Advances By Way Of War Essay Research


Progresss by Way of War

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War is a really good manner for our society to progress its thoughts and engineering. War lets leaders with newideas rise to power, gives them resources to work with and stimulates a aggressiveness to make the end before the other side does, this aggressiveness frequently ends with success.

I & # 8217 ; ll utilize WW2 as a example.Some events, thoughts, and technological progresss that occured between the old ages 1940-1946 or were the consequences of events during WW2.

In 1946 the first computing machine was made.In the haste to crush German scientists the Manhattan Project succeded in making the first atomic bomb, from a secret source the Sovietss learned the secrets of how to do a atomic bomb, due to this the cold war was initiated and the two states, with greater ardor than earlier tried to derive a advantage over the other. They proceeded to do arms of greater

devastation than of all time earlier. On all planes the defensive and violative power was accelerated. The H bomb, chemicals and lifelessly virii, the race to infinite, adult male on the Moon, Fidel Castro, and many other progresss in computing machines and other countries were a direct merchandise of this.

During the war: In 1942 the first atomic reactor was created, in 1944 Deoxyribonucleic acid ( Deoxyribonucleic Acid ) was discovered, the United Nations was assembled in 1945, V-1 and V-2 projectiles and other great arms of war were created, and itgenerally advanced the universe.

Wars can merely progress so far before they do more devastation than good. Right now we have adequate atomic firepower to destruct the universe many times over. If atomic and atomic, chemical and biological arms are non restricted the following universe war ( WW3 ) will certainly ensue in close entire devastation, and possibly even armaggedon.

