Creative Writing Descriptive Essay Essay Research Paper

Creative Writing Descriptive Essay Essay, Research Paper

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The infinite range of an over-populated beach in a hot, Southern California summer in shrouded with a cold, dark shadow of vacancy and eerie forsaking when the Winter months descend to sterilise the one time human-contaminated shoreline.

The hot, giving Sun that stays tardily in the eventide, about like a smiling friend that you would ne’er desire to go forth. The same bright, personal heat that makes people bask the out-of-doorss, ritualistically ruling the pleasant, moist air, becomes minute and distant. The yearss get shorter, as if the Sun felt like the land he regulations over has lost the grasp for their life giving swayer. The male monarch dismisses himself early in disgust.

The warm ocean, that one time gave home ground to board riders, jet skis, and swimmers of all ages, inverts to a cold foam of crestless waves. This cold wash of polar current is more than adequate to deter any psyche from even puting pes near the cold tide. Where moving ridges broke swimmingly and with great elegance now becomes a big, rugged clang of rough, windswept H2O. The angry ocean becomes unwanted and intolerable.

The lone splinter that juts out into the sea, T

he pier nests the staying few, retentive fishermen, and their opposite numbers, the bird sanctuaries of the ocean, sea gulls. These birds wait alongside their buddies, about arrogantly anticipating a bit of pilchard or mackerel to be hurled their manner. In the warmer months, Rollerblades, beach-cruiser bikes, and ice pick sellers turned the wharf from a field, concrete, construction into an outcropping finger of life that extended from land to the ocean.

From the summer to the winter, the kaleidoscopic prism of towels, bathing suits, and umbrellas vanish into a cover of farinaceous khaki-colored pulverization with merely the krish-krish of footmarks left in its salty fell. The kids that built the sandcastles that made us halt half-way through our parade down the shore to look up to the intricate beauty, are now occupied with scientific discipline undertakings, math, and spelling trials. The sun-bleached, virgin, sand that is left to enjoy in the waste winter Sun squishes between the toes of two, lone residents as they rapidly escape the numbing slurry of boom,

deafening breaker that approached. The twosome proceed on, keeping custodies as they disappear, like the heat and comfort of summer that binds everybody to the beach, dissolves into the skyline.
