How to Solve the Worldwide Plastic Bag Problem Essay Sample

As clip goes by. the state of affairs with our planet becomes worse. Peoples are the chief cause of the already damaged environment and unluckily a batch of them do non even realize that they harm their ain place. One of the biggest jobs that have deteriorated is the fictile bag job.

It is a turning threat to worlds and the effects of it can be really bad. For illustration. plastic bags are made of crude oil. and when used – they cause a batch of pollution. It is besides known that each twelvemonth. people throw off 4 billion plastic bags. Furthermore. it takes a batch of clip for plastic to interrupt down in H2O or on land. All these facts together turn plastic bags into a serious menace. To work out this job. I believe that the best solution is to utilize biodegradable plastic bags. There are several factors which make them an first-class option to regular plastic bags. First. they do non damage the environment during their rhythm. Second. they merely consist of natural stuffs. which allow them to compost absolutely with organic rubbish. such as liquids and foliages. Third. they do non harm wildlife. When swallowed by animate beings. they are rapidly digested as they disintegrate. Finally. people who intend to utilize biodegradable plastic bags do non hold to alter anything in their kitchen as their use is the same as regular plastic bags.

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As a decision. I am confident that the use of biodegradable plastic bags can greatly assist us in work outing the worldwide plastic bag job. However. people should come together and take this menace in earnest in order to cover with it.
