Ancient Rome: Pivotal Civilization in World History Essay Sample

Ancient Rome is a polar civilisation in universe history. Rome borrowed from other states. while other states borrowed from it. For case. the United States of America borrowed from Rome. and Rome borrowed from the Greeks.

Rome borrowed many things. Most of which was from the Greeks. From the Greeks they borrowed Gods. The Romans’ Gods hold the same features as Grecian Gods. but have different names. In some cases. they have the same name such as Apollo. Romans besides borrowed dramas from the Greeks. The Greeks invented Western play. Western play evolved to tragedy and comedy. Both genres were adapted by the Romans. The Romans besides did non merely come up with the thought of the republic themselves. They “borrowed” that thought from the Grecian city state of Athens.

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While Rome was borrowing from the Greeks. the United States of America was busy adoption from them. They borrowed linguistic communication from the Romans. Some words are still used today. A few of the words still used today would be cardiology. neurology. position quo. alto. soprano. paediatricss. et cetera ( etc. ) . Idaho Eastern Time. ( i. e. ) . and many more. The United States of America besides borrowed many technology tips from the ancient Romans. Examples of those things would be concrete. roads. dome ceilings. cloacas. heated floors. and H2O power. Without the adoption from the ancient Romans. many things known today would non be here. Many other states besides borrowed from ancient Rome. The most common thought borrowed from ancient Romans was architecture.

Ancient Rome has an of import place in universe history. Ancient Rome went from being a little small town in Italy to an imperium that encompassed most of Europe. It created many characteristics to alter itself and the universe around it. Without ancient Rome and their achievements. there is a great opportunity that the universe would be a much different topographic point than we know today.

Ancient Rome is a polar civilisation in universe history as it borrowed from other states. while other states borrowed from it. Ancient Rome borrowed from ancient Greece. the United States of America. and many other states borrowed from ancient Rome.
