Potato Battery Essay Sample

I. Background of the Study
Do you have like 500 fresh pokes of murphies and don’t know what to make with it? Does your low category battery ever die out on you at the exact minute you look at the last figure of you clock? If you answered yes. so here is the solution to your job! Potato batteries are designed for you! So why do you pass so much money in purchasing new batteries for your digital clock if you can utilize the alternate resource. II. Statement of the Problem

A. General Objective
Spending all your money to purchase battery is such a waste. If the battery ran out. we merely throw it anyplace and purchase a new one once more. We are merely traveling to add toxic wastes. substances and chemicals in our community. Why don’t you buy murphies as an alternate battery?

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B. Specific Objective
To decrease the increasing figure of toxics and advance the 3R’s: reduction. recycling and reusing. III. Significance of the Study
Potatos are less expensive and a biodegradable stuff. We use the murphy as an alternate battery alternatively of the batteries that we can purchase in shops so that we can decrease the figure of non-biodegradable stuffs every bit good as the increasing figure of toxic wastes or substances or chemicals. Some possible effects are publicity in recycling. cut downing and recycling stuffs and using our endowments in creativeness in contriving new innovations sing new schemes. new solutions and new possibilities. IV. Scope and Limitation

Chapter II: Methodology

I. Materials/ Equipments

A. Potato
1. Main beginning of energy.

B. Wires
1. Passage manner of energy

C. Digital Clock
1. Receiver of the reaction
