What Caused World War I? Essay Sample

In our yesteryear there has been many wars that has happened. Even till this twenty-four hours there are wars traveling on but one existent major of import war that has happened is World War I. I mean yeah a war is a was. but World War I had many things go oning. Their were four major causes for World War I were militarism. confederations. imperialism. and patriotism.

One of the major causes of the World War I was militarism. Militarism was in this war in many ways. Their was glory of war increased military disbursement. In papers 1 “The Origins of the First World Was” by Emile Zola. the chief thought of her papers was war is necessary. I came up with the decision of the papers by the quote “war is the school of subject. forfeit. and courage” . In papers 7 “London times History” by Richard Overy it concludes as a beginning of militarism by the chief thought being about the growing in armaments.

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Another major cause of World War I was confederations. In World War I there were two groups of confederations during World War I. the first group is called Triple Alliances which included Germany. Austria-Hungary. and Italy. The 2nd group was named Triple Entent which included France. Russia. and Great Britain. In document three “European Alliances 1914” the whole chief thought I got by looking at the map provided is about how Europe was divided. Besides in papers 10 “Freheit Der Meere” the chief thought was that the map provided showed where all the states traveled in Great Britain besides another name provided for this map was “The British Octopus” .

The 3rd of import cause of World War I was imperialism which is fundamentally a competition for settlements. In World War I the competition for settlements stirred up misgiving among European states. In World War I imperialism was fundamentally everyplace peculiarly in Germany and Italy. Besides imperialism was frequently justified through cultural grounds. An illustration would be Britain believed that it was the country’s responsibility to “civilize” or savage civilization in Africa and Asia.

The last major cause of World War I was patriotism. Patriotism was large in World War I. turning nationalism lead to completion among states. Germany and Italy were merely late united and independent states. In the papers called “The Origins of the First World War” by Addison Wesley. the chief thought came up with came from the quotation mark that said “If Serbia wants to populate in award. she can merely make this by war” . Besides in document four from the beginning “Chicago Tribune” by John T. McCutcheon. in the sketch provided has more so three states indicating fingers to each other faulting each other but lone Italy was separated and was remaining impersonal.

World War I was a brainsick clip in our yesteryear. The four major causes of the war were militarism. confederations. imperils. and patriotism. All four causes were major of the war cause it was largely why the war would get down and would increase issues between states. But that war is now in our yesteryear. Then once more merely do its in our past doesn’t mean it isn’t of import. it’s a war that we should retrieve of.
