Singapore Elementary School Psychology Case Study Essay Sample

This instance survey revolves around John. He is a capable 11 twelvemonth old student who is an above norm ability male child. However. he about did non do it into the standard watercourse in his school. His consequences were severely affected due to his frequent inattention in category every bit good as his uncomplete prep. He is enrolled in an elect primary school that has the GEP plan. Based on the category classs. he is the weakest student in the last standard category. John is greatly unmotivated and shows no involvement in his lessons or any category activities. His schoolmates and even other better accomplishing classmates look down on him due to his hapless classs. They exclude him from their activities and often ridicule him due to his behavior and differences. John. who is maturating faster than his equals. is already in the early phases of pubescence. As he did non pay attending to his lesson. he is incognizant that they changes taking topographic point is his organic structure is natural and he is therefore confused by what is go oning. The biological alterations in his organic structure has caused him to go more aggressive towards his schoolmates.

It has besides caused him to turn more hair on his legs and arm. His equals have noticed this and hold begun to mortify him more. In revenge to protect himself. he reacts unnecessarily by either happening problem with his schoolmates and even slaming the tabular arraies and jostling the chairs. He comes from an progressively more common assorted race Indian-Chinese household. He is largely cared for by his domestic assistant. as his parents. who are of the in-between income fiscal background. tends to work long hours. John does non acquire to see his parents much. but when they are at place. he ends up hearing them argue and battle alternatively. This has impacted him negatively which resulted in his hapless academic public presentation. His drawn-out household did non O.K. of his parents’ matrimony and therefore has disowned them. doing him experience even more out-casted. Context of Development

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Problems & A ; Theories
John’s issues can be addressed utilizing Bronfenbrenner’s ( Bronfenbrenner & A ; Morris. 2006 ) ecological theory which is made up of five environmental systems. Three of the systems. peculiarly the microsystem. mesosystem and exosystem will be broached in response to John’s state of affairs.

Parents play a really important function with respects to their children’s public presentation in school ( Epstein. 2007a. B ; Schader. 2008 ) . Within John’s microsystem. it is rather clear that things are non traveling good for him at place. This is due to the absence of the presence of his parents in his life. The attention given by the domestic assistant is more a transeunt 1. therefore she would non be able to replace the function of his parents. Even within the school context. things are instead bad as he does non hold any friends due to his violent behavior and his neglect of his surveies. The deficiency of intercession from his instructors is besides non assisting. John’s mesosystem shows a deficiency of connexion between the school and his household as his parents do non supervise his work as they are excessively busy with their ain work. Their lone engagement with his school affairs is when they are forced to come to school one time a twelvemonth to roll up his study book. This besides explains the deficiency of consciousness on the teachers’ portion with respects to John’s state of affairs. His equals are besides incognizant as none of them are his friends. as therefore there has been no societal interaction and communicating between them that would hold led to sharing of necessary information.

Within John’s exosystem. his development has been greatly negatively impacted by the statements and battles of his parents that he witnessed as he is affected both physically and mentally. He would avoid his parent by remaining by himself in room and even jumping his repasts. At his age. changeless consumption of proper nutrient is of import for his physical and mental growing. It is mentioned in Cox ( 2008 ) that jobs in matrimonies may hold negative impact on kids. This could hold therefore contributed to John’s hapless academic public presentation. There are few rearing manners out at that place. However John is unfortunate that his parents unwittingly and unwittingly pattern the inattentive manner. They neglect him as due to their ain feverish agenda. they are both unable to pass quality clip with him. Parents who are inattentive have a inclination to nurture kids who have troubles managing affairs on their ain. socially accommodating themselves. commanding themselves and being unmotivated ( Baumrind ( 1996 ) . This explains John’s jobs on the societal clumsiness he faces when interacting with his schoolmates. Recommendations

In such as instance. we would hold to first work out the jobs John has in his household. He needs to take the enterprise to speak to his parents with respects to their absence in his life as they may non be cognizant of the consequence of their absence. However at times. troubled or estranged parents may ignore their child’s as they are more focussed on their ain personal issues. With the aid of a instructor or even the school counselor. he can travel about his troubles pass oning with his parents. The instructor could so pass on with the parents and arrange for a meeting. The teacher’s engagement could flag the importance of the issue and do John’s parents more concerned and therefore seek their best to go to their meeting. This John would be able to make a better microsystem for himself. The jobs John has in his school besides need to be dealt with. His instructors who are cognizant of his hapless academic public presentation should be more proactive and reach his parents to discourse the affair to happen the beginning of the job and besides to better the state of affairs. This would let John’s parents to be more cognizant of his advancement. This consciousness would let the parents to recognize that there is a job and therefore set in more attempt to prosecute him. Self & A ; Identity Development

Problems & A ; Theories
An individuality crisis and eroding of assurance. those are what John is unluckily traveling through. It may non be obvious. but equals have a big adequate function. besides his household in his development ( Allen & A ; Antonishak. 2008 ) . Peer relationship really affects how a kid would stand out in school every bit good as in the ulterior portion of life ( Bukowski. Brendgen & A ; Vitaro. 2007 ; Song & A ; Siegel. 2008 ) . Every person. particularly those within the younger old ages would hold a desire to be accepted by their equals. In this instance. John does non hold any friends. Erik Erikson’s ( 1968 ) life-span development theory suggests that John’s 4th psychosocial phase is approximately lower status every bit good as the 5th phase of individuality confusion. The 4th phase is a phase where kids develop their assurance in their ain abilities. The 5th phase provinces that they explore themselves and in the journey effort to happen replies on their individuality and their wants and demands. In John’s instance. his jobs are double i. e. at place and at school. At place. his absent parents are non at that place to praise him for what he does.

Neither are they at that place to assist him with all these inquiries he has about himself. In school. the superciliousness he receives from his equals would gnaw his assurance and besides he is unable to make good friendly relationships that would let him to portion his jobs or inquiries. both in his ripening every bit good as his issues at place. All these issues had led to John’s low self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is highly of import factor when it comes to student’s accomplishment. Low-efficacy will take to active turning away of larning undertakings ( Dale Schunk ( 2008 ) ( Bandura ( 2008 ) . This ground could be used to explicate John deficiency of involvement in his lesson every bit good as in making his prep. His classmates’ antipathy towards him that led to his exclusion from their activities is due to the nature of students to mention to their peers’ classs when make up one’s minding to do friends ( Cook. Deng & A ; Morgano ( 2007 ) . Thus this intensifying consequence will go on to decline unless person breaks the rhythm. Recommendations

Once the job has been identified to his parents. they can assist him by passing more clip with him and assist him travel through the jobs that he is confronting and to guarantee him that his alterations are a normal portion of life. This can be done perchance by apportioning one twenty-four hours a hebdomad ( e. g. Sundays ) to pass clip with him by making activities together and bond with him so that John will be able to be more focussed. By affecting him in activities that he is capable of making and bettering. they can praise him for his accomplishments and therefore aid in constructing his assurance leting him to be more “industrial” than “inferior” . Traveling on. we consider his school environment. At this phase. John’s instructors should hold realised that there is a job and identified every bit much as they could the problem musca volitanss. By taking a more proactive function. they could affect him in activities and classs that could assist to better his societal accomplishments.

Harmonizing to DeRosier ( DeRosier & A ; Marcus. 2005 ) . a societal accomplishments intervention plan was shown to be effectual in bettering peer-rejected children’s societal credence and self-pride. Besides covering with John. the signifier instructor should take the enterprise and chance to turn to the issue in category when John is non about. They need to be made to understand that even though John’s behavior and action is non proper. the action of the category is besides incorrect. and convert them to be more understanding and accepting towards him. John could besides be given chances to take up leading places. He could either be appointed the category proctor or given the duty of taking charge of a group undertaking.

Such actions can assist to supply a sense of belonging in the category. better his assurance and supply some closing towards his individuality confusion. This will besides give his schoolmates or members of the group a opportunity to understand John better. Supplying kids chances to assist them acquire a healthy individuality supported by Erikson’s Life-Span Theory. Harmonizing to Schunk ( Schunk. 2008 ) it is shown that pupils ‘self-efficacy improve when they able to put specific and ambitious ends. The successful alterations made will let John to bit by bit build-up his self-efficacy. both at place and school. Through this. and with the counsel of his instructors. he would be able to put realistic ends for himself. Finally the success of accomplishing those ends would farther better his involvement in his surveies and his activities. and be more continuously motivated. Emotional Development

Problems & A ; Theories
It was suggested that John’s trouble in commanding his emotions is attributed to the issues at place every bit good as the pubescence alterations he is undergoing. John’s aggressive behavior is due to males being by and large being more physically aggressive than females. His burgeoning hormonal alterations besides compounds this consequence ( Dodge. Coie & A ; Lynam. 2006 ) . The absence of his parents as a guiding influence could hold added more grounds to his aggressive behavior. Block & A ; Block ( 1980 ) . provinces that high degrees of aggression and defeat were due to children’s low self-regulation. This can be applied to John’s state of affairs as he has issue with modulating his emotions. A higher degree of Emotional Intelligence ( EQ ) lead to better look of emotions and this is something that can be improved on. and is non a inactive issue ( Peter Salovey & A ; John Mayer. 1990 ) . In John’s instance. his actions of being aggressive towards his schoolmates could be due to the deficiency of proper counsel at place. where his parents could hold made him more cognizant to the effects of actions. This deficiency of consciousness besides could hold led him to seek attending through incorrect ways. which ends up backlashing and gets him problem with his schoolmates and instructors alternatively. Recommendations

As one of the chief grounds his aggressive and attention-seeking behavior is his deficiency of attending from his parents. The earlier suggestion that his parents pass more clip with him and do him experience more comfy has the extra benefit of leting him to develop his EQ degree. therefore leting him to command his emotions better. In school. his instructors can assist John by acquiring him to reflect on his actions whenever he loses control of his emotions. This signifier of transactional analysis will let him to believe through and analyze on why the ground of the loss of control.

With that he could come up with self-strategies to forestall it from go oning once more. As suggested antecedently. his instructors could besides affect him or inscribe him in activities or classs that can assist him pull off his emotions. such as choler direction. It can be debated whether these classs are suited for pubescent childs. nevertheless. it has shown to hold positive consequences among them. Once the consciousness is created within John that he is responsible for his ain actions. he would be able to take better charge of his behavior and reaction when he feels it is gyrating out of control. During times of defeat or if he starts to turn aggressive. he can remind himself to take a 10 seconds breather or self-countdown. This can let his cognitive head to take control alternatively of allowing his emotional Centre lead the manner and acquire out of control. Decision

From analyzing John’s instance. it can be seen that household and peer support are of import to the progressive development of a kid. For parents. they should be more responsible alternatively of deputing the function to other parties and spend quality clip with their kids. For instructors. they should actively place students holding jobs and suitably assist them. They can assist the equals of the kid to be cognizant. which is the first measure frontward to understanding their jobs alternatively of roasting the kid.
