Ethical Gay Marriage Argument Essay Sample

1. Sine 1971 tribunals have been debating whether same-sex matrimony should be legal. Gay matrimony has been looked at as incorrect in today’s universe because it’s non the traditional manner of being married. Yet once more with all the rights we have acquired over the old ages in history. why non the right to get married who you love. Whether or non its the traditional manner matrimony is about being with the individual you love for the remainder of your life.

2. There are several grounds why gay people should hold the same matrimony rights as heterosexual persons do A. Mislow’s Hierarchy of Needs
I. This theoretical account say physiological demands come foremost
II. Once physiological demands are met worlds still need to experience safe a. self- realization
b. transcendency
III. Peoples need the feeling of love and sense of belonging
a. Family and Friend dealingss
B. Meaningful and Sexual dealingss
B. Civil Rights

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I. Visitation rights during clip of unwellness in infirmaries
II. The “life line” of you spouse
III. In the passing of your spouse. the ability to claim their properties C. Justice and Marriage as a Changing Institution
I. Both spouses are every bit obliged to take attention of each other
II. Peoples over 60 are allowed to wed. even if biologically incapable of holding childs III. Women and/or work forces who are sterile

3. On the other manus homosexual matrimony is against the traditional matrimony and it puts a halt on natural reproduction A. Merely work forces and adult females can reproduce together
B. God and other faiths studied in the universe say matrimony is love between work forces and adult females
C. Makes matrimony less meaningful

4. In today’s universe of matrimony. heterosexual or homosexual. they can hold childs and be good parents
A. Surrogate female parents
B. Sperm givers
C. Ability and means to raise a child as if from a normal household

5. Gay matrimony should be allowed in the universe today because the general significance of matrimony alterations every twenty-four hours. The biggest portion of matrimony is two people who love each other unconditionally. In the illustrations shown above homosexual matrimony doesn’t halt the universe from continuing on. Whether heterosexual or homosexual matrimony is a sacred thing that people don’t take for granted. Equally far as we’ve semen in the universe today who are we to take away the right for two people in love to be together legitimately.

Plants Cited

World Wide Web. digitalcommons. jurisprudence. Yale University. edu/cgi/viewcontent
