Bush 2

Bush & # 8217 ; s State Of The Union Essay, Research Paper

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Essay 3.01 portion 4

Recently, President Bush gave his State of the Union Address to Congress. Throughout his address, he makes a solid instance for the farther fusion of America throughout these rough times. He makes a really strong statement for the revenge of the actions committed against America. However, when he speaks of conveying the terrorists to justness, his statement hesitations. He has made a headlong opinion with small cogent evidence when he foremost began his statement.

Bush besides presented a really strong statement in support America & # 8217 ; s unification procedure. He speaks of the American people and what he has already witnessed in past hebdomads, such as the lighting of tapers, the supplications of Americans, the spring of pecuniary support. He builds his instance that America is good and what America is making right now is good. He so goes on to talk of all of the immoralities that the terrorist groups have committed, and how the Taliban hatreds and oppresses even its ain people, & # 8220 ; The Afghanistan people have been brutalized ; many are hungering and have fled. Womans are non allowed to go to school. You can be arrested for having a telecasting. Religion can be practiced merely as their leader & # 8217 ; s dictate. A adult male can be jailed at that place if his face fungus is excessively long. & # 8221 ; President Bush portions this information in an attempt to demo merely how evil the government in Afghanistan is. In so making, it serves to indicate out the differences between the Americans and those from Afghanistan.

This statement is further strengthened by his account of how these people hate us merely for our manner of life. Their end is to wholly destruct the manner that we live. Bush provinces, & # 8220 ; They hate what we see right here in this chamber a democratically elective authorities. . . they hate our freedom of address, our freedom to vote and to piece and to differ with each other. & # 8221 ; In this statement Bush is doing it clear that they hate Americans and all of the values that America stands for. In kernel he is giving us a ground to detest them every bit good and fueling the fires of war.

Bush & # 8217 ; s statement was solid in doing the point that America is non assailing all Muslims, but merely this one religious order of the faith. Bush provinces:

We respect your religion & # 8230 ; Its instructions are good and peaceable, and those who commit immoralities in the name of Allah blasphemes the name of Allah & # 8230 ; The enemy is non our Muslim friends ; it is non our Arab friends. Our enemy is a extremist web of terrorists and every authorities that supports them.

This statement serves two maps. It Allows the remainder of the Arab universe to cognize that America is non at war with them and it besides serves to allow Americans cognize that American Muslims are non our enemy. This helps in uniting America because it aids in film overing the lines of race and faith that have become really clear for many Americans since the onslaught took topographic point. Hate offenses have become a common topographic point over the past few hebdomads and have merely farther driven a cuneus in the fusion of America.

Bush & # 8217 ; s statement that it was the Al Qaeda that committed these degree Celsiuss

frosts comes off being rather weak. There is no grounds that to the full supports that it was that terrorist group that committed the onslaught on America. He states in his address that, “The grounds we have gathered all points to a aggregation of slackly attached terrorists known as Al Qaeda.” In his address, he does non advert any of this alleged grounds that leads to the belief that it was definitively this group. In all actuality, it could hold been any figure of terrorist groups throughout the universe that committed this act. It has been said that the Prime Minister of Britain has incontrovertible cogent evidence that it was specifically this organisation that is responsible for the terrorist onslaught. However, the American people have non been allowed to see this cogent evidence. Bush, in this statement, besides references conveying these terrorists to justness. The justness that he speaks of is most surely non the justness system that we follow here in the United States. One of the founding rules of our legal system is the premiss that a individual is guiltless until they are proven to be guilty. In this state, there is a legal procedure that is upheld for everyone who commits a offense. Most Americans would name the Oklahoma City bombing a national calamity, and one in which the first people blamed for that act of force were terrorist groups throughout the universe. We subsequently learned that it was one of our ain citizens who had committed an act of lese majesty against his state. Even he was afforded a just test in this state, and he was found to be guilty. Merely so can we truly say that justness was upheld. In the more recent instance of the towers and the Pentagon, much more circumstantial grounds is being used as cogent evidence for our retaliatory attempts. Is this the American system of justness? There are bombs being dropped abroad that are non merely killing terrorists but guiltless victims. All of this due to a mass of collected circumstantial. This is non what America stands for ; this is clearly non justness. We must hold the cogent evidence in order to back up this action. It’s the American manner.

As tensenesss for war grows in our state Bush, is faced with the many jobs that will attach to war. This address went a long manner to stress the importance of fusion at current. These terrorists are the destroyers of freedoms. They represent everything that we stand against and it is our responsibility to assist free the universe of these people. It is this message that Bush & # 8217 ; s address most strongly conveys. This besides requires the fusion of the state, as does any war. America could non be contending without the support of the American people endorsing it. As a president, it is portion of their occupation to assist unite without feuling that fire of hatred in the state during a war. He helps to ease the hate that is already afflicting this state. Overall, Bush really good carry through what he had set out to carry through in this address. The lone thing that would hold truly strengthened his statement for war would hold been to give more cogent evidence as to why the people we are assailing committed this offense.


Bush, George. & # 8220 ; State of the brotherhood reference & # 8221 ; 2001
