Pepsi Soft Drink in Thai Monopolistically Competitive Market Essay Sample

Pepsi is sold in legion states around the universe that can be associated as Americas. Europe. Asia. Middle East and Africa. Quite a batch of those states. Pepsi are non a leader in the Cola soft drink markets ; nevertheless. Pepsi is a soft drink leader in several states including Thailand. The Pepsi soft drink or the soft drink in this study means specifically merely a carbonated Cola soft drink that is categorized in a monopolistically competitory market due to a status of the industry. A monopolistic competition is between monopoly and perfect competition. There are many purchasers and Sellerss in which houses produce merchandises that are clone replacements and no barrier to entry and issue for this sort of market.

Harmonizing to Thai monopolistic competition type of market. non merely Coke. but besides some new trade names of soft drink – Big Cola and RC Cola. are utility goods that Pepsi usually competes in the market. Because of Pepsi is a normal good that would be affected by income alterations. In the one manus. consumers are capable to take which trade name they prefer to. In the other manus. if they can non devour Pepsi. they will accept other trade names alternatively. This state of affairs will be analyzed in the subject of demand and supply of Pepsi and the single behaviour for soft drink.

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To deeply analyze about the monopolistically competitory market in Thailand. the nature of industry and the pull offing monopolistically competitory markets will be applied for Pepsi soft drink. Furthermore. graphs would help to easy understand clearly and suitably for each information following.

Company Information

Presently. Sermsuk Public Company Limited is a taking company in drink manufacturer and drink distributer in Thailand that has the figure one carbonated soft drink merchandises particularly carbonated cola soft drink under trade name “Pepsi” . More than 100 old ages that people know Pepsi and more than 50 old ages that Thais have experience with Pepsi. Sermsuk has introduced Pepsi in Thailand by puting up its first mill and let go ofing Pepsi in 1953. With strong potency of the company. strong trade name of Pepsi. and continually advancing run of Pepsi. Pepsi has succeeded in the monopolistic market until now as the figure one in the market with most per centum of market portion. Marketing web site reported that 36. 000 million tical ( exchange rate $ 1 US ? 30 Thai tical about ) value in the Pepsi market.

Demand and Supply

Based on the jurisprudence of demand. the demand of Pepsi is downward inclining. That means monetary value and measure demanded are reciprocally related. As the monetary value of Pepsi rises ( falls ) and all other things remain changeless. the measure demanded of Pepsi falls ( rises ) . The demand curve could be shifted by factors other than the monetary value – consumer income. monetary values of related goods. advertisement and consumer gustatory sensations. population. and consumer outlooks – that affect demand. Then. the demand curve of Pepsi will switch to the left or the right depended on a sort of factor and a way of alteration.

1. Consumer Income Pepsi is a normal good. so when consumers get more income. they usually consume more Pepsi at any given monetary value. The demand curve displacement to the right. Inversely. when consumers get less income. they decrease their ingestion of Pepsi. Because of the alteration in income. the demand curve will switch to the left.

2. Monetary values of Related Goods In instance of replacements. an addition ( lessening ) in the monetary value of Pepsi leads to an addition ( lessening ) in the demand for the other good. For illustration. if the monetary value of Coke additions. most consumers will get down to replace Pepsi. because the comparative monetary value of Coke is higher than earlier. The measure of Pepsi demanded will be given to increase as a consequence an addition monetary value of Coke increases the demand for Pepsi. Coke and Pepsi are replacements. so a displacement in the demand for Pepsi moves to the right. On the other manus. if the monetary value of Coke lessenings. the demand for Pepsi lessenings. The demand shifts to the left.

3. Ad and Consumer Tastes An addition in advertisement displacements demand to the right. Advertising persuades and provides consumers with information about the being or quality of Pepsi. The gustatory sensations of consumers besides influence demand displacement. For illustration. Pepsi Thailand has launched a current advertisement run by showing 3 Thai celebrated vocalists 2nd clip in the commercial in order to near mark consumers of Pepsi. The Pepsi besides has a competition for consumers who buy Pepsi. For this run. study consequences that consumers can acknowledge Pepsi as top of head 67 % . In add-on. Pepsi Thailand expects gross revenues of Pepsi will turn at least 10 % because of advertisement.

4. Population It affects the demand of Pepsi if the size of population is bigger or smaller. When population in Thailand bit by bit grow and so on. the figure of measure of Pepsi additions and its gross revenues besides rise. Consequently. the demand curve displacements because of altering in population.

5. Consumer Expectations The demand curve of Pepsi can be changed if alterations in consumer outlooks. Coke and Pepsi are utility goods ; for illustration. if consumers expect the monetary value of Coke will drop for some grounds such as a publicity. they will replace Coke more than Pepsi. As this state of affairs. the measure of Pepsi for future purchases will take down. but the demand of Coke will higher because its monetary value will cheaper in the hereafter.

The jurisprudence of supply defines that as the monetary value of Pepsi rise ( falls ) and other things remain changeless. the measure supplied of the Pepsi rises ( falls ) . The supply curve is upward inclining. Figure 4: Changes in Supply of Pepsi

Variables that affect the place of the supply curve are called supply shifters. and they include the monetary values of inputs. the degree of engineering. the figure of houses in the market. revenue enhancements. and manufacturer outlooks. Whenever one or more of these variables alterations. the place of the full supply curve displacements as a alteration in supply.

Quantitative Demand Analysis

The ain monetary value snap of demand of Pepsi is defined as EQx. Px = % ?Qdx ? % ?Px. Sing in demand and market status. the ain monetary value snap of soft drink is inelastic. The value of the ain monetary value snap of demand when it is inelastic can be shown as |EQx. Px| & lt ; 1. To explicate the absolute value of the ain monetary value snap is less than 1. if the monetary value of Pepsi additions ( lessenings ) 1 % . the demand of Pepsi lessenings ( additions ) less than 1 % . Figure 5: Demand. Elasticity. and Entire Gross

Monetary value
Unitary Elastic


Entire Gross
Unitary Elastic

The cross-price snap of demand of Pepsi is defined as EQx. Py = % ?Qdx ? % ?Py. When Ten and Y are substitutes – X refers to Pepsi and Y refers to Coke. Due to replace goods of Cola soft drink. the cross-price snap of demand is more than nothing that is showed in symbol as EQx. Py & gt ; O. As a consequence Pepsi and Coke can certainly replace.

The Nature of Industry

Considering about a market construction of soft drink industry in Thailand. there are some factors such as the house size. the concentration in the industry. engineerings used in the industry. conditions of demand and market. and the potency of houses to come in or issue of the industry. To analyse how much of concentration rate of soft drink industry. one of the step is the Herfindahl-Hirschman index ( HHI ) . The HHI index is the amount of the squared market portions of houses in the soft drink industry. multiplied by 10. 000. HHI = 10. 000 ?w I 2 The value of the HHI index lies between 0 and 10. 000. As the value of HHI is below 1. 000. markets are non concentrated. When the value is between 1. 000 and 1. 800. the markets are reasonably concentrated.

What if HHI’s value is more than 1. 800. the markets are extremely concentrated. Mention to Figure 1 ; the market portion of Pepsi is equal to 40 % . Coke is equal to 35 % . Large Cola is equal to 22 % . and other trade names are equal to 3 % . Therefore. the Herfindahl-Hirschman index for the soft drink industry is HHI = 10. 000 ? [ ( 0. 4 ) 2 + ( 0. 35 ) 2 + ( 0. 22 ) 2 + ( 0. 03 ) 2 ] = 3. 318 Since HHI = 3. 318. the soft drink industry in which Pepsi is has high concentration. There are several big houses in the industry that possess an advantage engineering. However. each house in the industry produce the soft drink that is somewhat different from other houses do. Hence. Rothschild indexes are greater than zero.

Pull offing Monopolistically Competitive Markets

A monopolistic competition is between monopoly and perfect competition. There are many purchasers and Sellerss in which houses produce merchandises that are clone replacements and no barrier to entry and issue for this sort of market. Like a monopoly. monopolistically competitory houses have market power that permits pricing above fringy cost and degree of gross revenues depends on the monetary value it sets. Yet the monopolistically competitory houses have limited market power. Figure 6: Short-run Net income Maximizing under Monopolistic Competition ( Soft Drink Industry )

To maximise net incomes. the soft drink industry known as the monopolistically competitory house produces where fringy gross peers fringy cost ( MR=MC ) . The demand and fringy gross curves used to find the soft drink industry’s profit-maximising end product and monetary value are based non on the market demand for the merchandise but on the demand for the single firm’s merchandise. Then. the profit-maximising monetary value is the maximal monetary value consumers are willing to pay for Pepsi for Q* units. Consequently. short-term net income maximizing of Pepsi is in the shadiness that is the difference between monetary value ( P* ) and an mean entire cost for Q* units multiply by Q* units. Because of free entry into the industry. the net incomes of Pepsi in the soft drink industry pull other houses in order to portion the net incomes. Increasing houses in the industry affect net incomes of Pepsi and other houses in long-term under monopolistic competitory market.

In the long tally. monopolistically competitory houses produce a degree of end product such that P & gt ; MC and P = ATC & gt ; lower limit of mean costs. After many houses enter to the soft drink industry in order to steal market portion of Pepsi. the demand of Pepsi is reduced until net incomes are equal to zero on long-term equilibrium point that P1=AC. The demand of Pepsi is lower because more houses enter and Pepsi’s monetary value is lower from P* to P1. As a consequence of long term. there are no more rivals to come in into the soft drink industry because of gaining no net incomes in the industry.

The monopolistic competition of the Pepsi soft drink industry in Thailand is good to consumers. They have an chance to seek and devour from assortment merchandises. However. this construction of the Pepsi industry is bad to society because economic systems of graduated table in soft drink merchandises could be to the full exploited.

Pricing Schemes

Pepsi is produced in many sorts of containers such as 325-cc can. 1. 25-liter bottle. 2. 5-liter bottle. and others. so there are assorted monetary value schemes including block pricing scheme. cross-subsidies scheme. and bring on trade name trueness scheme. Table 4: Pepsi’s Block Pricing Information ( $ 1 US ? 30 Thai tical ) Places| 6-pack of Pepsi can| 12-pack of Pepsi can|

The Mall’s Supermarket ( Ngamwongwan subdivision ) | 75 baht| 148 baht| Tesco Lotus ( Changwattana subdivision ) | 70 baht| 139 baht|
Tops Supermarket ( Changwattana subdivision ) | 74 baht| 140 baht| Block Pricing:
As Table 4. 6-pack of Pepsi can and 12-pack of Pepsi can be identified the block pricing scheme that homogeneous merchandises are packaged together in order to heighten net incomes by coercing consumers to do an all-or-nothing determination to buy Pepsi. If consumers accept to pass money and purchase whole 6-pack or 12-pack of Pepsi can. they will acquire all can packaged in the battalion and they must pay higher monetary value for full battalion than for each can.

Suppose fringy cost of 1 can of Pepsi is equal to 7 tical. consumers purchase 1 can by paying 15 tical. To gain more net incomes. Pepsi applies block pricing scheme by boxing 6-pack of Pepsi can together. If consumers tend to devour whole bundle of 6 units each. they need to be charged 66 tical. Therefore. Pepsi house additions profit from this scheme 24 tical a bundle. Cross-Subsidies: Normally. Pepsi cooperates with junk-food eating houses such as The Pizza Company. The Pizza Company launches its publicity for consumers what if they buy 1 pizza they will acquire 1 pizza free in the same size as they order. During this publicity. although the eating house could derive lower net income from pizzas. Pepsi would be charged more expensive. Conversely. The Pizza Company attracts consumers to purchase more than 500 tical and offers free 1. 25-liter Pepsi. In this instance. The Pizza Company would gain net incomes from pizza alternatively.

Pizza and Pepsi are cross-subsidies merchandises that are a type of pricing scheme in which net incomes gained from the sale of one merchandise are used to subsidise gross revenues of a related merchandise. Induce Brand Loyalty: In order to bring on consumers’ trueness in trade name of Pepsi and cut down a opportunity to exchange trade name. Pepsi normally launches mean 1 advertisement run per twelvemonth and promotes the trade name to non merely bing consumers. besides a new consumer. Currently. Thai Pepsi has launched advertisement by showing 3 Thai celebrated vocalists in the commercial. To back up this run. the Pepsi besides has a competition for consumers who buy Pepsi. If consumers concern about trade name trueness. they will devour Pepsi more than other rivals’ trade name. Furthermore. the loyal consumers in Pepsi will be willing to pay for Pepsi even its monetary value will be increased.


In this study. several chapters from a text book titled “Managerial Economics and Business Strategy” – Demand and Supply. Quantitative Demand Analysis. The Nature of Industry. Pull offing Monopolistically Competitive Markets. and Pricing Schemes – are applied to see the soft drink industry. Based on conditions of the market’s construction. the soft drink industry has many purchasers and Sellerss in which houses produce merchandises that are differentiated but closely replacements and the market has no barrier for houses to entry into or issue from the industry. Analyzing antecedently. the industry could be under the monopolistically competitory markets. Since Pepsi has founded in Thailand. quite a batch Pepsi’s selling schemes has used to advance. sell. and create trade name trueness of its merchandises. Plenty of consumers are familiar with this trade name ; they have besides consumed Pepsi for long.

Therefore. presents Pepsi has still held its rank in the soft drink industry as a market’s leader with the figure one market portion per centum. Sermsuk ( Pepsi’s production and distribution company ) tries non merely to seriously step into better and more typical market incursion. but besides to develop and advance the effectivity of operation to the excellence of direction. To reason. Pepsi continuously develops schemes to advance its merchandise to consumers in the Thai monopolistically competitory market. In add-on. Pepsi applies new schemes to maintain the figure one rank in the industry. Furthermore. the house should accommodate engineering for an advantage to vie other challengers. Furthermore. bring oning trade name trueness for consumers seems to profit a batch. All of these could supply Pepsi as the figure one so long.


Bangkok Focus News Online. hypertext transfer protocol: //marketingbangkokfocus. blogspot. com/2011_02_01_archive. hypertext markup language Baye. M. R. ( 2010 ) . Managerial Economics and Business Strategy ( 7th ed. ) . McGraw-Hill. New York. America. Bell Ja Marketing. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bellja. com National Food Institute. Thailand. hypertext transfer protocol: //fic. nfi. or. th/th/thaifood/product52-beverage. asp PepsiCo Incorporation. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. pepsico. com/index. hypertext markup language Pepsi Thailand. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. pepsithai. com/pepsi2010/index. php Positioning Magazine Online. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. positioningmag. com Sermsuk Public Company Limited. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. sermsukplc. com/index-en. php Sermsuk Public Company Limited ( 2010 ) . Annual Report 2010. Thailand. The Bureau of Registration Administration ( BORA ) . hypertext transfer protocol: //bora. dihydroxyphenylalanine. travel. th/list. htm
