What Was the Real Story of the Tortoise and the Hare? Essay Sample

The existent narrative of the Tortoise and the Hare is non the one most people have heard. While many suspect the tortoise to hold won out of doggedness. his success was in fact due to his fallacious nature. Slow and steady genuinely did non win the race ; instead it was an act of rip offing. Here’s the true narrative. from my. the Hare’s. position.

I. the Hare. was the quickest and fastest out of all the animate beings. Every race I was challenged to. I easy won. Other animate beings perceived me as cocky. when truly I was merely proud of my success. One twenty-four hours I was skiping about. looking for a friend. when I encountered the tortoise. The tortoise had an issue with my velocity. so he challenged me to a race. Of class I accepted his challenge. cognizing full well that. in a just race. I could easy crush the tortoise. Small did I know. the tortoise had created a oblique program. I didn’t learn of the tortoise’s dirty fast one until after race.

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Equally shortly as the race began. I sped off far in front of the tortoise as he easy trotted behind. I noticed as I sped off that the tortoise had a cryptic smile on his face. I didn’t think anything of it. But as I neared to the finish line. I began to experience really drowsing and could experience myself decelerating down. I struggled to maintain running. Before I knew it. I allowed myself a halt to rest. I lay down. and before I knew it. I was asleep. I woke up merely as the tortoise was traversing the finish line. He looked back at me with a playful smiling and gave me a blink of an eye. It was so I knew what he must hold done. Before the race he snuck a powerful sleeping pill into my drink. The tortoise won an unjust race and was praised by all the animate beings despite his unfair behaviour.
