
A western Europe artistic and literary motion ( 1916-23 ) that sought the find of reliable world through the abolishment of traditional civilization and aesthetic signifiers.

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Pour introduire l’id & # 233 ; e de folie passag & # 232 ; rhenium en mal de scandale et de publicit & # 233 ; d’un isme nouveau si commonplace, avec lupus erythematosus manque de s & # 233 ; rieux hostel & # 233 ; & # 224 ; Ces sortes de manifestations, les journalistes nomm & # 232 ; rent Dada & # 239 ; sme Ce que l’intensit & # 233 ; d’un art nouveau leur rendit impossible compr & # 233 ; hension et puissance de s ‘ & # 233 ; lever & # 224 ; l’abstraction, la magie d’une word ( DADA ) , les ayant myocardial infarction, ( par SA simplicit & # 233 ; de ne rien signifier ) devant La porte d’un monde Pr & # 233 ; sent, vraiment trop strong suit & # 233 ; ruption pour leur habitude de se tirer facilement d’affaire.

— Note au Manifeste DADA, 1918, in DADA, R & # 233 ; feeling… , p. 54.

Dada ( Gallic: “ hobby-horse ” ) , nihilistic motion in the humanistic disciplines that flourished chiefly

in Zurich, New York City, Berlin, Cologne, Paris, and Hannover, Ger. in the early 20th century. Several explanations have been given by various members of the movement as to how it received its name. According to the most widely accepted account, the name was adopted at Hugo Ball’s Cabaret (Cafe) Voltaire, in Zurich, during one of the meetings held in 1916 by a group of young artists and war resisters that included Jean Arp, Richard Hulsenbeck, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco, and Emmy Hennings; when a paper knife inserted into a French-German dictionary pointed to the word dada, this word was seized upon by the group as appropriate for their anti-aesthetic creations and protest activities, which were engendered by disgust for bourgeois values and despair over World War I. A precursor of what was to be called the Dada movement, and ultimately its leading member, was Marcel Duchamp, who in 1913 created his first ready-made (now lost), the “Bicycle Wheel,” consisting of a wheel mounted on the seat of a stool.
