A Decade

& # 8217 ; s Moment Essay, Research Paper

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A Decade? s Moment

The Cold War ended. The rise of CNN broadcasts. The decease of Mother

Teresa. Females enter the Citadell. O.J. Simpson fights the tribunals on test. A

adult female? s concern makes the Fortune 500. The Princess of Wales passed off.

The Gulf War was faght and returned from. Above all of this books were

written, awards were won, and states declared their independency. Still,

there would be a error in stating that this is all that happened seeing as how

two times the canvass boths were approached and two times they pasted the ballot.

However, ne’er one time in these ten old ages did it of all time traverse our heads why now

adult females stand in booths beside work forces to project heir ballot with equal impact. To state

why we must look back merely a hundred old ages to 1890, and the Woman? s

Movement. A group entitled The National American Woman Suffrage

Association ( NAWSA ) , stood up to the challenge to acquire adult females the right to vote.

They organized, spoke, and won, all to be titled with equality to work forces.

The NAWSA was formed by the coming together of two separate

ogranizations, the NWSA ( National Woman Suffrage Association ) and the

AWSA ( American Woman Suffrage Association ) ; Susan Anthony and Elizabeth

Stanton, Lucy Stone and Julia Howe. These adult females came together to from what

will be the largest organisation of the clip ; larger than the Civil Rights

Organizations, the Union Labors, and the Political Activist, all together. With

Anthony as the

Ir foremost President the organisation came to be powerful in all

signifiers of protests. They did small posing, most of the clip the adult females were

processing in the streets or standing in voting lines, local or national. As Alice

Paul one time said, ? We are adult females with legs and voices. We are non contending to sit

but instead to stand beside a adult male and project our ballot. ( Dubois 826 ) ? It was the

Movement? s way to the polls which was to be the talk for many old ages, merely

because it was a conflict of words without force. A conflict which for many was

won by 1000s declining to travel out of the lines to vote, declining to allow things

remain the same as they have been for old ages merely merely because that is the manner

of the old ages. The passing of the Nineteenth Amendment allowed adult females to now

base as those people non merely egaul to work forces in the eyes of God but equal in the

sight of jurisprudence. ( Kraditor 67 ) ? ? We are a squad of organisers formed from one

strong set ; bonded to each other to lift above those who enpail us to became

those who we have merely long to go over great time. ? This quotation mark by

Marguerite Higgins shows that the organisation of adult females was non missing but

instead spliting with energy and ready to contend.

? Wordss are our nutrient, so allow us eat. ? The adult females? s motion would be

nil with out great talkers such as Stanton, Anthony, Gage, Blatch, and

many others, to envoke a feeling of pride, a demand for apprehension, and the

ultimate desire to put on the line life and limb for the right to stand egual.
