Youtube Case Essay Sample

I’ve been passing a batch of clip YouTube watching pictures on vex robotics. There were all sorts of automatons that perform many stunts. One of the automatons had a six-wheel thrust train. and two motors to take in and force out objects. There were many competitions all over and one that stood out was the Vex World Championship Final Match. During this competition each squad had to do their automaton pick up every bit many tennis balls and lodge them on to this span sorted out by each team’s colour. This was a really exciting and close lucifer. but at the terminal of it teams 11 and 7 round squads 3 and 803. The entire mark to the lucifer was 21-31. so it was really a great lucifer.

These pictures were really supportive and added on more thoughts to what I want to make with the automaton we create. I said one time before that I would wish to make a automaton that can merely pick up and screen out socks. or even a automaton that can put rubbish in the refuse can. When watching these pictures about every automaton had these movable weaponries that carried blocks or tubings. I know that if these people automatons can transport blocks and tubings. so ours wouldn’t have a job picking up socks or rubbish. I’m seting my head towards the Vex Robotics Kit because it seems like it has all the right tools and they’re strong and sturdy.

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Watching the YouTube videos truly gave a strong involvement in Vex Robotics Kit because it has the right stuffs and the quality of it seems great. I merely wanted our automaton to either pick up rubbish or kind out socks in different baskets and I believe the Vex Robotics Kit can carry through this end.

Plants Cited

YouTube pictures:
Vex Robotics Clean Sweep Competition 2010
Vex Robotics World Championship concluding lucifer
Extreme Vex Robotics
Vex Robotics Bridge Competition
Team 39 Vex Elevation Robot
Vex Robotics squad 1899 promo picture
