The American Dream Essay Research Paper CONTEMPORARY

The American Dream Essay, Research Paper

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– The American Dream? : Dead or ALIVE?


Originally, the & # 8216 ; Dream & # 8217 ; was envisaged to be life in a new universe where anything successful can go on and good things might ( Hochschild, 1996 ) . In 1963, Martin Luther King Jnr said that he excessively had a dream & # 8220 ; that on the ruddy hills of Georgia the boies of former slave proprietors will be able to sit down together at a tabular array of brotherhood & # 8221 ; Video: The Legacy ) . Since so, many facets of Martin Luther King & # 8217 ; s Dream for the American people have come true, but some remain a dream.

Today, the impression of the & # 8216 ; American Dream & # 8217 ; stretches far beyond the thought of political and spiritual freedom to a more economically orientated base. The United States has progressively become a consumer-based society, so the thought of & # 8217 ; success & # 8217 ; is now measured by stuff wealth & # 8211 ; a white lookout fenced house in the suburbs complete with auto, Canis familiaris and two kids. The American Dream is still alive, but merely in the heads of those citizens who have the resources to carry through the definition of success, viz. , material wealth.


The US is the most influential state in the universe. This is seen non merely in pecuniary strength and concern power, but besides in the pick of music, apparels and recreational activities. It is this perceptual experience that draws people to the thought of the great American Dream and the & # 8216 ; land of the free & # 8217 ; , a perceptual experience that for the right individual at the right clip, everything is possible.

America has traditionally been a land of immigrants and the place to people of many nationalities and civilizations, all draw a bead oning to accomplish the Dream. Early immigrants have left an unerasable grade on American metropoliss and society, from the Italians in New York, the Norse husbandmans of Wisconsin and the Mid-West, to the more recent moving ridges of immigrants from Asia on the West Coast ( Hochschild, 1996 ) . All came to prosecute the Dream and entered the great & # 8216 ; runing pot & # 8217 ; in the desire to go a successful American.

The United States has a history of racial tenseness and force that has prevented certain minority groups, particularly inkinesss, from making the American Dream. More late, resistance to in-migration has been lifting ( Daniels, 1991:400 ) . As economic success has become harder for many to accomplish, immigrants have been seen as cut downing the already shriveling part of the Dream available. Although American society by and large has become more tolerant of racial differences, the population as a whole is for good divided into three chief groups in all official diction & # 8211 ; black, white and Latino. Blacks and Hispanics continue to confront a harder route to success and accomplishment of the American Dream than most Whites.

In The Legacy, the & # 8216 ; Dream & # 8217 ; as Martin Luther King Jnr saw it was that all people would be treated every bit irrespective of race, faith, or sex. He dreamed that his four kids would non be judged by the coloring material of their tegument but by the content of their character. He waited for the twenty-four hours they could walk down the street and keep custodies with a kid of a different race. This portion of King & # 8217 ; s dream, in theory at least, has come true. Segregation by race has been outlawed.

In world, Whites and inkinesss still lead separate lives. In metropoliss and towns, flush countries are chiefly white, hapless countries black or Latino. The two seldom mix.

The system of local authorities in America perpetuates the disadvantages as revenue enhancements raised from local place proprietors determine the degrees of support for schools and community support Centres. Ill funded schools can non supply the degree of instruction of those in affluent countries, therefore impacting the educational and economic hereafter of the pupils and accordingly the ability to accomplish the Dream. So whilst King today would see black and white kids larning and playing together, favoritism still exists. Although it is now chiefly economic, unluckily it tends to follow a racial divide, decreasing the entree of the American Dream to minority groups.

Jeffrey Klein states & # 8220 ; ..that although American society is more diverse than of all time before, a charged division still exists ; viz. the line between inkinesss and Whites & # 8221 ; ( 1997:3 ) . Affirmative action Torahs were passed in an effort to right this state of affairs, peculiarly in regard to college entry and entree to professional establishments. Affirmative action was seen as a vehicle for bettering the educational and workplace chances of minorities, thereby conveying the world of the American Dream closer to their appreciation.

More late there has been a recoil against the construct and pattern of race-based affirmatory action ( Feagin & A ; Vera, 1995:146 ) . The thought behind affirmatory action contradicts a widely held American belief that no racial or cultural group deserves a mandated advantage in the market place ( ibid ) . Furthermore, oppositions to affirmatory action Torahs argue that their ain entree to the American Dream is restricted by the compulsory workplace and college entry places allocated to minority groups. The Torahs have been successfully challenged by white college appliers who claim to hold lost out in the ferociously competitory command for entry to exceed colleges and who claim topographic points have gone to less qualified pupils from minority groups.

Advocates of affirmatory action claim the system helps minority pupils who score less on the all important SAT & # 8217 ; s because they have non been able to go to better resourced schools or been able to afford expensive coachs. Topographic points offered through affirmatory action aid get the better of the economic divide and, by hopefully opening calling chances to a greater cross-section of the community, aid to widen the attainment of the American Dream.

There is no uncertainty that the diminution in economic chances for big subdivisions of the American community is taking to the decease of the American Dream in the eyes of those affected. Money is perceived as the lone manner out and, for some, the opportunity comes with featuring success. High profile, high gaining professional athleticss stars keep the Dream alive in the Black Marias of many. Not needfully the dream of a house with a lookout fencing, but the dream that they excessively could be the following Michael Jordan.

In Hoop Dreams, the two immature hoops participants were both trying to carry through the standards of the American Dream. The lone manner for them to acquire out of the ghetto, move their households out of poorness and have a nice instruction was through hoops. To be selected for a college squad meant a opportunity at the NBA and, hence, a opportunity at life. When one male child is non selected you see the grief in his eyes and the fright that his Dream may non be fulfilled

The Dream that is envisioned by the disintegrating inner-urban countries of the US undoubtedly differs in perceptual experience from the Dream of the American Heartland. The all-American husbandman and his entree to the & # 8216 ; Dream & # 8217 ; is of import non merely because the agriculture sector is an indispensable portion of the US economic system, but besides because rural America has continually suffered under the weight of economic crises. Many smaller farms, peculiarly those that are household owned, have had to sell out to go forth a construction of agribusiness for larger farms dependent on hired labor ( Barlett, 1993 ) . This has forced many farming households, as was seen in Troublesome Creek, to confront alternate visions of success, the good life, and impression of the American Dream. For these people the Dream is non dead, yet. Rather, it is shriveling off with the remainder of their harvests, taken over by an economical weed that is rooted excessively deep even for a Federal fertilizer to kill.

The rural crisis has changed household husbandmans & # 8217 ; outlooks of the American Dream. Barlett states that & # 8220 ; parents are progressively pressing their kids t

O seek employment off from the farm out of fright of them non making the Dream of increased income, fiscal security and other steps of success that have become dominant values in America’s industrialized capitalist society” ( 1993:6 ) . For the parents, the American Dream is deceasing, but for their kids it is still within reach if they join the hegira off from rural life.

The bantam per centum of farms owned by African americans are chiefly in the south-east of the state. For old ages concealed favoritism has hampered possibility of their economic success ( ibid ) . Rural bank loans have been structured to do their handiness about non-existent and authorities grant blessings frequently held up until single husbandmans have been excessively deep in debt to win. Farms which could hold been economically feasible have been deserted and the husbandman & # 8217 ; s Dream of having and be givening his land has been destroyed mostly through racial prejudice and functionary and commercial indifference. The Dream of the Afro-american husbandman has been lost by the perceptual experience of the Whites who hold the purse strings and their belief that they are non capable of the undertaking at manus.

For the big landholders, be it Ted Turner in Montana or the Cattle Kings in Texas, the American Dream is alive and good. Small household farms, whether owned by members of last century & # 8217 ; s immigrant communities in the Mid-West or by late arrived Latino households in the South, are seeking to accomplish a Dream at a different degree.

Different forms of societal stratification and a greater accent by society on individuality and consumerism has meant it is harder for husbandmans to experience that they have reached the American Dream ( ibid ) .

Economic despair can take to force. Poverty excessively can stand in the manner of the American Dream. While the metropoliss tend to be linked to force, it has been in the rural communities of the US heartland that American terrorist act has been born. Old ages of economic downswing have led many in rural communities to contemn and mistrust the US Government, remote in Washington, D.C ( Stern, 1996 ) . Citizen & # 8217 ; s Militia groups have grown up with their ain thoughts on how to seek damages for old ages of sensed disregard and the devastation of their Dream, most famously in the bombardment of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in April 1995.

In the interior metropoliss of Chicago and Los Angeles, public violences fuelled by racial and economic inequality flared in the 1960 & # 8217 ; s. Thirty old ages on, the Rodney King whipping in Los Angeles in 1992 sparked more rioting. Not in Watts on this juncture, but through a mainly Korean country of LA, lay waste toing the Dream of many concern proprietors. The acquittal of the two LAPD officers involved in the whipping sparked indignation in the LA black community and widened the rift of racial inequality throughout the full state ( Klein, 1997:3 ) . The finding of fact from the King test was seen as a direct onslaught on the civil autonomies of African americans and their ability to populate a life free from subjugation and persecution. Such a menace was besides seen as an violation on their capacity to accomplish the American Dream and reinforced the fact that racial equality and equalitarianism in the US has still non been realised.

American citizens are continually faced with the lifting job of force. Streets have become a battlefield where the aged are beaten, panicky adult females are viscously attacked and raped, adolescent packs shoot it out for a spot of sod to sell their illegal drugs and, guiltless kids are caught in the crossfire of drive-by and school-yard shots. For some, the reply to their economic jobs is merely to take by force from others what they themselves do non hold.

While the deprived continue to see others around them traveling towards a Dream that they can ne’er trust to accomplish themselves, material addition by illegal or violent agencies continues to be a job.

A really existent quandary behind the force in America is the issue of guns and their control within US society. On the one manus it could be argued that the easy handiness of guns in America is killing the Dream ( particularly in the ghettos ) as decease by gunfire lesion is the most common manner for immature black males to decease ( Skolnick & A ; Fyfe, 1993:65 ) . On the other manus, some American citizens use guns as a agency of protecting the Dream they have already achieved.

The sensed menace to a citizen & # 8217 ; s accomplishment of the Dream and the ground for ownership of a piece is the fright generated by America & # 8217 ; s alarmingly high offense rate, including an mean 20,000 homicides committed yearly with pieces ( Sugarmann, 1992 ) . This is exemplified in the fact that there are over 200 million guns in America with 70 million gun proprietors and that a disturbingly high one one-fourth of all families owns a pistol ( ibid:15 ) . Those Americans who have achieved the Dream are afraid to lose it and are prepared to protect it at all costs. Guns are seen as an easy solution and gun ownership is justified by people as protecting their Second Amendment rights & # 8211 ; & # 8220 ; I have a right to have my gun for my protection and to protect my household ( ibid:22 ) & # 8221 ; .


Equally far as the American Dream is concerned, it all depends on how you look at it. The US may be a public assistance province for the rootless, or it may be a state with strong cultural power to unite people. To get in America as a rootless individual and live in a little settlement under the protection of one & # 8217 ; s native civilization and linguistic communication, a individual may populate comfortably, but it must be a lone being, a light being. It may non be easy to travel into the nucleus of American society and may non be a desirable thing for many people to make.

So is the American Dream dead or alive? The impression of the American Dream encourages people, peculiarly new immigrants, to make for it themselves. There is still a steadfastly held belief that in the US anyone can be a success, and can accomplish The Dream. The construct of the American Dream is sold to every citizen along with the belief in the might and power of the US, nationalism, the American flag and the all-American apple-pie.

Belief in the Dream is sufficient to maintain it alive in the Black Marias of most Americans even if the world of accomplishing the Dream is different. The dream of the hapless Hispanic husbandman will be really different from that of the Wall Street banker, to that of the interior metropolis Afro-american individual parent household and, different once more from the household in the leafy outer suburbs. The most under-represented subdivision of the American population, the native Americans, are likely least likely to accomplish their version of the American Dream. Poverty, privacy and entire devastation of traditional life has seen their Dream wither. On contemplation, the American Dream lives on, even if it remains merely that, a dream, for the bulk of the population.


Bartlett, P ; American Dreams, Rural Worlds: Family Farms in Crisis, university of North Carolina Press, USA, 1993 ( Reading Pack )

Feagin, J & A ; Vera, H ; White Racism, The Basics, Routledge, USA, 1995 ( Reading Pack )

Hochschild, J ; Confronting Up To The American Dream: Race Class and the Soul of the Nation, Princeton University Press, USA, 1996 ( Reading Pack )

Klein, J ; The Race Course, Mother Jones, Sept/Oct, 1997 ( Reading Pack )

Skolnick, J & A ; Fyfe, J ; Above The Law: Police & A ; The Use of Excessive Force, Free Press, USA, 1993

Stern, K ; A Force Upon The Plain: The Militia Movement and the Politicss of Hate, Simon & A ; Schuster, USA, 1996 ( Reading Pack )

Sugarmann, J ; NRA: Money Firepower and Fear, Washington National Press, USA, 1992 ( Reading Pack )

VIDEO & # 8211 ; Martin Luther King: The Bequest

VIDEO & # 8211 ; Hoop Dreams

VIDEO & # 8211 ; Troublesome Creek
