Patterns of Development Essay Sample

Terrorism has easy and clandestinely been on the rise like a monster ominously crawling up behind you so knifing you to decease by surprise. It was turning and going widespread by the twenty-four hours so. 9/11 happened and everyone was shaken and wrought with fright. which was what the terrorists wanted. Everyone could non believe of this impossibleness happening right on American dirt. The United States of America so strengthened their resoluteness to eliminate these terrorist groups and declared a war on panic and fought to support what was done to the state.

As Worthing had stated based on book. “The War against the Terror Masters” by Michael Ledeen. the September 11 terrorist onslaught was partially a failure by U. S. Intelligence. The state has declared war against panic since the clip of President Ford but in the 1970’s. the CIA agents were out to cover with unsavoury characters in the Middle East. Finally. the quality of intelligence deteriorated during Carter’s and Clinton’s disposals. It is really fortunate that America has a president who is really decisive and has firm strong beliefs even when catastrophes happen such as that of 9/11.

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Signs of the growing of these terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda were at that place and warnings were given by Italians and the Sudanese yet was ignored but when 9/11 happened. Americans have become more argus-eyed and ne’er will disregard any intelligence study thrown their manner. This taught non merely the Americans but all states in the universe that it ne’er pays to be self-satisfied. We have to be ever one measure in front and we have to be kept on our toes since lessons don’t demand to be learned the difficult manner and lives don’t need to be ruined and lost merely so these terrorists could demo their obsessional and fleeting show of power and control over the most powerful state in the universe.


McCuen-Metherell. J. R. & A ; Winkler. A. C. ( Eds. ) . ( 2003 ) . Readings for Writers ( 11Thursdayed. ) .

Heinle-Thomson Learning
