Progressives attempted to improve working conditions Essay Sample

Between 1890 and 1920. Progressives attempted to better working conditions. urban life. and societal conditions. Many demanded alterations in the ordinance of concern. labour. and consumer safety. It is just to state that the Progressives successfully accomplished their ends ; therefore. this epoch appears to be a success. Without these alterations. workers would go on working for low rewards. large concerns would monopolise over the full industries and labour would be weak. or would we hold regulated nutrient and drug Torahs.

Tonss of big concerns had complete control full industries. Teddy Roosevelt stopped these types of monopolies. In 1902. Roosevelt proposed a “Square Deal. ” which called for enforcement of bing anti-trust Torahs every bit good as rigorous control of large concerns. ( Tindall et al. . page400 ) The Northern Securities Company was dissolved in 1904 by the Supreme Court and Swift and Company was capable to Federal Regulation. In 1906. The Hepburn Act allowed the ICC the right to put maximal freight rates and widen their range beyond railwaies. ( Tindall et al. . page401 ) In 1906. the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act provided for ordinances on meats. prepared nutrients. and medical specialties. ( Tindall et al. . page402 ) The Clayton Antitrust Act ( 1914 ) prohibited sole gross revenues contracts. local monetary value cutting to stop dead out rivals. discounts. and meshing board of directorss in corporations capitalized at $ 1 million or more in the same field of concern. and inter-corporate stock retentions. ( Tindall et al. . page407 )

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