Philippines Endangered Animals Essay Sample

The Philippines. a Southeasterly Asiatic state with more than 700 islands. is in desperate passs. Chiefly because of urban planning. corporate advancement and human greed. some of its animate beings are shortly to be nonextant. The sad thing about this is – irrespective of the aid from assorted local and international aid – authorities support on animate being preservation is small to none. Here are some traits of these endangered species. to give you an thought on why they need to be saved: Filipino Eagle

The Philippine Eagle ( Pithecophaga jefferyi ) . besides known as Monkey-eating bird of Jove or Haribon. is one of the most largest birds in the whole universe. It is besides the Philippines’ national bird. Deforestation undertakings in the state dwindled this eagle’s population Numberss down. Attempts to engender the Filipino Eagle were largely void. until the birth of Pag-Asa ( Hope in Filipino ) proved the possibility of confined genteelness and counsel. The opportunities of confined genteelness are really slender. and with the infinite offenses done by locals ( a recent study of a huntsman killing a wild Philippine Eagle. and work forces eating Philippine Eagle meat ) . attending in salvaging this fantastic bird demands to be placed on high precedence. Hawksbill Sea Turtle

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The Philippine Seas are besides place to endangered animate beings. One such animate being is the Hawksbill Sea Turtle. known for its crisp. curved beak. These big gentle animals migrate all over the universe. merely traveling back to its place to put their eggs. Problems encountered in salvaging these animate beings are aplenty. Hawksbill Sea Turtles are hunted for its shells. prized for cosmetic intents. Besides. some of their nesting evidences have been commercialized – a recent study stated a Hawksbill Sea Turtle was found in soiled Manila Bay. desiring to put her eggs. Because of the petroleum land and contaminated Waterss. the turtle held on to her eggs. amidst the twits and cheers of locals. The polo-neck died without puting a individual egg. There is hope. though. Attempts have been pushed to continue nesting evidences. A nesting site can even be found in tourist-friendly Boracay. Tamaraw

The Philippines’ largest and merely bovine native animate being. the powerful Tamaraw used to roll freely in the Mindoro part. Even with its strength and will to populate. the Tamaraw faced a surmountable loss against adult male. The Tamaraw was hunted for its meat and big horns. These are merely some of the many endangered Filipino animate beings that need a opportunity in life. Future coevalss may ne’er acquire the opportunity to see these fantastic animate beings once more. Help and protagonism is needed to give them a contending opportunity.
