The Red Convertible Essay Sample

When Henry came back place. he was really different. The alteration wasn’t good. Henry was quiet and wasn’t comfortable. he couldn’t stay still. Henry was edgy and average. Henry’s brother couldn’t explain what was traveling on with him. He wasn’t paying attending to anything that was traveling on at his place. non even the new colour Television his brother got or about the auto. 3. The “red convertible” to me typify the leader of this narrative. Henry’s brother tells us “I ever thought of it as his auto while he was gone. even though when he left he said. now it’s yours. and threw me his key” ( 370 ) . This tells me that there wasn’t a minute that he couldn’t halt believing about his brother Henry.

He knows he worked hard for it. The auto could hold been to experience comfort. To cognize that whatever the auto goes through his brother might be traveling through at war. It can besides intend courage. when Henry negotiations about the auto being in darkness and in H2O but at the terminal. it’s still runs. 6. I believe it is an anti-war narrative based on Henry’s attitude. He has temper swings throughout the whole narrative. Henry brother says “By so I guess the whole war was solved in the government’s head. but for him it would maintain on going” ( 370 ) . In my point of position. that tells me that there is something else in him that he can’t stay still. something that made him come back with an ugly attitude.

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