The Softball Swing Essay Research Paper Chapter

The Softball Swing Essay, Research Paper

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Chapter One: Introduction

Over the past 15 to twenty old ages adult females & # 8217 ; s fastpitch playground ball popularity has continued to turn and distribute internationally. By the mid-1990s it was played in more than 85 states under the oculus of the International Softball Federation ( ISF ) . It has become progressively popular among adult females at the young person and collegiate degrees. More than 630 National Collegiate Athletic Association ( NCAA ) member establishments sponsor adult females & # 8217 ; s playground ball plans, and national titles for adult females are held in all three NCAA athleticss divisions ( Encarta, 1998 ) . In 1991 adult females & # 8217 ; s fastpitch playground ball was selected to debut as a medal athletics in the 1996 Olympic Summer Games in Columbia, Georgia. The U.S. won the gold decoration in the 1996 Olympic Games due to a good defence and great batters on the squad. Even though defence and pitching are critical and critical parts of the game, a successful squad must hold an effectual discourtesy to win the game. Among all the standout batters on the U.S. Olympic squad, two of the best are Dot Richardson and Lisa Fernadez. Both Lisa and Dot have picture-perfect swings, which have made them really productive throughout their callings. Today there is a adult females & # 8217 ; s professional fastpitch playground ball conference. Interest in the Women & # 8217 ; s Professional Softball League ( WPSL ) has been increasing for the last three old ages and continues to turn each twelvemonth.

The research worker has chosen to compose this paper on striking because she has played playground ball for 12 old ages and the perfect playground ball swing has ever eluded her. The playground ball swing is one of the most hard playground ball accomplishments to accomplish illustriousness in. There are a figure of great batters all with different batting stances and manners, each one comfortable to them. There are many different tactics and training thoughts out at that place to assist better hitting. In fact, there are several pictures now on the market to assist the playground ball participant perform better. Coaches frequently teach hitting drills to better batting techniques and ability. Assurance is an of import factor in striking. If the participant lacks assurance so she will non be a good batter. Softball is non merely a physical game but a mental game.

The intent of this paper is to depict the playground ball swing anatomically, automatically, and analytically. By analysing each move one makes when hitting, one will be able to analyse the mistakes made when hitting as a batter and as a manager. The three stages that will be analyzed are the preparative stage, the action stage, and the follow through stage. In the preparative stage gestures that will be analyzed are the clasp of the chiropteran and the batting stance. In the action phase the pace, arm gesture, wrist action, hip action, and leg action will be analyzed. The concluding phase of the swing is the follow through stage and during this stage the proper follow through techniques will be analyzed to assist forestall hurt.

Chapter Two: Literature

In 1887 George Hancock invented playground ball as an indoor athletics, harmonizing to Encyclopedia Encarta. The first playground ball games took topographic point inside the Farragut Boat Club in Chicago. In 1895 a fireman, Lewis Rober, invented out-of-door playground ball to maintain the firemen in form and busy during the clip they spent at the fire station. Softball was foremost called Kitten Ball and the name playground ball was non developed until 1926 by Walter Hakanson ( Encarta, 1998 ) . Mr. Hakanson conceived of the thought while go toing a meeting in Colorado to organize the Colorado Amateur Softball Association. In 1933, the first national tourney organized by Leo Fischer and Michael Pauley took topographic point in Chicago ( Encarta, 1998 ) . There are two types of playground ball & # 8211 ; fastpitch and slow pitch. Even though fastpitch playground ball and decelerate pitch playground ball are really different, they portion similar aims and accomplishments. Softball is played by both males and females of all ages and continues to turn in popularity every twelvemonth. There are several different associations that softball squads belong to such as American Softball Association ( ASA ) and National Softball Association ( NSA ) .

There are several accomplishments required to go a good, strong, consistent batter. The three most of import mechanics of hitting that must be performed every clip by the person are the pace, the gap of the hips, and the arm action. Among all the accomplishments involved in playing softball hitting proves to be the most hard to achieve. Hiting requires good hand-eye coordination, depth perceptual experience, and mental preparedness. It is every bit much psychological as it is physical. Hiting requires and demands self-discipline, adeptness, and specific logical thinking. During each of the three stages certain mechanics must be performed each clip to develop a good swing that will be farther discussed in chapter 4.

In the preparatory stage the clasp of the chiropteran and batting stance will be analyzed. The choice of the proper chiropteran is the really first thing that needs to be done in the playground ball before the swing can happen. The batter needs to take a chiropteran that is the proper weight and length for his/her strength and organic structure size ( Houseworth, 1985 ) . The most of import aim to run into when taking a chiropteran is that it feels comfy and is easy to swing. Harmonizing to Houseworth, if a chiropteran is excessively heavy, the swing will be slow and jerked meat and if the chiropteran is excessively light, the hitter might swing excessively early. After the participant has selected the proper chiropteran it is clip to analyse the clasp of the chiropteran. For left-handed hitters the right manus is against the boss and the left manus is on top and for right-handed hitters the left manus is against the boss and the right manus is on top. The batter should line up the in-between brass knuckss of both custodies while gripping the chiropteran at the base of the fingers ( Johnson, 1984 ) . Harmonizing to Houseworth, the chiropteran should suit in the custodies comfortably but steadfastly, with the fingers spread somewhat apart and the pollex at the top of each manus. If the hitter needs more control over the chiropteran, choking up is required. Choking up agencies traveling the custodies further up the grip off from the boss to derive control. This technique is used when the hurler is fast, the hitter & # 8217 ; s swing is slow ( non plenty bat velocity ) , or the hitter is non strong plenty to acquire the chiropteran about.

The following portion of the preparatory stage is the stance. The stance is the place the hitter takes in the hitter & # 8217 ; s box. There are three different types of stances a hitter may utilize ; an unfastened stance, a closed stance, or a square stance. In an unfastened stance, the hitter stands with the front pes toward the exterior of the hitter & # 8217 ; s box ( Houseworth, 1985 ) . An unfastened stance helps in a figure of ways. First of all an unfastened stance is helpful when confronting a fast hurler or if a hitter has slow chiropteran velocity. The unfastened stance helps the single acquire the chiropteran around quicker. An unfastened stance is besides helpful when a participant is seeking to hit the ball down the baseline from the side that they bat from ( Houseworth, 1985 ) . In the closed stance the front pes is toward the interior of the hitter & # 8217 ; s box. The closed stance is used when a participant has excessively much chiropteran velocity or when the participant is seeking to hit to the opposite field. The stance that is used most frequently is the square stance and this is the stance the research worker will be concerned with. In this stance, the pess are aligned and the toes indicate forthrightly to place home base and the hitter stairss straight toward the hurler ( Houseworth, 1985 ) . This stance is used for participants that have good timing and hitters who want to hit the ball up the center. During the stance, the weaponries need to be held shoulder height off from the organic structure, carpuss should be cocked and the chiropteran should comfortably be back by the shoulder closest to the backstop ( Houseworth, 1985 ) . This place makes it difficult to rest the chiropteran on the single & # 8217 ; s shoulders, which is a bad wont that makes the ball really hard to hit. The hitter & # 8217 ; s eyes should stay on the ball throughout the full gesture.

During the action phase the pace, arm gesture, wrist action and the gap of the hips will be analyzed. The pace is one the most of import constituents in a good swing. Harmonizing to Houseworth, the pace should be a smooth, calculated measure towards the hurler of approximately 6 to 12 inches. During the pace, the front pes stairss toward the hurler and the weight should switch from the back pes to the front pes ( Houseworth, 1985 ) . Equally shortly as the front pes is planted and the pace ends the arm swing should get down. The swing should be degree and smooth as it comes across the organic structure. Harmonizing to Kirkpatrick, the front arm should unbend every bit shortly as possible to increase power and velocity. During the swing, the carpuss should interrupt in the center of the swing. This is necessary to guarantee the hitter of a well-hit ball. Rolling the carpuss excessively early can drive a ball straight into the land. One constituent of the swing that is about ever forgotten is the hip action. The more the hips get into the swing the farther the ball can be driven. When the weaponries are unbending, the hitter & # 8217 ; s hips should swivel to assist the swing. As the hips come about, the carpuss should stay cocked until the ball is hit. When the ball is hit the carpuss should so snarl ( Kirkpatrick, 1974 ) . The hips so open towards the hurler. The force with which the hitter brings her hips around into the swing is straight related to the power with which she hits the ball ( Kirkpatrick, 1974 ) . These actions combined are necessary for a good, productive swing.

The last phase is the follow through stage. The result of the swing is the consequence of a good pace and proper arm action. During this stage the carpuss will go on to revolve, the weaponries will swing across the organic structure, and the hips will writhe toward the hurler ( Houseworth, 1985 ) . It is of import to maintain both custodies on the chiropteran throughout the follow through stage to see that the ball is hit hard.

The beginnings being consulted for this paper are as follows: The Woman & # 8217 ; s Softball Book by Johnson and Wright has information on hitting mistakes and information on the rectification of mistakes that will be used in the analysis of the playground ball swing. The Softball Guide ( batting analysis ) by Jill Kirkpatrick gives the analysis of hitting. The Coaching Softball Efficaciously by Houseworth and Rivkin gives information on the different stages and mechanics used in hitting. The Physical Education Handbook gives information on the mechanics of playground ball. Teaching Softball ( Steps to Success ) by Potter and Brockmeyer gives information on basic accomplishments to make the end of achieving higher, more advanced accomplishments. The Manual of Structural Kinesiology by Thompson and Floyd and Kinesiology and Applied Anatomy by Rasch will be used to anatomically categorise specific musculuss and musculus motions throughout the organic structure. Encyclopedia Encarta has information on the history of the game.

Chapter Three: Anatomic

In the preparatory stage the hitter must get down by choosing a chiropteran. Following, the hitter wraps his/her custodies around the chiropteran and holds it with a loose but steadfast clasp. When the hitter stairss into the hitters box his/her pess should be parallel to his/her shoulders and his/her articulatio genuss must be flexed. The hitter so brings the chiropteran back towards his/her ear while flexing the weaponries and abjuring the shoulder closest to the backstop. The hitter must revolve his/her caput laterally so that both eyes are focused on the hurler.

1. Upper Body

Joint AreaType of Joint MusclesMovements

Shoulder Girdle TrapeziusElevation

Upward Rotation

Levator ScapulaeElevation

RhomboidDownward Rotation

Serratus AnteriorAbduction

Upward Rotation

Pectoralis MinorAbduction

Downward Rotation

Shoulder JointBall and SocketDeltoidAbduction


Horizontal Flexure

External Rotation

Internal Rotation



Horizontal Adduction



SubscapularisInternal Rotation


Teress MajorInternal Rotation


Latissimus DorsiHorizontal Abduction

Internal Rotation

Pectoralis MajorHorizontal Flexion

Internal Rotation



ElbowHingeBiceps BrachiiFlexion





Pronator TeresPronation


Pronator QuadratusPronation

Wrist-HandEllipsoidExtensor CarpiExtension

Flexor DigitorumFlexion

Flexor PollicusFlexion

2. Lower Body

Trunk CondyloidRectus AbdominisLumbar Flexion

External ObliqueLumbar Flexure

Internal ObliqueLumbar Flexion

Splenius MusclesLateral Rotation

SternocleidomastoidNeck Flexion

Lateral Rotation

HipBall and SocketIliopsoasHip Flexion

External Rotation

SartoriusHip Flexion

Knee Flexion

External Rotation

Rectus FemorisHip Flexion

Tensor Fasciae LataeHip Abduction

Hip Flexion

Gluteus MediusHip Abduction

External Rotation

Gluteus MinimusHip Abduction

Gluteus MaximusExternal Rotation

6 Deep Lateral Rot.External Rotation

Biceps FemorisKnee Flexion

External Rotation

SemitendinosusKnee Flexion

SemimembranosusKnee Flexion

PectineusHip Flexion

KneeCondyloidPopliteusKnee Flexion

HamstringsKnee Flexion

Ankle-FootHingeGastrocnemiusKnee Flexure

PeroneusPlantar Flexion

Tibialis PosteriorPlantar Flexion

The first action in the action stage is the pace. The pace is a six to twelve inch measure with the front pes towards the hurler. As the front pes is planted the arm swing begins. The hips should revolve towards the hurler as the weaponries extended and swing about. The articulatio genuss should stay flexed and the back pes should swivel and the back articulatio genus should revolve internally. The carpuss should besides revolve with the swing as contact with the ball is made.

1. Upper Body

Joint AreaType of JointMusclesMovements

Shoulder GirdleTrapeziusElevation

Upward Rotation


Levator ScapulaeElevation


Downward Rotation

Serratus AnteriorAbduction

Upward Rotation

Pectoralis MajorAbduction

Downward Rotation


Shoulder JointBall and SocketDeltoidAbduction


Horizontal Flexure

Internal Rotation

Coracobrachialis Flexion


Horizontal Adduction


InfraspinatusExternal Ro


Horizontal Extension


Teress MinorExternal Rotation

Horizontal Extension


SubscapularisInternal Rotation



Teress MajorInternal Rotation



Latissimus DorsiAdduction


Internal Rotation

Pectoralis MajorHorizontal Flexion

Internal Rotation





ElbowHingeBiceps BrachiiFlexion


Brachialis Flexion




Triceps BrachiiExtension

Anconeus Extension


Pronator TeresPronation

Pronator QuadratusPronation

Wrist-HandEllipsoidFlexor CarpiWrist Flexion

Wrist Abduction

Elbow Flexion

Extensor CarpiWrist Extension

Flexor DigitorumFinger Flexion

Flexor Pollicus Thumb Flexion

Extensor DigitorumWrist Extension

2. Lower Body

TrunkCondyloidRectus AbdominisLumbar Flexion

External ObliqueLumbar Flexure


Internal ObliqueLumbar Flexion


Splenius MusclesLateral Rotation

Neck Extension

SternocleidomastoidLateral Rotation

HipBall and SocketIliopsoasHip Flexion

External Rotation

SartoriusHip Flexion

Knee Flexion

External Rotation

Rectus FemorisHip Flexion

Knee Extension

Tensor Fasciae LataeHip Abduction

Hip Flexion

Gluteus MediusHip Abduction

Gluteus MinimusHip Abduction

Internal Rotation

Gluteus MaximusExternal Rotation

Hip Extension

6 Deep Lateral Rot.External Rotation

Biceps FemorisKnee Flexion

External Rotation

Hip Extension

SemitendinosusKnee Flexion

Hip Extension

Internal Rotation

SemimembranosusKnee Flexion

Hip Extension

Internal Rotation

PectineusHip Flexion

Hip Adduction

Internal Rotation

Adductor BrevisHip Adduction

External Rotation

Adductor LongusHip Adduction

Adductor MagnusHip Adduction

External Rotation

GracilisHip Adduction

Knee Flexion

Internal Rotation

Ankle-FootHingeGastrocnemiusKnee Flexure

Plantar Flexion

Soleus Plantar Flexion

Peroneus LongusPlantar Flexion

Tibialis PosteriorPlantar Flexion

Flexor DigitorumPlantar Flexion

Flexor HallucisPlantar Flexion

The follow through stage is the concluding portion of the playground ball swing. During this stage the carpuss should go on to revolve, the weaponries should go on to horizontally come across the organic structure, and the hips should go on to revolve towards the hurler. By developing the proper follow through the hitter has a more powerful and productive swing.

1. Upper Body

Joint AreaType of Joint MusclesMovements

Shoulder Girdle TrapeziusUpward Rotation

RhomboidDownward Rotation


Serratus AnteriorUpward Rotation

Shoulder JointBall and SocketDeltoidFlexion

Horizontal Flexure

External Rotation

Internal Rotation



InfraspinatusExternal Rotation

SubscapularisInternal Rotation

Teress MajorInternal Rotation


Teress MinorExternal Rotation

Latissimus DorsiExtension

Internal Rotation

Pectoralis MajorHorizontal Flexion

Internal Rotation



ElbowHingeBiceps BrachiiElbow Flexure

BrachialisElbow Flexion

BrachioradialisElbow Flexion



Triceps BrachiiElbow Extension

AnconeusElbow Extension


Pronator TeresPronation

Pronator QuadratusPronation

Wrist-HandEllipsoidExtensor CarpiWrist Extension

Flexor CarpiWrist Flexion

Flexor DigitorumFinger Flexion

Flexor PollicusThumb Flexion

Wrist Flexure

2. Lower Body

Trunk CondyloidRectus AbdominisLumbar Flexion

External ObliqueLumbar Flexure


Internal ObliqueLumbar Flexion


Erector SpinaeSpine Extension

Splenius MusclesHead ExtensionSternocleidomastoidNeck Flexion

Lateral Rotation

HipBall and SocketIliopsoasHip Flexion

SartoriusHip Flexion

Knee Flexion

Rectus FemorisHip Flexion

Knee Extension

Tensor Fasciae LataeHip Flexion

Gluteus MinimusInternal Rotation

Gluteus MaximusHip Extension

6 Deep Lateral Rot.External Rotation

Biceps FemorisKnee Flexion

Hip Extension

SemitendinosusKnee Flexion

Hip Extension

Internal Rotation

SemimembranosusKnee Flexion

Hip Extension

Internal Rotation

PectineusHip Flexion

Internal Rotation

KneeCondyloidRectus FemorisKnee Extension

Hip Flexion

Vastus LateralisKnee Extension

Vastus IntermediusKnee Extension

Vastus MedialisKnee Extension

PopliteusKnee Flexion

Ankle-FootHingeGastrocnemiusPlantar Flexure

Knee Flexion

SoleusPlantar Flexion

PeroneusPlantar Flexion

Tibialis PosteriorPlantar Flexion

Flexor DigitorumPlantar Flexion

Flexor HallucisPlantar Flexion

Chapter Four: Mechanical

The dynamicss and kinematics are of import considerations of hitting that frequently gets overlooked. Isaac Newton & # 8217 ; s three Torahs of gesture all apply to softball striking. Newton & # 8217 ; s first jurisprudence of gesture provinces that an object is at remainder and will stay at remainder until an outside force acts upon it ( Rasch, 1989 ) . In playground ball, the chiropteran is at remainder until the hitter applies a force to get the better of inactiveness and one time this force is established is does non necessitate a batch of force to maintain the chiropteran in gesture. Newton & # 8217 ; s 2nd jurisprudence of gesture provinces that the amount of the forces moving on a organic structure in a given way is equal to the acceleration of the organic structure that way multiplied by the mass of the organic structure ( Rasch, 1989 ) . In other words, Newton & # 8217 ; s 2nd jurisprudence is known as the acceleration jurisprudence bespeaking that there is a alteration in speed. The hitter may alter the speed by rushing up or decelerating down the chiropteran velocity. By taking a longer chiropteran, due excessively the increased contact force distance applied, the increased generated force will increase the speed. Newton & # 8217 ; s 3rd jurisprudence of gesture is the action-reaction rule. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. As a hitter is seting and swiveling his/her pess, they are using a force to put the chiropteran into gesture, which is a counterforce to the swing of the chiropteran.

Hitting is a difficult technique for many people to develop because there are several forces moving on the hitter. The hitter must hold good timing and coordination to reach the chiropteran with the ball. The consequence of where the ball will travel when hit depends on the way and the force applied. In order to bring forth a greater force it is necessary to develop a steadfast base to increase stableness. To increase the hitter & # 8217 ; s stableness, it is necessary to increase opposition and surface clash by have oning cleats. By bring forthing more force it will increase the impulse therefore increase the speed and distance of the ball. The impulse generated can be calculated by the impulse of the chiropteran added to the impulse of the ball. The more force applied and the faster the chiropteran speed the farther the ball will go. Equally shortly as the chiropteran comes into contact with the ball, gravitation will instantly take over and the object will fall at a rate of 9.8 m/s2. It is really of import that the hitter chooses a chiropteran that suits him/her.

When sing the impact and the recoil of the ball in hitting a playground ball it is necessary to see that the object and the surface are traveling. A softball weighs between 6.25 and 7 ounces. When seeking to foretell where the ball will travel after contact one must see the snap of the ball, the spin of the ball, and the velocity and types of pitches. It is of import to hit a whirling ball difficult and square to increase the distance traveled. It is besides necessary when foretelling the recoil of the ball it is of import to see the impulse of the ball and the impulse of the dramatic force. Then the recoil is predicted by the amount of the two impulses.

Center of gravitation effects all three stages. It is really of import that the hitter keeps his/her centre of gravitation within his/her base. The hitter & # 8217 ; s centre of gravitation is where the organic structure rotates and throughout each stage the centre of gravitation alterations. During the preparative stage it is really of import that the centre of gravitation is within the base. The hitter may take one of the three types of stances ( See appendix D ) , nevertheless he/she must maintain the organic structure and all points in contact with the land ( See appendix E ) . It is of import for the hitter to keep his/her balance and anytime that the centre of gravitation goes beyond the line of his/her base, balance is lost. If the hitter increases his/her base, it will increase his/her stableness.

In the action phase the centre of gravitation will alter ( See appendix F ) . When the hitter paces, his/her pes will go forth the line of his/her base. It is of import for the hitter to hold strength to back up the organic structure. To increase stableness, the hitter can increase clash. Stability can besides be increased if the hitter stays in flexure so he/she is low to the land. When the hitter shifts his/her weight from the rear pes to the front pes, he/she should maintain his/her base under him/her to assist keep balance.

In the follow through stage the centre of gravitation will one time once more alteration ( See appendix G ) . It is besides of import in this stage for the hitter to maintain his/her base broad for balance. If he/she does non, the hitter might fall forward or be injured.

Chapter Five: Analysis

In playground ball like any other game, it is of import to work on rectifying mistakes being made during hitting to better productive. There are mistakes in all three stages of the playground ball swing and they can be corrected through practicing and executing proper techniques.

In the preparatory stage there are a few common mistakes that occur. When gripping the chiropteran, the in-between brass knuckss on both custodies should line up. It is besides of import to grip the chiropteran with the base of the fingers and non in the thenar ( Johnson, 1984 ) . ( See appendix A ) Overgripping and to free of a clasp are common mistakes made in the preparatory stage. Even though it is of import to hold a solid clasp when batting, it is besides of import non to grip the chiropteran to tightly.

On the other manus the action stage has many mistakes that may happen during it. The first mistake that is frequently made is non watching the ball hit the chiropteran. A hitter can non hit what he/she can non see. The hitter should concentrate and follow the ball all the manner to the chiropteran to guarantee contact. Another job that a hitter might hold is excessively much hip action. The hitter needs to maintain the mentum tucked into the front shoulder and usage less hep rotary motion. Excessively much hip action will do the caput to turn away from the pitch and the back cubitus to drop ensuing in a dad up ( See appendix B ) . It is of import to seek non to hit the ball with excessively much hip action and to maintain the dorsum elbow up. Another mistake made in the action stage is overstriding. Overstriding causes the weaponries to come through and do contact underneath the ball. To rectify this job, the hitter needs to get down with his/her pess farther apart and so the pace will shorten leting the weight to switch frontward swimmingly during the swing ( Johnson, 1984 ) . Another mistake seen in the action stage is the back pes traveling when the hitter swings. To rectify this mistake the hitter should maintain his/her weight equally balanced on both pess but allow the weight to switch frontward after striding. The back pes should ne’er go forth the land it should merely swivel. During the swing, timing is a major job. Batters frequently swing either excessively late or excessively early. If the hitter is singing excessively shortly, he/she should shut their stance and delay for the pitch. If the hitter is singing excessively late he/she should open up their stance. The hitter may besides necessitate to choke up on the chiropteran to increase his/her chiropteran velocity. There are besides many mistakes that are made when reaching the ball. A hitter who is reaching the ball underneath ( ensuing in a dad up ) needs to seek to maintain the dorsum elbow up and swing degree. The hitter besides wants to hit the ball with some power. To increase the power of the swing, the hitter should step towards the hurler and assail the ball ( See appendix C ) . Switching the weight forward with the pace will besides increase power.

During the follow through stage the snapping of the carpuss sometimes causes a job. The hitter should swing all the manner through the ball maintaining both custodies on the chiropteran. Making certain to snarl the carpuss at the terminal of the swing will assist in making more speed. The follow through will besides help in stableness and forestall the hitter from hurt.

When rectifying a hitter, one should merely rectify one mistake at a clip because rectifying excessively many at one clip may overload the hitter and destruct his/her assurance. When the hitter is focused on rectifying one mistake at a clip, his/her assurance will go on to turn and they will hold success in hitting. Once a hitter has developed a smooth swing, the Y may concentrate on the proficient facets of hitting. The hitter may now get down to concentrate on hitting an outside pitch or hitting the ball to the opposite field. When hitting an outside pitch the hitter needs to travel up in the box, near his/her stance, delay for the pitch and hit the ball when it is near the home base while stepping towards the pitch. When concentrating on hitting a ball to the opposite field the hitter needs to travel back in the box, unfastened his/her stance, swing sooner and hit the ball in forepart of the home base ( See appendix D ) .

Chapter Six: Decision

Now that I
