Case Study Health And The Media

Case Study? Health And The Media Essay, Research Paper

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Case Study & # 8211 ; Health and the Media


There are many different groups who would lend to the creative activity of diet runs. Each with their obvious dockets in head, the primary focal point of any organisation is doing net income on gross revenues. Every organisation will seek to make anything in their power to sell their merchandise, whether the diet merchandise plants or non is a secondary concern. Selling is everything in concern and if a company can acquire a catchy jangle or a brassy advertizement so they are rewarded with gross revenues and high gross. Most diet runs feature & # 8220 ; nightlong success & # 8221 ; narratives of fleshy people turning slender in low budget informercials. What sets these companies apart from Jenny Craig and Slim Fast are strictly based on the run efficiency non on the merchandises & # 8217 ; effectivity. Drawn below is a flow chart of groups within a & # 8220 ; weight loss & # 8221 ; company that map in the development of diet runs:


Atkins No Carbohydrate Diet for Weight Loss

What to make:

The Atikins diet program is a low saccharide method. The turning away of saccharides in your diet is structured to maintain your organic structure from adding weight. The method includes eating less than 20 gms of saccharides per twenty-four hours.

Free Meats and Cheeses:

The undermentioned meats and cheeses have no saccharides. Using the Atkins diet program you may eat as much of the undermentioned points as you wish.

Meat Fish Fowl Shellfish Eggs Cheese

Beef Tuna Chicken Oysters Scrambled Aged & A ; Fresh

Pork Salmon Turkey Mussels Fried Cow & A ; Goat

Lamb Sole Duck Clams Poached Cream Cheese

Bacon Trout Goose Squid Soft Boiled Cottage Cheese

Veal Flounder Cornish Hen Shrimp Hard Boiled Swiss

Ham Sardines Quail Lobster Deviled Cheddar

Venison Herring Pheasant Crab

Not Bad Vegetables:

A helping of these salad veggies has 10 % or less of your day-to-day saccharide bound. Therefor you can eat up to three cups of these without concern.

& # 183 ; Lettuce

& # 183 ; Chicory

& # 183 ; Sorrel

& # 183 ; Chivess

& # 183 ; Parsley

& # 183 ; Cucumber

& # 183 ; Radishs

& # 183 ; Fennel

& # 183 ; Peppers

& # 183 ; Celery

& # 183 ; Alfalfa Sprouts

& # 183 ; Mushrooms

& # 183 ; Olives

Other Vegetables:

These veggies have more saccharides than the 1s above. You & # 8217 ; ll want to restrict your consumption of these to approximately 1 cup per twenty-four hours.

& # 183 ; Asparagus

& # 183 ; String beans, wax beans, etc.

& # 183 ; Cabbage

& # 183 ; Beet Greens

& # 183 ; Cauliflower

& # 183 ; Eggplant

& # 183 ; Tomato

& # 183 ; Onion

& # 183 ; Rhubard

& # 183 ; Leeks

& # 183 ; Spinach

& # 183 ; Summer Squash

& # 183 ; Zucchini

& # 183 ; Pumpkin

& # 183 ; Turnips

& # 183 ; Avocado

& # 183 ; Snow Pea Pods

& # 183 ; Collard Greens

& # 183 ; Dandelion Greens

& # 183 ; Broccoli

& # 183 ; Spaghetti Squash

& # 183 ; Celery Root

& # 183 ; Brussel Sprouts

& # 183 ; Artichoke Hearts

& # 183 ; Heartss of Palm

These nutrients are high in saccharides and should be avoided:

& # 183 ; Breads

& # 183 ; Cereals

& # 183 ; Grains

& # 183 ; Sugars

& # 183 ; Candy

& # 183 ; Pasta

& # 183 ; Rice

& # 183 ; Anything with Flour

& # 183 ; Non-diet sodium carbonate

& # 183 ; Juice

& # 183 ; Fruit

& # 183 ; Potato

& # 183 ; French friess

& # 183 ; Alcohol

Canada Food Guide Requirements:

Canada Food Guide Atkins Diet Plan

Grain 5-12 helpings daily

& gt ; i.e. staff of lifes, pasta, pizza, beigel, cereal.

No grain in diet

Vegetables/ Fruit 5-10 helpings daily

i.e. carrots, chou, boodle, orange, apples, grapes. 1 & # 8211 ; 3 cups daily ( No fruits or juice )

i.e. Cucumis sativus, radishes, Apium graveolens dulce, Eggplant.

Milk Products 2-4 helpings daily

i.e. milk, cheese, yogurt Equally much as you want

i.e. Swiss cheese, Cheddar cheese, bungalow cheese.

Meat Alternatives 2-3 helpings daily

i.e. poulet, beef, eggs, fish, beans. Equally much as you want

i.e. beef, porc, lamb, bacon, fish, eggs.

It is obvious to see that the Canada Food Guide has a more healthy and well-balanced program for a alimentary diet so the Atkins program.


Atkins Dietary Plan may work to assist a individual loose weight but hazards are besides apparent. With a low saccharide diet a individual would non hold the energy needed to prolong a healthy working environment for their organic structure. Carbohydrates are the organic structures & # 8217 ; premier beginning of energy, and without them a individual would experience badly tired and unable to carry through strenuous undertakings. Simple carbs are the beginning of speedy energy, found in monosaccharoses ( fruits etc.. ) , polyoses are complex saccharides stored as fat and animal starch. The riddance of grain from the diet would intend eventual impairment of the organic structure. Without the glucose within saccharides, cellular respiration can non happen, this is a critical cell operation and indispensable to our working organic structures. The Atkins program may be excessively terrible for my liking but so are anorexia and binge-eating syndrome, and people are still holding these upsets. Like my ma ever says, & # 8216 ; utmost people have extreme ways & # 8217 ; .


Fad diets are popular in society for many grounds. Peoples have a inclination to desire to suit in and look good by society & # 8217 ; s criterions. If this means being slender, people will seek to conform to this quality and those that lack it will be looked down upon. The universe we live in today is barbarous and unfair to those that are different, and fleshy persons are viewed and labeled as different. No 1 wants to be different in that sense, so people will seek anything that will alter them into being the & # 8220 ; norm & # 8221 ; . Fad diets are besides put into topographic point because of the inauspicious consequence of the media on society. Every channel you flip excessively, every magazine you read is filled with the ideal persons of the universe, who everyone wants and wants to be. With these images of flawlessness, those who are far from & # 8220 ; flawlessness & # 8221 ; come to believe they need to go it and that & # 8217 ; s where the job arises. Everyone is non meant to be scraggy, everyone is non meant to be smart, everyone is non meant to be cool. We & # 8217 ; rhenium made, as alone persons who are NOT the same as the mean Joe. But we as a society have came to the impression that we need to be ace theoretical accounts to be accepted, traveling against the very fibre of our individualism. These problems of society can be blamed entirely on the media and the influences it has upon us. Our society is different so those of others across the universe. For illustration societies of the tribal people of cardinal Africa are the exact antonym of what we claim as normal. There, people do non care about their apparels, the manner of their hair or the size of their waists. They are for the most portion a low people, non disputing with themselves over these fiddling qualities. They live simple lives and unrecorded to last non to be cool. I believe this is true due to the fact that these people do non hold media or an almighty presence that tells them what they should and shouldn & # 8217 ; t be. They are left entirely to populate as people have for 1000000s of old ages, and they are better off so we are. We have no 1 else to fault but our media and ourselves for these sham craze diets and folly

