Your First Year Behind The Wheel Essay

, Research Paper

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Period 6


Your first twelvemonth behind the wheel of a vehicle is said to be the most

unsafe twelvemonth of a driver? s driving experience. The ground for this is because most

new drivers that start are at the age of 16. More adolescent rider deceases occur

when a 16 year-old-driver is driving than when individual of any other age is

behind the wheel. Many research workers have discovered the ground why teenage

clangs are so high. The experts say, one ground is the deficiency of driving experience.

Another ground is, as a group, teens are more willing to take hazards, and non utilize their

place belts.

There are ten good tips for a first twelvemonth driver, although I think they apply to

drivers of all ages. The first tip is to ne’er imbibe and drive, the statistics say out of

three thousand five hundred teens nine of them will decease as a consequence of rummy drive.

Another tip is to restrict the distractions around you, for illustration, while you are

driving do non gull around with your vehicles stereo system, the ground for this is

you can take your eyes off the route, which is really unsafe. The 3rd tip is

Drive Defensively.

When you or any of your riders are in a traveling vehicle you must

wear a place belt, you can ne’er foretell a auto accident. You should ever let

room in forepart of your vehicle because you might non cognize when they will press the

brakes. The 4th tip is to develop a good attitude while your are behind the

wheel. One manner to make this is to drive when you are experiencing composure, do non cut people

away or blare your horn at them, be patient and gracious, and ne’er seek to make thrill

seeking things like retarding force racing.

The 5th tip is ne’er tailboard. Tailgating is when a driver is excessively close to the

vehicle in fro

National Trust of him/her, this is a really good tip because it tells you that you merely

hold a certain sum of clip to respond when the driver in front of you stops. The

6th tip is do non drive excessively fast it is the jurisprudence that you stay within the velocity bound. It is

besides much safer. Don? Ts take bends at a fast velocity when you are about to turn it is

of import that you slow down before you begin the bend.

The 7th tip is perfect your metropolis drive accomplishments. Before you go anyplace it

is of import for you to cognize where you are traveling, do certain that you know the

waies. Watch out for jaywalkers, they are the people that Don? T cross the street

decently. Tip figure eight is be watchful of the conditions, if the conditions is bad, such as

heavy rain, you must be careful of the manner you drive because of slippery roads. The

9th tip is to watch out for fickle drivers. You can descry a driver like this by the manner

he/she is driving like if they drive excessively near to the kerb or they aren? T drive


The ten percent and concluding tips are to put regulations for riders, like, all riders in

the vehicle must have on a place belt, or no drugs, intoxicant or arms in the vehicle,

and no more riders than there are place belts. Some of the experiences that I

hold are at the terminal of last school twelvemonth my uncle, my aunt, and my two small cousins

were hit by a rummy driver, my uncle and one of my cousins that were in the

truck were the lone two that were injured. My aunt and other cousin merely

had contusions, my uncle was in a coma for two hebdomads and my cousin died three yearss

after the accident so when my uncle came out of the coma he was told that his boy

had died. This was one of the saddest clip of our relations lives and it could

have been prevented if there hadn? t been a rummy driver in the other auto that twenty-four hours.

