Critically Evaluate Erikson

& # 8217 ; s Psychosocial Theory Essay, Research Paper

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Erik Erickson is perchance the best known of Sigmunds Freud & # 8217 ; s many followings. He

grew up in Europe and spent his immature grownup life under the way of Freud. In 1933

when Hitler rose to power in Germany, Erikson emigrated to the United States and

began learning at Harvard University. His clinical work and surveies were based on

kids, college pupils, victims of combat weariness during World War two, civil

rights workers, and American Indians. It was these surveies which led Erikson to

believe that Freud misjudged some of import dimensions of human development.

Throughout this essay, Erikson & # 8217 ; s psychosocial theoretical account will be explored,

discussed and evaluated interms of it & # 8217 ; s constructs, theories and premises. The

theoretical underpinning will be discussed with mention to the nature versus raising

argument and besides the continuity versus discontinuity statement. It will so be shown

how Erikson has influenced the manner psychologists view the importance of individuality

during striplings. First, nevertheless, Erikson & # 8217 ; s work will be put alongside that of

Freud & # 8217 ; s to set up an apprehension of the footing from which it came.

Erikson & # 8217 ; s psychosocial theoretical account was to a great extent influenced by Freud, and portions a

figure of cardinal thoughts. For illustration, both Freud and Erikson agree that every

person is born with a figure of basic inherent aptitudes, that development occurs through

phases, and that the order of these phases is influenced by biological ripening

( Sigelman, and Shaffer 1992 ) . Erikson besides believes, as did Freud, that personality has

three constituents: the Idaho, the self-importance, and the superego. Therefore it is just to state that

Erikson is a psychoanalytic theoretician.

However, Erikson does reason that societal and cultural influences have a critical

function in determining human development, and less significance should be placed on the function

of sexual impulses. Freud did observe nevertheless, that societal agents such as parents should be

regarded as of import, but it is Erikson who highlights the forces within a much

broader societal environment, including equals, instructors and schools which are extremely

of import harmonizing to Erikson. Erikson, so, moves more towards the & # 8216 ; nurture & # 8217 ; side

of the nature & # 8211 ; raising argument than did Freud, sing raising as every bit of import in

development. This & # 8216 ; nurture & # 8217 ; mentality highlights the accent on environmental forces

within Erikson & # 8217 ; s theoretical account. Experiences in life, alterations achieved through acquisition, the

influence of methods of kid raising, social alterations and civilization all have an

exceptionally of import function on human development harmonizing to Erickson.

In add-on, Erikson & # 8217 ; s theory encompasses the whole of the human life-span,

sketching the phases that occur, which will be looked at more closely subsequently on. Erikson

besides regards the person as holding duty during each phase of development

and that they besides have the chance to accomplish a positive and healthy declaration to

the & # 8216 ; crisis & # 8217 ; experienced. Erikson, hence, puts less accent on the Idaho and alternatively

topographic points more accent on the self-importance. In his position, human existences are rational animals

who & # 8217 ; s ideas, feelings, and actions are mostly controlled by the self-importance and it is the

self-importance & # 8217 ; s development in which he is interested in.

Before we go any farther it is of import to look at Erikson & # 8217 ; s psychosocial

theoretical account in more item in order to understand the undermentioned rating.

Erikson & # 8217 ; s theoretical account consists of eight phase of development, with each phase

blossoming as the person goes through the life rhythm. Each phase consists of a & # 8216 ; crisis & # 8217 ;

that must be confronted. The term epigenetic rule was used by Erikson to depict

the procedure that guides development through the life rhythm. Within this it is urged that

everything that grows has a bluish print, each holding a particular clip of dominance, until

all of the parts have arisen to organize a & # 8216 ; functional whole & # 8217 ; ( Siglemann and Shaffer 1992 ) .

It has been attained that Erikson & # 8217 ; s psychosocial theoretical account consists of eight phases

of development which continue thoughout the life-span of an person. This thought of

& # 8216 ; discontinuity & # 8217 ; suggests that development occurs via a series of disconnected alterations that

develop from one phase to another. Presumably Erikson believes that an person

experiences a rapid period of alteration and reorganization before being elevated to a new

and more advanced phase of development. Continuity theorists nevertheless, would reason

that human development is a procedure that occurs in little stairss, without sudden

alteration. Physical growing and linguistic communication development, for illustration, demo smooth,

gradual and uninterrupted growing. But Erikson does non wholly govern out this statement.

He suggests that experiences in the early phases have a bearing on the experiences in

the ulterior phases, this indicates that earlier and later development are connected in such

off as to propose continuity. Erikson besides stresses the importance of environmental

influences which would put the accents on uninterrupted development, nevertheless, he

besides highlights the influential function of ripening in the growing sequence ( as highlighted

before ) . This suggests that Erikson did non ally himself with either utmost point of

position. He recognised that some facets of development are uninterrupted, whereas others

demo stage-like features. What Erikson has produced is a sequence of critical

periods in the human life rhythm. However, he did non connote that the crisis was by any

agencies ruinous, but that they represent important developments in which a decisive

bend, one manner or another is ineluctable ( Stevens 1983 ) .

Eriksons psychosocial theoretical account is really generalized and he himself acknowledged

that no effort was made to follow the differences in self-importance development between the

sexes. Erikson justifies this determination by reasoning that beyond childhood there are no

consistent differences between the development of work forces and adult females. It has besides been

suggested that the theoretical account lacks rigour ( Stevens 1983 ) , as the behavior and

constituents are non easy to stipulate exactly and they are frequently ill-defined. Some have

criticised the imbrication of the phases, though this may reflect the manner things truly

are instead than any insufficiency in the history. As mentioned during the debut,

Erikson & # 8217 ; s theoretical account was based on his clinical work and surveies of people from all phases of

life, which provided first-class entree to adumbrate inside informations of their life experiences.

However, Erikson accepted the possibility that due to this, his theory could be category or

civilization edge and actively pursued to rectify that averment via his anthropological


s and seminars to discourse and compare the forms of the life rhythm in societies

other than his ain. In ulterior Hagiographas, Erikson goes on to intensify his part to our

apprehension of the life rhythm in two peculiar ways. One is represented by his

biographical surveies of the lives of specific persons. The other, which will be

considered following, is to lucubrate in greater item on the issue which foremost come to

& # 8216 ; dominance & # 8217 ; ( Stevens 1983 ) , as we become big, individuality.

Erikson believed that adolescence was a clip of major alteration. It was he who

characterised adolescence as a & # 8216 ; critical period in the life long procedure of organizing one & # 8217 ; s

individuality & # 8217 ; ( Sileman and Shaffer pp315 ) . The construct of individuality is a consistent subject

throughout Erikson & # 8217 ; s work and there are several grounds why it assumes so much

importance for Erikson, one of which is it & # 8217 ; s significance in modern life. Harmonizing to

Erikson the nature of society will reflect in the psychological jobs

characteristically experienced by the members of that society ( Stevens 1983 p59 ) . In

today & # 8217 ; s society, Erikson claims, identity confusion is the most of import issue.

Harmonizing to Erikson, during his & # 8216 ; individuality versus individuality confusion & # 8217 ; phase, striplings

are faced with happening out who they are and where they are traveling in life. Many new

functions are being explored and parents must let their kid to to the full make so in a healthy

mode, which will assist get at a positive individuality. However if an individuality is imposed

upon the stripling and they are non allowed to research for themselves, so & # 8216 ; individuality

confusion reigns & # 8217 ; ( Santrock 1992 ) . Some persons may retreat or turn to drugs

and intoxicant to alleviate anxiousness.

There are a figure of good grounds why Erikson & # 8217 ; s theory may be right, and

an persons sense of individuality may alter well through adolescence. It is this

period of the life rhythm that physical alterations occur, which will impact an persons

organic structure image or sense of physical ego. Besides during this period a form of sexual

relationships demands to be decided upon while social outlooks urge a immature individual

to do some pick of career.

However, this back uping grounds merely highlights that Erikson & # 8217 ; s thoughts were

non obtained via any large-scale study & # 8217 ; s, they were infact merely based on his ain

observations, and his clinical pattern. Therefore they require the grounds and support

of empirical findings to detect when a sense of individuality is really achieved. The

most thorough effort to make this was made by James Marcia ( 1966 ) , after he

developed a interview technique to asses & # 8216 ; individuality position & # 8217 ; . Within the interview

inquiries associating to business, faith, political belief and attitudes to sexual countries

would be asked, and depending upon the replies an person would be placed into

one of four groups. These groups are: diffusion ( or confusion ) , where the person

has non yet started believing about individuality earnestly, foreclosure, where a committedness

has been made but without traveling through a crisis, moratorium, where the person is

traveling through a & # 8216 ; crisis & # 8217 ; , and eventually accomplishment, where the person has been

through the & # 8216 ; crisis & # 8217 ; and has reached a declaration.

A figure of surveies have been undertaken utilizing Marcia & # 8217 ; s strategy and one in

peculiar is of great involvement. Meilman ( 1979 ) , performed a cross-sectional survey on

12-24 twelvemonth old males. It was discovered that merely over half of the topics had reached

individuality accomplishment at 24 old ages. Therefore this shows that individuality accomplishment must

travel on into maturity. O & # 8217 ; Connell ( 1976 ) , found similar forms when he carried out

retrospective interviews with married adult females who had school age kids. These

adult females described how their individuality became more apparent to themselves as they

progressed though their life, from acquiring married, to happening a occupation, to holding kids.

These findings suggest that individuality development is non so strongly focused in

adolescence as Erikson believes.

The work on individuality position and it & # 8217 ; s try to trap down Erikson & # 8217 ; s thoughts has

shown some interesting findings but can be criticised on three counts. First, it is non

the instance that adolescents see the moratorium position in different subject countries at

the same clip. It is apparent that at a individual point in clip, one content country ( e.g.

spiritual belief ) , may be stable while another country of life determination ( e.g. gender ) , is in

crisis. Second, a crisis can happen at any point in clip during big life, but individuality

development is rather outstanding in the early grownup old ages ( Cowie and Smith 1996 ) .

Finally, it has been discovered that for most immature people, most of the clip & # 8216 ; alterations

in individuality are gradual & # 8217 ; ( Cowie and Smith 1996 ) , and are non restricted to individual

stage-like experiences. It would hence look that the position classs are non

such a utile tool for adequately measuring individuality as first expected.

In decision, Erikson & # 8217 ; s work is a direct descendant of Freudian theory. He

does non seek to redefine the basicss of depth psychology but alternatively enrich, clear up

and widen it by taking into history the importance of civilization and historical context & # 8217 ; s.

Erikson was besides able to exemplify the nature of their influence on single individuality.

However, this is non without unfavorable judgment, many of which have been mentioned earlier.

Some are comparatively minor, such as the considerable similarities in the context of his

books, but more serious is the possibility of cultural prejudice. Although he recognised that

his conceptualization of individuality and the life rhythm were centred in modern Western

society, he still used them in state of affairss where they may non hold been applicable in the

same manner ( Stevens 1983 ) . So what is it so, that Erikson has produced? It is barely

comparable to the biological and natural scientific disciplines with their demands of preciseness,

replicability and testable hypothesis. Therefore the theory is best regarded, to follow his

ain words, as & # 8216 ; a tool to believe with & # 8217 ; instead than & # 8216 ; a prescription to stay by & # 8217 ; ( Stevens

1983 ) .



Cowie. H, & A ; Smith. P. K. ( 1996 ) , & # 8216 ; Understanding Children & # 8217 ; s Development & # 8217 ; ( 2nd Ed ) ,

Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

Rice. F. P, ( 1998 ) , & # 8216 ; Title Human development: a life-span attack & # 8217 ; ( 3rd Ed ) ,

London, Hall International.

Santrock. J. W, ( 1992 ) , & # 8216 ; Title Life-span development & # 8217 ; ( 4th Ed ) , Iowa, W.C. Brown.

Sigelman. C. K. & A ; Shaffer. D. R. ( 1991 ) , & # 8216 ; Life-span Human development & # 8217 ; , U.S.A,

Wadsworth, Inc.

Stevens. R, ( 1983 ) , & # 8216 ; Erik Erikson & # 8217 ; , Great Britain, Open University Press.
