Petrie’s Electronic Case Questions Essay Sample

Question 1: How do information systems undertakings get started in organisations? Answer: I think the information system gets started in an organisation every bit shortly as a company starts. The demand for information roll uping starts every bit shortly as a company starts up. They get started when an organisation is holding a job maintaining path of information accurately. possibly the sum of information. and many more grounds. A systems analysis can utilize several options to get down. in house. you have information engineering houses. outsourcing. or possibly purchase some off-the-rack package. Then you would utilize what most organisation usage as standard stairss. system development methodological analysis.

Question 2: How are organisational information systems related to a company scheme? How does scheme impact the information systems a company develops and uses? Answer: They work together and necessitate to complement each other. They work together and if one evolves so does the others. It is known as the Information Systems Strategy Triangle. They need to work together in coherence. You should see the concern scheme when planing the information system so you information system can be changed as the scheme is changed. Question 4: What do you believe Jim’s following measure would be?

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Answer: Jim’s following measure would be to look and the system that Petrie’s have in topographic point to maintain path of their client or gross revenues. Then get down to plan or upgrade the system to run into the company’s ends. To seek to incorporate the client gross revenues and make a system that records information of the client and allows the companies to make out to the client by mail possibly. Therefore. the company can offer particular offers. new merchandises. and other ways to make a better communicating to the client.
