A Divine Image Rhyme And Rythm Essay

A Divine Image: Rhyme And Rythm Essay, Research Paper

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In & # 8220 ; A Divine Image & # 8221 ; , Blake uses several techniques and literary devices, to convey his ideas about societal unfairness, inhuman treatment and human nature, Rhyme and beats are two of the chief characteristics in this verse form this verse form is the beat affect the whole temper, tone and significance of the verse form. The poet has chosen different methods to give the verse form specific sounds that affect the gait and construction of the beat.

The construction of the first stanza helps us understand the relationships between the four facets of human nature presented, inhuman treatment, green-eyed monster, panic and secretiveness. The first and 3rd lines start with the chief word, while in the 2nd and 4th 1s the words come preceded by the word & # 8220 ; And & # 8221 ; . This makes the reader connect inhuman treatment with panic and green-eyed monster with secrecy automatically. We can detect that the emphasis of the lines in this first stanza falls onto the chief word, giving an stressing consequence. Unlike many other Blake verse forms, such as & # 8220 ; The Tyger & # 8221 ; or & # 8220 ; The Lamb & # 8221 ; we can non happen riming pairs in this stanza, but the rhyming and emphasizing consequence is adequate for the reader to bind the thoughts together. This consequence is strengthened by the repeat of the word & # 8220 ; human & # 8221 ; in every line and the repeat of the & # 8220 ; y & # 8221 ; stoping sounds in lines one, two and four.

The construction of the 2nd stanza differs from the construction of the first 1. We notice that each of the lines provide an & # 8220 ; answer & # 8221 ; in a & # 8220 ; symmetrical & # 8221 ; manner to each one in the first stanza. This construction can besides be found in & # 8220 ; The Lamb & # 8221 ; . This gives the feeling to the reader that the verse form is a closed circle, stoping were it started. On a deeper degree, this manner of structuring can stand for the inflexibleness and stiffness of these negative homo facets, like immoveable objects buried deep inside human nature. We can see that the most outstanding rhythmical characteristic of this stanza is highlighting. In fact, every line of the verse form has the word & # 8220 ; human & # 8221 ; in it. This inordinate repetitiousness, together with the features described, leads the reader to render them entirely human, the consequence of our rational high quality over nature. The emphasis of the lines autumn in the word & # 8220 ; human & # 8221 ; in every instance in the 2nd stanza, achieved by the foreground processing device.

The repeat of the harmonic sounds plays a really of import portion

in the beat of the 2nd stanza. We notice that the harmonic sound most often repeated is the “f” sound, a crisp and acute one, for illustration in “ ? is forged iron” , “ ? organize a ardent forge” or “ ? face a furnace sealed” . This repetitiousness of the “f” sound together with the image of a furnace and Fe being forged, suggests a really strong image of fire that affects the tone and temper of the verse form. The flood tide of this image is achieved in the 3rd lines when the image of the furnace is presented. Interestingly enough we can happen apposition of the words “face” and “furnace” as these don’t normally go together, for the heat of a furnace would fire someone’s face. This suggests the slightly helter-skelter human nature mentioning to jealousy. Blake uses this image to explicate that green-eyed monster does nil more than injury the individual that feels it, as if he was seting his face onto a furnace.

When we reach the last line of the verse form, we find the first perfect rime, giving it a much more intense and unexpected stoping. Because the thoughts in the 2nd stanza are developed in a form, from smaller to larger, ( Fe, forge, furnace, gorge ) the reader can partner off up once more these feelings and can conceive of which 1 is a effect of the other. Blake provinces that the effect of inhuman treatment is panic, and that secretiveness is the consequence of green-eyed monster. When we go back we notice that the verse form & # 8217 ; s beat and absence of rime can be seen as a & # 8220 ; foreword & # 8221 ; to the last line. The image of fire suggested by the rhythmical repeat of the & # 8220 ; f & # 8221 ; sound remains while the image of the gorge is presented. Together with the & # 8220 ; orge & # 8221 ; sound in this last word and the word & # 8220 ; forge & # 8221 ; , an image of an enclosed and at bay fire, firing every bit hot as the 1 in a furnace is created. The human bosom becomes the searing gorge, like firing flesh, an undoubtedly powerful and impressive manner of completing the verse form after the repetitiousness of the old lines.

In decision, the rime produced by the emphasis given to the words at regular intervals, the choice of these words harmonizing to their sounds and attendant effects and the absence of rime until the last line of the verse form where a sudden and impressive stoping is pictured are the kernel of the verse form, which would non be capable of conveying the thoughts of the poet so clearly and accurately to the reader if absent, and are so the whole point of the verse form.
