The EPA Can It Will It Save

The EPA: Can It, Will It Save Our Environment? Essay, Research Paper

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The EPA: Can It, Will It Save Our Environment?

Pollution of our environment is an issue that concerns each and every one

of us. & # 8220 ; The menace of environmental debasement now looms greater than the

menace of atomic war. & # 8221 ; Patrick Henry said, & # 8220 ; I know no manner of judging the

hereafter but by the past. & # 8221 ; In the past adult male has trampled on the environment.

& # 8220 ; The word & # 8216 ; ecology & # 8217 ; means & # 8216 ; a survey of home. & # 8217 ; & # 8221 ; It means detecting what

harm adult male has done, so happening ways to repair it.The Environmental Protection

Agency is seeking to repair our place, the planet Earth.

Destruction of woods, land debasement, atmosperic taint, and

H2O scarceness are some of the major environmental jobs. In 1970, the EPA

was created by President Nixon to protect the public wellness and environment.

The cancer-causing DDT was banned in 1972 and was found roll uping in the nutrient

concatenation. The usage of lead in gasolene was phased out in & # 8216 ; 73 which caused lead

degrees to drop 98 % . In & # 8216 ; 74 the bureau required imbibing H2O to be physically

and chemically treated. Chlorofluorocarbons were banned in & # 8216 ; 78 and a nation-wide toxic waste

site killing plan was developed in 1980. The EPA so evacuated Times Beach,

Montana for unsafe degrees of dioxin in dirt, which was so criticized for

its heavyhandedness and haughtiness. Charges of misdirection and undue political

influence caused the caput of the EPA to vacate in & # 8216 ; 83. & # 8220 ; The deputy manager

resigns because of charges of doing a & # 8216 ; hit list & # 8217 ; of employees to be hired,

fired, or promoted because of political propensities. The former caput of the toxic

waste killing is found guilty of bearing false witness and blockading congressional enquiry.

A ordinance necessitating intervention of risky wastes before disposal resistance

was made in 1984. & # 8221 ; The spill of the Exxon Valdez caused the Environmental

Protection Agency to be ctiticized for slow response in & # 8216 ; 89. Texas Eastern Gas

Pipeline was fined $ 15 million for the taint of PCB at 89 sites in & # 8216 ; 90.

They were besides required to pay $ 750 million in killings. & # 8220 ; The EPA so


velops the new Clean Air Act which required provinces to show advancement

toward run intoing national air quality criterions for harmful pollutants such as

smog and C monoxide. & # 8221 ; The EPA issued a study in 1990 ranking the most

serious menaces to the environment and to human wellness. The highest-risk

jobs to human wellness are air pollution, exposure to toxic chemicals, and

pollution of imbibing H2O. In & # 8216 ; 91, $ 25 million in mulcts was given by Exxon

Corporation and Exxon Shipping and the U.S. and Alaskan authoritiess received

$ 100 million. They besides estimated a $ 900 million salvation fund. In & # 8216 ; 93, the

EPA announced that secondhand smoke can do malignant neoplastic disease, which the baccy industry

representatives said were inconclusive. The Clinton disposal so doubled

the list of chemicals that must be publically reported under community right-to-

cognize Torahs in 1994. There was so a proposal to cut their budget by $ 1 billion

from a Republican controlled Congress, to the degree it was 15 old ages ago.

& # 8220 ; The Environmental Protection Agency has made the state a better topographic point

for people to populate, & # 8221 ; harmonizing to EPA Administrator Carol Browner. But notice

other remarks that have been made about them. & # 8220 ; The federal EPA is enmeshed in

political contention and a battle for its really existance. & # 8221 ; When it was

created in December 1970, they have been embroiled in one play after another-

both environmental and political. & # 8220 ; Congress distrusts it, concerns hate it,

and even its friends knock it.

The EPA has made a applaudable attempt at seeking to protect our

environment. For case, in cut downing indoor pollution where we see non-

smoking countries designated and the limitation of coffin nail ads from telecasting

hold helped people in general. The recycling attempt, the disposal of toxic

wastes, and the transition of Torahs to protect our environment have been good,

nevertheless, particular involvement groups and lobbyists have made their occupation hard.

Because of the contention and termoil in and out of the bureau, would surely

indicate that the EPA is non capable of work outing our environmental jobs.
