The Ways to Solve on the Endangered Species Essay Sample

VII. The first manner to work out on the endangered species is authorities should make more safe zone and national park for animate beings. A. They will be able to travel freely without worrying about huntsmans and poaching. B. Make certain you follow the ordinance when visit a national park.

VIII. The 2nd manner to work out on the endangered species is people should fall in an organisation. A. You can be a voluntary articulation an organisation in your country or larger international organisation. B. You besides can donate money to organisation that will protect endangered animate beings. .

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VIV. The 3rd manner to work out on the endangered species is does non purchase merchandises made from animate beings. A. Don’t purchase the merchandises like pelt coat since the animate beings are killed merely for their pelt or tegument in order to do these types of merchandises. B. You should name or describe to patrol or animate beings volunteer if you see who kills the animate beings merely to acquire their tegument and pelt.


In decision. today we talked about the three factors of extinction. They are poaching is the greatest subscriber to the extinction of many species. habitat devastation can besides impact wildlife and contribute to extinction and debut of alien species has driven species to extinction. We besides talked about the ground of protection. which are protection of endangered species will take to increasing of economic values. enjoyment for future coevalss and foundation of healthy ecosystems. Finally we discussed several ways to work out on the endangered species. The first manner is authorities should make more safe zone and national park for animate beings. the 2nd manner is join an organisation and the last one is does non purchase merchandises made from animate beings.
