Napoleon Essay Research Paper Napoleon Bonaparte was

Napoleon Essay, Research Paper

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Napoleon Bonaparte was destined for illustriousness right from the start. Bonaparte himself is

quoted as stating, ? I realized I was a superior being and conceived the aspiration of executing

great things which hitherto had filled my ideas as merely a antic dream. ? When he was merely

24 old ages old, his ain heavy weapon pushed the British out of France. It was merely three old ages subsequently that

he was given bid of the Gallic Army in Italy. Napoleon was a great leader both in military

and authorities regulation.

Napoleon? s true strong suit was his executive military ability. He learned the failings of his

enemies and used those against them. He pushed the bounds of his military personnels, while still pull offing to

be a humane commanding officer. One such illustration was shown in November 1797, when he was

ordered to be after an invasion of England. He was cognizant of the fact that England had a weak naval forces

compared to that of France, so Napoleon decided to strike the British by assailing British

commercialism in Egypt and India ( which supplied cotton for British Millss ) . Though his meager fleet

was destroyed at the Battle of the Nile, he still sent glowing studies back to France, guaranting them

of his triumph. Okay, so non everyone? s perfect. But Napoleon did hold some brilliant

schemes that really worked. Between 1805 and 1807he defeated Austria, Prussia and Russia,

virtually ordering the full continent. His programs stressed rapid violative onslaught over defensive

places. Surprise and velocity were indispensable ingredients. So excessively were attempts to confound his

oppositions: he supplied newspapers with wrong information, he launched secondary discourtesies

and he sent dense screens of horse in front of his marching columns. Now this was a adult male that

cognize his material. It besides helped that he had an astonishing army- they marched 50 stat mis in 36 hours

during one run in Italy! Napoleon besides understood good the necessity of keeping the

morale of his ain military personnels. His ground forces was based on award, amour propre and personal trueness. Any

ground forces like this is one heck of a trouble to get the better of. By 1810, Napoleon dominated about all of


Understand that Napoleon had non left Gallic to merely decompose while he was off taking over

other states. In fact, Napoleon was an admirable swayer. In1799 the Directory was overthrown

and Napoleon became a military dictator. The Gallic people welcomed Napoleon & # 8211 ; the

middle class, in peculiar. A new fundamental law was drawn up which specified that three Consuls

would portion power as a kind of triumvirate. Napoleon, of class, was one of these Consuls. His

aspiration, nevertheless, forced him to draw a bead on to much more. In 1802, Napoleon was made first Consul

for life with the right to take his replacement. On December 2, 1804, Napoleon crowned himself

Emperor of the Gallic. So, by 1804, the destiny of both France and Europe depended upon this 1

adult male.

Populating in a radical age, Napoleon observed foremost

manus the precariousness of power.

In other words, he knew what happened to Louis XVI, and Napoleon was determined non to

make those same errors. He must larn to be a solon, while besides being a autocrat. Bonaparte

provided France with a strong centralised authorities & # 8211 ; a authorities he would himself rule

as an emperor, much like that of Louis XIV, sans Versailles. Napoleon created an ground forces of

functionaries which reached into every small town, town and metropolis. The full state was linked together

under his disposal. The consequence was that Napoleon concentrated power and this provided him

with revenue enhancements and soldiers.

Napoleon besides relied to a great extent on public sentiment, utilizing rough signifiers of propaganda, but

more significantly the usage of secret agents, arbitrary apprehensions, and executings, to forestall hostile

unfavorable judgment. In other words, dissent was about impossible. Printers and booksellers swore curses of

commitment and all newspapers fell under his control. So, by quashing autonomy and restoring

tyranny, Napoleon reversed some of the broad additions of the Revolution. He favored equality

before the jurisprudence and callings open to talent BUT he believed that political autonomy threatened the

efficiency of the province with lawlessness. He would regulate in the involvements of the people as an

enlightened but absolute swayer. He instituted the Code Napoleon which incorporated the great

rules of 1789: equality before the jurisprudence, callings open to talent, freedom of faith, protection

of private belongings, abolishment of serfhood, and the secularisation of the province. This fundamentally

summed up all Napoleon? s doctrines into one papers.

Napoleon & # 8217 ; s economic policies were designed to beef up France and increase his

popularity. He aided industry through duties and loans. He built and repaired roads, Bridgess and

canals. He established the Bank of France. He kept callings unfastened to work forces of endowment and provided

staff of life at low monetary values. He stimulated the employment of craftsmans and did non reconstruct ancient feudal

rights. For this his people loved him.

Napoleon was non a Democrat & # 8211 ; nor was he a republican. He was the kind of the adult male

Arouet might hold found appealing. He preserved legion societal additions of the Revolution while

stamp downing political autonomy. He admired efficiency and strength and hated feudal system, spiritual

intolerance, and civil inequality. Like most work forces of power, he had a complex personality. His

rational ability was most impressive. He had expansive thoughts and a philosophic head. He could

work 18 to 20 hours at a stretch without so much as a individual interruption. He was, as one French

historian put it, & # 8220 ; a typical adult male of the eighteenth century, a positivist, a philosophe who placed his trust

in ground, in cognition and in methodical effort. & # 8221 ; He was an creative person, a poet of action, for whom

France, and Europe but instruments. He had personal appeal, he could travel work forces to obedience, to

trueness and to heroic Acts of the Apostless. He was, in short, a glorious adult male.
