European Imperialism Essay Research Paper By the

European Imperialism Essay, Research Paper

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By the 1900 & # 8217 ; s, Europe was already afoot with its imperialistic conquerings abroad. Colonies were forcefully taken and undeveloped states were carved apart by alleged “ racial reformers ” , who were on a mission to educate the barbaric. Along with enlargement, nevertheless, came maltreatments from the occupying powers. These defects in European laterality can easy be noted, particularly when analyzing Africa and Asia ; the effects, in some instances, being decease by the 1000s. Therefore, due to these and other terrible actions during their domination of the universe, Europeans should be condemned for their maltreatments of power. The first state which will be discussed is China, from the continent of Asia. The British had their eyes on China, of all time since the restricted population of merchandisers in Gwangzhou traded with the local monopoly of concerns. England had two major grounds for their involvement: foremost, Chinese Ag was desired by the imperium because of its high value. Second, Britain had a excess of Opium, a drug grown in India, and it needed huge Numberss of people to buy it. China traded peacefully although reluctantly with Britain, until the authorities noticed the negative effects of the drug on its people. The opium trade was so outlawed quickly by the Chinese authorities. The substance, nevertheless, was still smuggled into the state. The Chinese authorities confronted the British sing the smuggling and this sparked the Opium War ( 1899-1902 ) . Britain pummeled the inferior naval force and won the affray. Now, Britain was non merely free to pervert the Chinese people with their opium, but they added a settlement to their imperium: the big, rich port metropolis of Hong Kong. This maltreatment of the people for their ain personal addition is a clear demonstra

tion of one of the many flaws in European dominance. The second nation which will be discussed is Sudan, from the continent of Africa. Sudan was not a military, economic, or political threat to Britain. It was blocking, however, British domination of Africa and preventing the gain of more political power for the empire. Therefore, it had to be conquered. The Sudanese population was largely Muslim and resisted English rule. It wanted to be governed by people of the ethnic majority and would fight to the death to “rid the world of evil”(Ahmad*). At first, the rebels were successful. Later, the British incorporated into the war a weapon of mass destruction: the machine gun. Estimating its efficiency on tribal warfare where the enemy possessed no guns, the British knew who would be the victor. On September 2nd, 1898, the British mercilessly eradicated the rebel forces, with incredibly small losses compared to the thousands of Sudanese who were slaughtered. This testing of new technology on a primitive people for pride and racial superiority is disturbing. This merciless exploitation of massive power is another clear abuse from the domination of the Europeans. Therefore, due to these and other severe actions during their domination of the world, Europeans should be condemned for their abuses of power. Considering that most of the time Europe was only conquering because of Social Darwinism, which fueled the theory of racial superiority, they should be ashamed for the abuses they bestowed upon powerless peoples. They exploited holes in societies for their own gains, no matter what the consequences were to the entire social well-being. Should imperialism should ever again become present in the world, the Europeans’ precedent should not be followed.*Ahmad was the revolutionary leader in Sudan.
