Critical Analysis Of Steinbeck

& # 8217 ; s Of Mice And Men Essay, Research Paper

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In Steinbeck & # 8217 ; s & # 8220 ; Of Mice and Men & # 8221 ; the characters struggle with solitariness and loss of dreams. These subjects are highlighted by the usage of analogues that tie the novel together. The relationship between Candy and his Canis familiaris analogues that which exists between George and Lennie. There are besides analogues between the castawaies and Lennie which emphasize the hurting of lonliness. The opening scene mirros the concluding scene.

The relationship between Candy and his Canis familiaris analogues that which exists between George and Lennie. To the work forces who live in the bunkhouse, Candy & # 8217 ; s Canis familiaris is nil more than a & # 8220 ; dragfooted sheep Canis familiaris, grey of muzzle, & # 8230 ; with picket, blind old eyes, & # 8221 ; ( p. 24 ) but Candy sees him as a comrade. To George, Lennie is more than a & # 8220 ; large cat & # 8221 ; ( p. 25 ) who can & # 8217 ; t talk for himself. On the spread Lennie is suspected to be of no value because of his deficiency of intelligence, and Candy & # 8217 ; s Canis familiaris is thought to be of no importance because he has no dentition, can barely see and can & # 8217 ; t eat. The Canis familiaris is & # 8220 ; no good to [ Candy ] & # 8221 ; ( p. 44 ) and he is & # 8220 ; no good to himself & # 8221 ; ( p. 44 ) . After Lennie kills Curley & # 8217 ; s married woman, he & # 8217 ; s no good to George or himself. Carlson & # 8217 ; s Luger, which is used to hit Candy & # 8217 ; s Canis familiaris in the dorsum of the caput, is besides used by George to hit Lennie in the dorsum of the caput. Slim had said earlier that he wished & # 8220 ; person & # 8217 ; d shoot [ him ] if [ he ] got old an & # 8217 ; a cripple & # 8221 ; ( p. 45 ) and he besides acknowledges that George has to hit Lennie, stating him that he & # 8220 ; hadda & # 8221 ; ( p.107 ) . Both Candy & # 8217 ; s

Canis familiaris and Lennie are killed out of love. Candy feels that his Canis familiaris no longer needs to endure and George ne’er wants Lennie to endure for a offense he did non intend to perpetrate.

The analogues that exist between the castawaies and Lennie emphasize the rough hurting of solitariness. Crooks tries to close out another castaway, stating Lennie that & # 8220 ; [ he ] ain & # 8217 ; T wated in the bunkhouse and [ Lennie ] ain & # 8217 ; T wanted in [ his ] room & # 8221 ; ( p. 68 ) . Curley & # 8217 ; s married woman, an castaway herself, sees Crooks, Lennie, and Candy as & # 8220 ; a nigga an & # 8217 ; a dum-dum and a icky ol & # 8217 ; sheep & # 8221 ; ( p. 78 ) , but she is non even wanted there with them. All the castawaies have been left at the spread while the other go into town. This farther shows their separation from all the spread.

The opening scene of the book mirrors its concluding scene. In the get downing the pastoral settin symbolizes the chance and hope that prevarication before George and Lennie, while at the terminal of the narrative the composure scene is a contemplation of a discovery of Eden. Lennie & # 8217 ; s blissful ignorance is present both times. A Hero and a periscope-like serpent are at that place in the beginning and the terminal. George speaks of his life off the fat of the land in both cases to lenify Lennie. The coney motive is seen in the beginning and the terminal, but its significance has turned. In the gap Lennie wants to be given coneies, and in the terminal the elephantine coney crushes his dreams by stating him that he is non good plenty. The opening scene is an exact contemplation of the shutting scene, yet this clip the dream has been crushed.
