Turnover of the Key of Responsibility Essay Sample

I may state that this esteemed eventide. this seventeenth twenty-four hours of February in the twelvemonth 2012. will be greatly rated for being one of the most expansive blockbuster movie in our lives. In a few more episodes. we. seniors. will undergo to more hard tapes and pictorials because we will meet a greater production ; more histrions to be met and more functions to be performed. And of class. one thing is for is for certain. we are ever the author of our ain narrative. As for now. let’s congratulate ourselves for we all have been making so great to do this narrative every bit fulfilling as we want and every bit adventuresome as we make it.

When I made my first measure in this school manner back my fresher twelvemonth. one thing I can’t forget is our guiltless egos merely like a unsighted adult male who seeks the right way. looking for the visible radiation behind the darkness of that artlessness. In four old ages of remaining here in this establishment. I may reason that numbering the fantastic minutes that we shared in our high school yearss is an unbelievable 1. Yes. even giving of any sizes of paper during quizzes. during interruptions and being “pasaway” in forepart of our instructors. all are considered factors that made this experience complete and of class. a perfect one. We have encountered many things as high school pupils but still our journey will non halt after this phase. And I’m really proud that we ne’er lost hope when failures and letdowns come to our manner. We already did our portion being the senior’s because we defended what we love. and fought for what we believe in.

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At this occasion. being the category President of the seniors. it’s my privilege to go through on the key of duty to you juniors. Juniors. in few more yearss. your occupation will be to go on our unfinished undertakings as we sail in our several ships to detect new oceans. Duty is the key in order for you to win. Expect the worst state of affairs but ever strive for the best. See such challenges as a approval. This will be the start of your clip to turn and do your ain ; we believe that you can make more than what we have done. In behalf of the seniors. we are grateful because you are our comrade and this twelvemonth will function as memories that we will care for everlastingly. We hope to see all your dramatic dreams come true. Thank you and May God bless us all!
