‘To See the Rabbit’ by Alan Brownjohn Essay Sample

We are traveling to see the coney.
We are traveling to see the coney.
Which coney. people say?
Which coney. inquire the kids?
Which coney?
The lone coney.
The lone coney in England.
Siting behind a barbed-wire fencing
Under the flood lamps. neon visible radiations.
Sodium visible radiations.
Nibbling grass
On the lone spot of grass
In England. in England
( except the grass by the billboards
Which doesn’t count. )
We are traveling to see the coney
And we must be at that place on clip.

First we shall travel by escalator.
Then we shall travel by resistance.
And so we shall travel by expressway.
And so by chopper manner.
And the last 10 paces we shall hold to travel
On pes.

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And now we are traveling
All the manner to see the coney.
We are about at that place.
We are hankering to see it.
And so is the crowd
Which is here in 1000s
With mounted police officers
And large speaker units
And sets and streamers.
And everyone has come a long manner.

But shortly we shall see it
Siting and nibbling
The blades of grass
In – but something has gone incorrect!
Why is everyone so angry.
Why is everyone jostling
And slanging and complaining?

The coney has gone.
Yes. the coney has gone.
He has really burrowed down into the Earth
And made himself a Warren. under the Earth.
Despite all these people.
And what shall we make?
What can we make?

It is all a commiseration. you must be disappointed.
Go place and do something for today.
Go place once more. travel place for today.
For you can non hear the coney. under the Earth.
Noting instead unhappily to himself. by himself.
As he rests in his Warren. under the Earth:
‘It won’t be long. they are bound to come.
They are bound to come and happen me. even here. ’


In the verse form. there is merely one coney left in England. Therefore. everyone is excited to see this rare sight. The coney was sitting behind a barbed-wire fencing under different visible radiations to do certain no 1 missed this sight. the coney was nibbling on the lone spot of grass in England. Peoples made usage of all sorts of conveyance to travel see the coney. Here the poet showed us how of import the coney was and to what measures people are ready to travel through to see the coney.

When the coney disappeared the people go angry as they had come from far and broad merely to see the coney. and now all their attempt and energy had gone to blow. Everyone started jostling about and kicking to whoever would listen. The coney had burrowed a hole and escaped deep into the Earth. The poet tells people to travel back place because there is nil more to see. He tells them it is a commiseration that they all have been left disappointed. They would hold to come back another twenty-four hours when the coney was at that place.
