Sip-Wood Bark Essay Sample

We choose this survey because we know that it is more alone and will assist us in cut downing people who are cutting trees by illegal manner. The people will be admired and will be willing to purchase the hand-made paper if they will cognize that they will forestall the people who are making illegal cutting. We should state the people who are making illegal cutting to halt it because our environment will be destroy if they still continue to make that. Alternatively. they should cut trees in good manner and utilize it decently. For illustration. is that we get a piece of wood bark of malunggay and do it as a hand-made paper that can assist the people to do boxes. They can utilize it to set things in their houses so that they can maintain their milieus clean. B. Statement of the Problem

Our aim is to happen out what will be the tear strength. texture and if it could be acceptable in the market. And if will non destruct our environment because of the wood bark of malunggay we get on malunggay tree. C. Significance of the Study

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The importance of this survey is to halt the people who are making illegal cutting that will damage or destruct our environment and nature. It can besides assist us to gain money that we can utilize for our day-to-day disbursals. Even if the stuffs are non excessively expensive. it will be admired by people and they will be willing to purchase the hand-made paper.

D. Scope and Restrictions
The coverage of this survey. Recycled Wood Bark of Malunggay as Hand-made Paper is to complete it successfully. Even though some of the stuffs are expensive we need to purchase it to work on about our Science Investigatory Project. This survey will give us all we need. the stuffs and process is besides here. All we need is in here in this Science Investigatory Project we have chosen. We know that we have the right pick for our S. I. P. because we can assist the people who are illegal cutting to utilize or cut trees in proper manner and non by illegal. And we hope that we can assist them to halt making illegal film editing.
