Router2
degree Celsius ) Make sure that every station including the router can ping every other station. Then. you constellation is right. vitamin D ) After all Personal computer can ping each other. double-click each router and travel to CLI Menu on each Router and do type “show ip route” Record the end product

Router1 # show ip path
______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Router2 # show ip path
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Default Routing

a ) Give your ain IP addressing for the above web.
B ) Configure inactive routing on Router1 and default path on Router2 degree Celsius ) Make sure that every station including the router can ping every other station. Then. you constellation is right. vitamin D ) After all Personal computer can ping each other. double-click each router and travel to CLI Menu on each Router and do type “show ip route” Record the end product

Router1 # show ip path
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Router2 # show ip path
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Dynamic Routing. RIP

a ) Give your ain IP addressing for the above web.
